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 Ok, so yesterday was April first, I announced Elsa from Frozen as the next girl to be added to the game. She is not the next girl to be added to the game. Not to say that she's off the table, I think she'd make a fine student for Xavier's, just not 3rd. Likely not 4th either. Maybe 5th.   

Anyway, on to more important matters, Emma Frost's pubes. Emma will indeed be the third girl in the game, playing more of a teacher role, and I think she'll be a lot of fun to work with. I haven't done any of her key art yet, and won't start that until Kitty is mostly finished, but I've been brainstorming this one for many months by now.   

One question that's been plaguing me though is, should the carpets match the drapes? In comic canon, Emma is not a natural blonde (spoiler alert!!!). She's a brunette who dyes her hair. I would assume she also shaves, that seems very Emma, but in the game, she'd also have the option of growing it out. So, do I leave her canon hair color as the default, or do I play to expectations and give her glittering platinum pubes by default?   

Either way, you'd have the option of telling her to dye them to whichever color you prefer (of the two, I'm not going crazy on that), but this would set her natural hair color. I'd like to avoid allowing each player to somehow choose her natural hair color, because I feel like the "reality" of the game world should be pre-established, and that player control should only extend to what they can change about that reality.  I will leave that as an option though.  

I decided to set the poll at the $5 level, because I really don't put enough material at that contribution level, and I want to give a fun reward to people that support me like that, without blocking off too much actual content.



I may just have to up my pledge, I'm a huge fan of the game and how its progressing!


Based on the outfits she has always worn in the comic, shaved should be her default. Her cloths are way too tight, and never show a bulge where hair would be. Maybe you can order her to put a psychic image of pubes in your mind when you see he nude, but she never actually grows anything. Who now's, maybe she had laser surgery to permanently remove the hair. It would make since because she basically wears a bathing suit all the time. Would have been quite embarrassing if in Avengers vs. Xmen if Captain America distracted her by pointing out her pubes are showing. 😂 Will there be diamond form?


Heh, well normal pubes will definitely be an option, but I agree that "in canon" she likely shaves, it suits her. And yes, I intend to have diamond form, although of course our character can prevent her using it if he chooses.


I'd just like to say that your April Fools joke was by far the most beneficial joke I have ever seen ;) fantastic work. As for Emma, I think that since we already have two natural brunettes, her's should be platinum/blonde downstairs, just to add a bit of variance in game. I do love what you did with Elsa's pubes and I think that that design would suit Emma well.


I have to imagine she's so vain that if she were to grow out her pubes for someone special, they'd be both dyed blonde and magnificently landscaped.


To be honest, I'm a little sad about this news. I really would like to see more content for the girls we already have, before adding more girls. But I guess beggars can't be choosers...


Good news)))


TODAY ON PUBETALK, we have a special guest who has thought more about Emma Frost's thatch than 85, maybe 90% of the guys out there, Oni! So Oni, I know you've been focused on the coloration aspects of non canonical parallel universe Emmapubes, which we can all agree is an area that needs a lot more attention than the media gives it. What are your thoughts on....


In short you were april fooling us and I say shavee with her pube hair marching what her normal is👅


Emma Frost will be great, and a bangable teacher would be a nice twist. Sincerely hoping that once you get all the content sorted for these girls you think about Boom Boom as #4.


On a random note, even naturally blonde women (and men) have darker pubes -- not all of them, I guess, but many. Case in point, me. I'm blond (used to be platinum when I was younger, though it's darkened by now to a more ash blond colour), my beard is reddish, and all other body hair looks like it'd belong on a brunet.


Re Frost's carpet and drapes, Perhaps she could need to replace the carpet in her room, and (Player) must buy it to gain access to her bedroom, and nude scenes? Do you buy the Platinum white carpet to match the room or the dark carpet for the contrast? Your choice sets her settings.


I mean im excited for Frost cus I love the whole teacher kink but im honestly just really happy you might be adding Elsa in the Future xD


I don't think you should put Elsa in the game because in my opinion it would seem weird going from xmen to frozen.you are the creator it's your right but marvel to kids movie?


The Emma Frost bush scenario has a hilarious solution. She frosts the bush. Bam! Done! Cut me a check.


I mean, she has that bottle of hair dye just sitting there.

Victor Lewis

I was wondering is there any possibility of some avengers women making an appearance.


Some, definitely, it depends on the genetics. Some natural blondes are always super blonde, while others have hair that naturally bleaches in the sun. There are definitely some blonde bushes out there, often paired with blonde eyebrows and lashes.


I kind of like the idea of expanding the brand. ;) Keep in mind the X-Men Evolution cartoon had the same initial target audience anyway. I'm not even the first person to suggest sending Elsa to Xavier's.


Possible. None are immediately on my short list (except Wanda, of course), but I wouldn't rule it out.


How will her skin feel in her platinum like form?


Diamond? That's an interesting question. It's clearly flexible enough that she can move like that, but also hard enough that she can hit things. there might be some interesting interactions there.

James Schweitzer

I'd love to see X-Men Evolution Jean Grey and Wanda Maximoff (I picture her with lots of piercings) in game!

Prof. Walker

Emma Frost is a lovely pick! Glittering platinum pubes? YES! Hear is a thought, with so much thought being put into these pubes, maybe have it be something that she talks about with you once she has the clothes off? Glittering isn't really an everyday thing, maybe she is a bit shy about it and that offers a choice?


To throw in two cents, canon in the show verse isn't established, I believe. Just make her a blondie.


Now that you mention future characters i've been thinking that there's a good chance for you to add Jean into the roster (maybe the 4th girl?), well i've been thinking how the player could approach to her considering she's Scott's girlfriend so... what about a NTR situation? when you get close to Jean just to study but little by little you get to advance into a relationship all behind Scott's back plus you can add an event in which he appears out of nowhere if you do some public stuff like the Proffesor X making Jean unconfortable and reducing points of affection and stuff... well... that's just an idea... i guess you can do a better job at that. btw, loving the game, Evolution Rogue is the best rogue and in your style she just looks perfect and don't let me get started with kitty, i didn't even liked her in the show and because of you i loved her! keep up the awesome job man! Pd: sorry for this wall of text.


Yeah, Emma is superficial, vain, and shallow enough that she would dye her pubes to keep lying to everyone that she's a blonde.


or she can just make people think she is with her... you know... mental powers

André Niemand

Just forget about Elsa. Invest your energy in what you are busy in right now. Just my 2 cents


what'd be neat is getting Scarlet witch as the 4th. that way you can use Emma to make her obey you.

Swagmaster Supreme

Don't forget about Elsa, she's an awesome addition. I really liked your work.


It honestly just seems like something that should be up to the player to choose (pubes/no pubes), considering the level of choice we get to begin with.


Don't worry, if I ever do get around to adding her, it will be after plenty more has been added for the existing characters. Adding new characters is all part of the process.


Well, you get to choose what your own character is, and you get to choose how the girls change around you, but changing core aspects of who they were before even meeting you, I just think is a bit far.


Will princess jasmine also join the gamein the future?


Will there be room specific sexual interactions like Rogue and MC play with each other under the desk in class or the blowjob at the movies or rogue playing footsie with MC cock under the table at the restaurant? And will there be personalized quests for the individual girls, and individual likes and dislikes? Also will it only be in POV or could we get other angles I would love to see Rogue sitting on MC lap from the side. A little bit more stealthy than him bend her over the desk butt naked in mid class starting out. This is just asking about future plans, because you've talked about the girls but not really the scenes and stories. Looking forward to next update.


Oni I hate to be the guy to ask this, but money is getting tight for me so I have to pick and choose. Would you have a ballpark estimate for release of the next build?


There may be more room-based interactions, I do want to have some events that proc in the classroom or dangeroom, but they would more likely roll into actual sex menu style situations rather than be single events like on dates. I do want to play with adding more situational dialog to the sex content though, like referencing which room you're in at the time. Views will be POV only for the time being. Since I have a lot of character customization, creating character sprites take a lot more time to develop than in games where the characters only have one look to work with.


Hey man, if times are tight, I totally understand. I should have something out this month, but it might only be the standalone tech demo for the new sex scene. If the $1 pledge is too much for this month, you can certainly hold off until next month.

Victor Lewis

So i was wondering when is the nex update?


so after emma is done is it going to be X-23 right?


Hi Oni, first off I have to say I love Rogue-Like, in regards to Elsa and people saying add her in, I would suggest that you create a new game for Disney characters, you could set it in a skit version of Disneyland and have all the characters appear in their own zones (like in Disneyland itself), you could have the M.C as the new boss who finds out the characters are real and through whatever means can corrupt them say by being able to introduce gradual alterations to their character through the use of the original creator's typewriter/pen/paintbrush/sketchbook/? whatever, maybe you need to make a special ink or type of brush, etc. Anyway I figure that this would be better for Elsa and Co. Sorry for long post (P.S. If you like any of what I've suggested, please feel free to use, I make no claim on any of it), anyway lots of luck for the future.


Well, first, I am not going to be making a second game any time soon. It would inevitably split my focus from this one, and that would be unfair to everyone. That said, I have all sorts of ideas related to other games, and if a talented team wanted to work on a project like that and could manage most of the work themselves, I'd love to provide some input and minor assistance. When I first decided to make a game like this, the big ones out there were Akaburs, so naturally a Disney girl sim was a consideration, but at the time I just decided that there was enough action in that space. I think if I were going to make a game like that, I would use Kingdom Hearts as the base, which could offer a lot of fun opportunities.

Darot Games

Thank you for your game, colleague! )

Mathias Cabral

when would you release the update?


Just a thought, I know you're planning on implementing a proper dialogue system at some point, but do you think in the next couple of versions you could throw in dialogue based flirting options? I realized recently how weird it is that all of your flirting options are exclusively based around touching them in some capacity with the exception of asking them for their panties. I don't know about you, but I've never flirted with people by going out of my way to unexpectedly touch them whilst sort of knowing them.


Yeah, I mean the mechanics impetus of that system was to basically allow players who'd stalled out on an "asshole addiction" route with Rogue to restart the process by touching her, and "flirting" sounded better than "sexually harass her." ;) I tried to make as many of the options cute as possible when she's into it. Mechanically though it's just "small actions you can make that resolve themselves within a limited window." The problem with having a talking-based system is that touching is an easily repetitive process, while talking is more constantly changing. I mean if it's something you'd want to do every day, then saying "hey, you look nice today" would wear thin after a while. The flipside being that writing dozens of possible lines to throw at her is a lot of work, and still can't keep up. There's really no practical way to make such a thing more than shallow. There's always the "chitchat" option, and it has some flirty elements to it, but I'm not really sure the best way to go with pure dialog as a flirt option.


I mean honestly I'd just start with a single one that can be added to later. "Hey, you look good today" or anything like that at all. It's better than constant sexual harassment. At least let the words build up to it right?

Anthony Michelli

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask. I managed to google search a post form way back that mentioned Rogue calling the MC "Daddy" as an option, but I haven't been able to do so in the latest release. I've tried both the Obedient and Love "routes". Is there a certain step I'm missing?


If you try and chat over the phone, she will at some point request that she calls you daddy. If you agree, you then have that option when choosing nicknames.


Phone or not has nothing to do with it, there are basically few differences between phone and not, mostly related to whether she'll change clothing. To get that option, you need both high Obedience AND high Love AND high Inhibition, so if you only have one or the other, it won't trigger. Use the chit-chat option when the conditions are met and it can be a random outcome.

Anthony Michelli

Another question as I just got Rogue's "allow to steal" training option. Is that actually implemented or for future use? I can definitely it being seen for future stuff as more characters get added.

Anthony Michelli

Well, I got the option now. Thanks guys! I only had one save where Rogue was high in all 3 stats, good thing I was using it haha.


Alternatively, if you don't want to wait, name your character "Daddy".


Stark white ie Emma's Frost


Yeah, it doesn't really do anything at the moment. I might figure out a way of using it that is clever without being game breaking. ;)


Hey man, I just want to say thanks for taking the time to add in this snake version of rogue. Pretty excited to see what else you have in store for the game: <a href="http://imgur.com/a/l5h2a" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/a/l5h2a</a> All jokes aside, the game is great so far. Looking forward to the future.


I vote platinum blonde for her nether regions. I also love that we get to vote on such things. :)


Hey Oni, do we have an ETA on the next release?


There will definitely be something this month. Whether it's a full game release or just a small tech demo, I'm not sure yet

Walter L.

I don't have a vote but IMO EMma would either shave herself clean or dye the little patch of her she leaves in the same blond.