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Hey fellow pervs, Newman here.

We are nearing the next goal, and I'll have to fulfill the promises therein -although by a pledging mistake I started doing commissions already, d'oh!-

And so, I ask you this:

What would you guys want in a goodie pack for backers? Discarded sketches, step by step images, logos and avatar images, videos, tutorials...? Ask away!

 I will consider every suggestion. But here's some rules:

- Goodie packs will only be sent to pledgers that go over 2$.

- Extra stuff will be sent to +10$ pledgers.

- Everything will be digital, so don't ask for t-shirts or coffee mugs! (although I have some cool ideas, we still can't afford it)

- They can't slow me down too much! I have two games to make, you  know? :)

- I can't send you anything related to the Sunsetriders7 project unless they allow me to.

- Hmmm and... Nope, that's about it

Talk soon gang, next? A progress report.




Ben training his alien Grandma to be the most perrrfect little cat girl slave. I think this would be interesting due to the fact that she is essentially an energy being witch could make it a beautiful contrast.


She's actually in the game hehe. But I don't mean suggestions for the game. I mean things you want me to send you pledgers. Sketches, maps, tutorials, videos... that kind of thing


Maps are always fun to do so if you want them, you'll get'em! Animations... that'd be for the game, if we can get more pledges. And custom sketches sound like something I'd post in public, not for the goodie pack.


Keep the suggestions coming!

Ai Muhao

Ooh. I think taking an idea from the usual goodies offered with deluxe versions of games works. E.g. artwork, maps, or guides. Especially artwork that wasn't implemented for one reason or another. That way, maybe someone can suggest a way it could work (for use in another project or something). By coincidence, I just opened up my deluxe version of a game, and one thing I think might be interesting would be character profiles. As in a short bio about the character and maybe some insight about why you chose them or explaining tweaks to design or that kind of thing. E.g. "We decided to go with Rook Shar over Julie Yamamoto or Kai Green because of the whole 'total innocent' angle."

Ai Muhao

And a bio would definitely help people who aren't fully versed with the Ben 10 lore. I thought Rook Shar was a gender-bent Rook, for example.


Is it weird that i dont want any art? cause I don't really want spoilers? xD discarded sketches should be safe and maybe some character profiles might be fun or some maps, maybe even some step by step images.. but that might be too spoilery again :P an early view of the map might be fun too although i think i'd prefer some tutorials over all this, maybe one day start my own project :O


An that'd be art turorials, programming, game design...?


Thanks a lot guys! Your game seems really cool, I need to try it sometime :)


Well, If I was going to pick something I'd go with logos, avatar images and maybe some wallpapers would be cool.


Not a bad idea. I will try to do some avatars some day, see if they work