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Hey there fellow pervs! Uncle Newman here with a new progress report:


As you know, we never set fixed release dates. We are really particular about you playing the alphas only when it's at least a full "episode" and when they look and play well, so we never set one in stone just in case we need another week or so till it's "perfect" (yes, we have OCD like that).

That being said, our personal deadline is April.  We thought we would have one in March, but life got in the way. For more details on our personal lives, Discord is the place to find the latest gossip, discuss fine porn gifs and the nature of art and creative freedom in general (all while having the option of being butt-naked and not being judged for it! Suck it, Guggenheim! We are where the shit is at!)

What's been done: Script, more items (including 4 kinds of grenades), improved character expressions, 2 new backgrounds (lab and shower), base building, more scenes with Shar...

What's left: A scene with Shar, a scene with Gwen.  Working spy cam site. Code the story, SFX and music. Have a celebratory biscuit for not having a single bug (unlikely)

Does this mean the next update will be released this month? Very likely. Does this mean it's a release date? Nope. Just kinda.


After all the trouble with the images, we've decided to make our own Ben X website, and post everything there. You'll still get updates and links here, and we won't be showing any Goodie Pack images there, so Patreon is still our nº1 page. We'll just have have a gallery with the kind of naughty stuff we can't post here, the links to the public builds, and MAYBE a few tutorials by Akanoes and myself. Probably a lot of lame dad jokes as well. But if you've been around, you know that was a given, right? I'm talking about Rick-Grimes-and-Coral-level shit. You've been warned.


Can't fucking believe it's 2019 already... but enough about me being old as fuck.

After the release of 0.04, we'll immediately start working on 0.05. That will probably be a much bigger update story-wise, as the main mechanics would have been already coded. That means more characters, more sex scenes, more enemy factions to fight with, and a few surprises for gameplay as well.

That's all for now. Goodie Pack coming soon!



Before you ask, the strip is from  http://extrafabulouscomics.com/  I don't know the guy, but he's a really funny bastard!




Damnit I wanna play this but I wanna see the update too..


Wow ! That's Cool. Can't wait for the release ^_~


*slurp some coffee* when will the 0.4 update will be release?

Peter Jensen

what is your sites name