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So the Next Girl poll has concluded, and the winner is. . . Betsy! Look forward to our posh Asian-British telepath in an upcoming version! I have some fun ideas to use with her powers in unique ways, so she won't just be an Emma clone, and I think her personality will add some fun spice from a character perspective. Also, for those pushing for one of the other candidates. . . keep your eyes open on that front. . .

In other news, I talked a little about some family medical drama last time, and how it seemed to be getting back on track, well that hit a curve ball, and now we're kind of back to square one. It's still not immediately dire, the doctors think a full recovery will come eventually, but it's still disheartening to be back in the hospital after being almost done with the recovery. Oh, also everyone got covid last week, so that was great (we'd all been vaccinated, so it was barely an issue, but still not fun). This has taken a lot of my time and attention over the past week, but I should still be able to get an interesting version 1.5 out within the next couple of months. I appreciate all the kind words in prior posts on this topic, but I also take my responsibilities seriously to get fun new stuff out there. 



Thanks for the update and excited for Psylocke! I'm sorry to hear that about your family. I'm glad to hear you had the sense to get vaccinated, same thing happened to me and I might have died if I didn't have the vaccine.


While Betsy wasn't my choice for the poll, I'm not upset or holding a grudge about it (I am still holding my grudge over Gwen J/K). Thank you for this game. I really enjoy it and I am going to be here as a supporter probably until I die. You do a great job, and I hope that things in your family life get easier. Remember that there are a lot of people like me who are really grateful and happy for the work you do. Take care Oni.


what more can be said, all our hope are with you that your family member recovers fast and same for everyone with covid. Thank you for working so hard on a great game.. also im sure Betsy will be good, :D


Best wishes for you family in the medical front. You have done fantastic work on this game. Do take time when needed. I was rooting for Wanda but he’ll I’m an X-men fan and that essentially equates to a fan of every marvel psychic. Congrats to the Betsy fans. Can’t wait to see what great content comes in the next year.


So after the last 3-4 girls who will be on the poll?


DOPE 1 2 sorry to hear how things are going man hope you and your family get better


Do you have any thoughts on making tattoos?


It's complicated. For one thing, whatever tattoos I do add, a lot of people would want a different tattoo, and I can't commit to making a whole ton of different options there. For another, the animated poses tend to involve shifting parts around, and having portions of the skin that have different colors to them could complicate that, where an animation would not look as natural with a tattoo in the way. It's possible to work around that, but it would complicate things since it needs to be considered at every step. I might add a tattoo to a character here or there, in specific case-by-case basis, but I don't expect it to be a common function.

Steen Jacobsen

I still say Dust needs a chance