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It seems we have to change a few things here in Patreon so that we don't go against Patreon's policies. I'll talk to them to know what those changes are, and hopefully we'll be back before we can say "one-eyed snake in the little bunny's hidey-hole" Don't go anywhere!


David Wilson

Hopefully they're nothing incest related, because that isn't the case for this game from what I've played.


We'll see how it goes. I may need to take a LOT of images out, just to be safe. I'm awaiting a response from Patreon. Hopefully they'll be able to help me understand what I am allowed to post and what not.

David Wilson

Could help to make Ben, "Aka Albedo," step-related so you don't have to remove any images. It's a parody have fun with it.


It's nothing to do with incest. It's a copyright issue. And remember that Albedo isn't related to any of the girls!


Thanks, man. Let's hope it gets reviewed soon 👍