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Ok, this one might be downloadable.

See, I called it, there was a build "i." Might be more. Hopefully not. Btw, just so you guys aren't worried, I have been working on other stuff, I'm well on my way to the next full version, not this month, certainly, but it's in progress. Oh, also this one should add the "Gwen meets Betsy" scene, it was technically in before, but I'd left out the trigger mechanisms. Should work now, and I'll hopefully get that better in subsequent girls.

So, disclaimers out of the way, what does this version contain? It includes Betsy's basic content, including introduction and romantic scenes, basic interactions all over campus, fondling, and hand-related stuff. It does not include BJs, doggy style or front facing sex stuff, etc. If you're able to trigger any of these types of actions, let me know how (they do not have art created yet or completed dialogues, but placeholder versions might be accessible if I didn't firewall them correctly). I also made some changes to how offhand actions work that hopefully won't seem too different just yet, but I believe are for the better.

And sorry again for the delay on this one, I expected to have a lot more done by this point, but if you'd missed it, I had some family medical emergencies starting back in August that constantly limited the time I could spend working. Things have settled down for the past few weeks, the medical situation seems on track for a full recovery, and hopefully I'll be more or less on track for now, but I really appreciate the support and patience you guys have provided over the past several months.

You can download the game files here. Pick the one that matches your operating system, Windows, Mac, or Linux. There is no official Android version. for those that missed the memo last version, the game's file sizes are now too large for Patreon to host directly, so I've been posting them to Mega, sorry for that inconvenience.




its nice that you do all this work, but i do hope your taking some time for yourself.


Thanks, I do try to keep a decent balance going. Also I need to bank up some time for after Final Fantasy comes out. :D

Strategist G Bu Shi

Will give this try, short, hopefully things will be ok and you can focus on others thing for RL and the game. Also, have you decided on Betty's sex position yet? If not, how about going with a side position, like equivalent to what Laura has?

Kerim Alan

https://hizliresim.com/ctaid44 could it cause errors like this because I am using old saves?


Hey Oni, I know you are currently sill debugging and then working on Betsy other stuff but would it maybe possible to spread the appearances of the girls after Laura a little bit? Once Laura comes back you have basicly her, Ororo and Gwen simultaniously. Then the first shower after that triggers Jean. The next night Jubes and i havent found the specific trigger for Betsy but i think all 5 girls that come after Laura in a span less than a week is a little bit much. The first 4 girls are nicely spread and have fix triggers that can be avoided to postpone them (if wanted) but once Laura is back, it gets a little bit out of control in my eyes.


Had some weird interactions where Gwen would pop up as text bubbles and by name when having Betsy in party. I had slept over with Kitty and Betsy in my room with Kitty as the primary interaction for the wake up blowjob and when Betsy would wake up and roll over the text box reported that Gwen had rolled over. I also had this pop up as one off windows where Gwen's pink window would pop up randomly during interactions in public with other girls while in a party with Betsy.


FYI this version is making the game crash every time I ask the girls to pay money for serum, with every girl.


On the Mac version I'm noticing that in the class room the girls are often getting stuck in full view instead of their "seated" pose. I've also noticed, although it might be my imagination, that the girls are incredibly needy. I can't go for a single period without one of them grabbing me by the arm, despite their addiction being low and my own addition rate being at the minimum level.


any way we can get more squirrel girl and mrs.mccoy xmen (female beast)


A few things I've noticed over time. Taking a shower with a girl you have a relationship with, and another girl comes in, and both are prompted to rub up against you, the second girl will have the introduction for "are you into me", which would make sense if you hadn't done anything with her yet, except during this conversation it switches to the first girl too who you might have already triggered this earlier when asking for sex and she gives the same introduction again. Also it tends to be that if the girl you have a relationship with is showering with you, doesn't seem to matter which other girl is in the room or what your relationship is, she will still get involved when your girl rubs up against you when the second girl probably shouldn't or should just leave. Also Jubilees dilemma with the sun, if you offer her the "serum" path and just give it to her, an error pops up, then it skips to "shudders in ecstasy" if you ignore it. One other thing, a lot of the girls are stacking on top of each other in class. Seems to happen after attending class once and then whoever is in the room pops up and stacks on top of each other.


Just started playing the game and its really good like it a lot !!! But if you ever put magik in it, it would kinda be funny if in the sex scene she would randomly transform in to a demon or stay in her human form 😂 (game is amazing 5 stars)

D'Andre Collier

I can't seem to go to the mall, it gives me a error then crashes the game. Before the error the game says "Tell Oni O"