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Hey there internet one-hand surfers!

As promised, here's the first Goodie Pack  for 2$+ backers. I feel really grateful to you guys, I hope this helps you know how much!

The pack contains:

. A character BIOS, with all the info you need to get to know a character's strenghts and weaknesses!

. 4 awesome sex scene sketches!

. 11 Avatar icons with all the characters I've done so far!

. The Ben X and round X logos!

. The game's icon (different formats)

Here's the MEGA link for the download, I'll send you the key as a Patreon message:


Enjoy this first pack! And by all means, if you are excited for more to come, let me know what you want to see in them! :)


P.D. If you absolutely HATE spoilers, don't look in the sketches folder. You've been warned! XD




And if you have problems accessing the pack, let me know and I'll give you a hand


is the game out yet? and if so, how do i get it?

Aaron James

Your bonus pack caused me to immediately upgrade by pledge from $1 to $2. Do I have to wait till the next payment comes out to get the stuffs?


Yep. All those who changed this month will have to wait a bit more as the link is for processed patrons. You'll get it soon though, don't worry.


How do I get the key to open the file?

Joel Tan

i just became a patron wondering when i could get the deluxe-o goodie pack stuff