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Hey everyone! Just your purveyor of cartoon filth Newman here, with a very short progress report (and a bit of BG ink).

I've been writing and drawing a bit since we released 0.04c, and with the full list of new stuff in front of me, I can already say the new build is going to be pretty awesome. Lots of scenes, more combat tools... if you liked the previous one, you're probably going to love 0.05. That's all I can say about actual build progress without spoilers.

If you are interested about HOW we are going to do it, keep reading. If you want to keep walking and follow the path to the mysterious castle, turn to page 78.

Here goes. Akanoes and I have changed our approach to new builds a bit. It won't affect you guys in any way, it's just that we have learnt from our organizational mistakes in the last build, and we are doing things a bit better from now on. We still don't want to lose agility or our ability to improvise, and there's 2 of us, so there's no point on going too crazy with the system, so here's what we did. We ended up splitting all of our tasks in 4 blocks: Basics, new features, tweaks and fixes, and testing and release.

We're at our basics stage, writing the script, designing some new content (enemies, Gwen's combat moves), creating the scene build (a new tool to make our work easier), and improving on the old code.

Once this is done, we'll move on to new features: the main art for the story, some UI improvements, coding the new combat, adding the story to the game.

After that, it's tweaks and fixes. We'll add all of the details the game needs to reach the level of quality we like (we're improving Ben's PC, and knowing us, we'll probably end up noticing more stuff that can look or work a bit better) and fixing what needs to be fixed.

And then it's the dreaded testing phase, releasing the patron build, getting your feedback, making everything pretty and shit, and releasing the public build.

Before you ask (and to save you from the guilt of knowing an angel loses its wings and has to become a hobo every time you do), we have internal dates regarding how long phases take, but these are flexible, as we don't know what kind of shit we'll have to face. I can assure you, this is all so next build can be released as soon as possible keeping the same care, attention to detail and coolness-per-second percentages (if not more) we're always aiming for. We'll let you know if the system's a keeper or we have to improve on it.

Thanks for sticking around, guys and gals. More news soon!





This sounds encouraging. I'm excited to see what you guys make! The latest build was just awesome.


Thanks, Kasaix! Let's see if we can make this one even better.


You BG drawings are always on top :D I am more excited to see what you have new in combat XD


Tahnks! It's of course thanks to the originals being already pretty awesome. I just make them a bit more interesting with the inking, some different lighting and easter eggs.