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Hey guys, funk soul brother Newman here with news.

Kdot is fixing the build so it works without the combat. I want to reassure those of you who love the idea of fighting with aliens we will add it in the future, but it's delaying the release waaaay too much, so we decided to give you guys something to play instead of getting stuck.

Kdot keeps having shit rain on him in the form of computers breaking, internet failing, family being family and other interesting tidbits of "ain't life just beautiful?", but still he soldiers on, laughing at destiny and giving the finger to despair. Proper heroic stuff.

In the meantime, I'm hoping to have a bit more time this second half of the month to work on more backgrounds and characters for the second alpha (Undertown is coming!) as well as doing some UI bits so it's easier to navigate.

As always, thanks for believing in Ben X. I'll put a good word for you guys to Gwen, Shar, Charmcaster and the others ;) Talk soon!




Joe Johnson

dude this is awesome. Shame you can only access 1 girl so far and the content is so sparse. Are you continuing the project? If so when will we see a more significant update?


Thanks a lot! The idea is for the game to grow into a seriously cool story with 4 main girls to seduce/corrupt plus a few extra scenes with others. The project is very much alive, but a few annoying bugs have slowed us down considerably. Still, we are working on it so hopefully we'll have a 1st Alpha soon!