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Hey guys, cool dude Newman here (finally)

We've just passed a bit of a hot spot (the worst heat wave I can remember round these here parts), followed by some rain (floods which dragged cars and bridges with them). This has been -as you can imagine- a bit distracting (living Hell) so I have been focusing on trying to survive the whole thing rather than on writing the script.

This sucks, but good news is after the rain the heat's gone! This pleases me. Also soothes my mind so I can work. Bottom line is sorry for the delay, got my shit together, I'm back on the fray. More posts soon!





Heat is no joke. Please be careful, and keep being awesome.

Maurice Webster

In NY they had to cut power in places for a couple hours a few times because the heat was damaging stuff


I saw! It was pretty nice how nobody decided it was the Rapture and started killing people. I love NY.

Lance Rayborn

I now how hot it can get i wood love. to Live in NY but live in LA the heat can kill Because it gave me heatstroke it is always hot in summertime get up to 105 degrees all i'm saying keep cool