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Ok people, Newman here with a new slice of info.

I showed you the girl's stats screen (I made a new UI, but it's basically still same), but for our protagonist, things are a bit different. As you can see, only combat and agility are present. And then, there are those round things under them. Well, those are actually for Ulitimatrix's -the improved version of the Omnitrix- upgrades.

I removed them for now, so you can find them for yourselves in the game.

And... another new addition to the way characters progress on the game. You see those bright bars on each STATS bar? They're prograss milestones that will unlock PERKS specific to that particular bar.

More on PERKS after 0.01 is out.

Talk VERY soon!





going to be a beta or demo soon?


So soon I don't even know if you'll be able to read this message before it happens :D


Alpha 0.01 is almost ready, yes, but here's a demo you can download in the meantime. Link in the COOL LINKS section on the text above

Lego betman

And will there be a Russian?