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Finally! Goodie Pack one day late, but a pretty fun one to have done. Newman-san here.

Here's the link:


We are really really close to our first "The Mystery of Shagworthy's Legacy" public build release (that's the Scooby game. I dunno, seemed a good title at the moment :D) We tried to release it with this month's GP, but there was a few details to polish. Delux-O people have been playing the build already, but we're sharing the final 0.01 alpha with everyone really soon.

I hope you enjoy this month's pics. I'm having a lot of fun working on Scoob and Ben X these days, being able to focus and having more time to check your crazy Discord suggestions. 

And by the way, we immensely appreciate your continued support. Even these days when a lot of creators are losing patrons, you guys not only haven't bailed, but you are actually actively promoting the game. We couldn't have hoped for better fans. You guys fucking rock.

Next: Scooby's first public build! Be safe out there,





Is there a possible new version of Ben X in the near future?

Brian Renfro

I would also like to know.


how do i put this into my file i have?


i'm having trouble downloading this. Are there more links?


Sorry, man, I was in bed. It's really late here! XD I'll send you the link via PM first thing tomorrow


Newman, may I get the link to your Discord channel, please? I believe I don't have it.


Fixed the Discord link in my intro, but here it is as well: https://discord.gg/zpE5DCe