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Hey there, Newman here with more of that juicy UI goodness you love to hear about

I know, "where's the nakkid people?", but this is important as well. As you know, the protagonist will be able to tell the girls what to wear, unlocking more and more clothing items (from the mundane to the tongue-dropping) as their corruption stat goes up.

I'm currently working on the -already announced- Scooby Doo project with Gunsmoke games, but I wanted to show you this so you see the other game is still getting the love and attention it deserves.

More info soon guys, and remember to drop by Discord if you want to discuss the game with us!

Newman out.



Nikolaj K.

Personally, im atm just looking forward to making gwen not look like... whatever the fuck the show did to her. I really hate how the currently available gwen looks like, even though i know its from the show <_>


Awesome! Different skins, outfits and wardrobe adjustments are always a fun addition to any game!^^


Yeah, I'm kind of obsessed with customization. Kinda your fault actually :D

Patrick McDowell

when update 0.02 tell me, nice cool gwen change


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