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Ok, hopefully this one should be relatively bug minimal, I hope to not have another build before 1.4. It's mostly bug fixes, although I did do a pass on Jean's doggy pose, I thought her face looked weird.

Here's the Mega link to the folder that contains the game files, make sure to download the "e" version ones.



3some.. Someone eating cum off main action girl... freece.. Has this been worked on?... Maybe im missing some files or something since im running it on android


Fingers crossed for more clothes for Emma soon

Brown Eyes Red Dragon

i dont know if its just me, but for me emma's boots are a bit too much to the left for her sprite.


Thanks for finding an option to DL one complete file.


Hmm, damn. I had to do something a little tricky to make them work right, and I might have made a mistake in there.


When having sex with Jean and Kitty (Female MC) if I set the secondary girl to perform an action on me, her face changes as appropriate to the action (licking, kissing etc.), but the dialog says things like "Jean continues to watch the two of you looking uncomfortable." Is this working as intended?


anyone getting trojan warning from the windows version? or is windows just being sp-ed again lol


Jean doggy style have issues with cum dislocated to the right side, in animation with Emma after her boots show up and untill she clothed again they are visible and dislocated too - i think this patch just broke more than fixed ;)


Does anyone know which version I download for Joiplay on android?


Ok, I think I've found the problem on that one. Fixed for next build, hopefully.


Hmm, both issues should be fixed next build, I figured out why Emma's boots got offset in this one.


one more, in Emma doggy style her a-hole is missing xD


When fingering a girl and changing the view to "rear view" The option to "I want to stick a finger in..." still appears but doesn't seem to do anything. The option remains there even if you select it, while if doing it from the front the option disappears. Just letting you know.


While having sex with Jean I get a message "Jean's hands slide up her body and begin to kneed her breasts..." I think kneed should be spelled "knead".


When she's doing anal, or just when nothing is happening in that region? Because if the latter, that's intended, it's behind her cheeks.


Hmm. . . I think the animation for fingering is tied to the fondling mode, I can try to untangle that. When it was put in place, the option to switch views during fondling wasn't there, so it was mainly designed for the offhand variation.


dude why does it take so long to get updates from you, I get you have a life but these updates barely bring anything to the table, Gwen isnt even done yet. Its really shit too since we are giving you money and trying to have faith in your skill but it just seems youve slowed down drastically compared to post kitty


That's how game development goes most of the time, especially for small groups. The more there is, the more bugs it can make. The more bugs there are, the longer it takes to fix them. And unlike companies who have a budget and make games as their only job, indie groups have to do it all while typically working another job, and they can't just leave the bugs until the end and fix them then like big companies, because they have to impress people during development with these updates and such so that they can have support to pay the people who help them make the stuff. It's an unfortunate side of developing games that people don't typically think about...


I get it that development is slow but we go months without any update and when we do get updates it's usually just fixing the facial features on one character. There's slow indie development then there's not giving a shit about your game and that's where I think this developer is at rn. Which is unfortunate but atlas it's their game. I'd rather them just cancel the overall game and move on than sit here collecting money from everyone and making little progress. It's exactly the same issue people had with yandere simulator. Burnt out dev that doesn't give a shit but likes the extra money


You could always just unsub and move on if you aren't happy dude. I get it, you pay money and aren't happy, that is your prerogative, but your nonconstructive comment isn't going to change anything. It is your choice to stay or go.


Sorry about that. I've been retaining roughly the same release cadence for a while now, and there's actually more content added per version in more recent ones than in the earlier years (remember that when I was adding Kitty and Emma, they had about half as many sex options available, as well as other activities that need managing), but I can totally understand why this might not be fast enough. This is party why I keep my minimum subscription at $1, so even if you stay subbed for every update, it's only $12 a year, and you don't even have to stay subbed the entire time if you don't want to (or pirate, whatever, I can't stop you). I appreciate every bit of support I get around here, and I really do try to put out a quality game in return for that, but I don't expect a massive increase in release speed or anything. In the meantime, "right to express feedback" is certainly a part of the deal. I am at least consistently putting out a playable game, so while it may never be "finished," it will at least be something you can actually play, as opposed to something where you *only* get development update posts for some massive game that is eternally in the future. If each patch is too small for you, then check in maybe once a year or so and play a bunch of new content at once. This is what I do with plenty of similar games. Right now I'm hard at work on things like Gwen's Halloween content and some more general-purpose stuff to fill out Version 1.4, and we'll be having a poll to see who else we want to add in the near future. I do want to be clear about how the releases work though, all of these recent ones are "1.3" releases, intended to mostly have the same "new content" stuff, which in this case was primarily focused on getting Gwen's two sex poses in. Every "lettered" update in between is mainly just bug fixes to those versions, or some little bit of something that I had been working on and could fit in as a bonus to that (otherwise it would have waited until 1.4). I do sometimes take too long getting those sorts of bug fix patches out, mainly just because I get stuck in this gap of "don't want to release a whole version for people to download over one minor bug, only to have people report a completely different bug and have to release a whole new version right away" scenarios, and get a little paralyzed. ;D


Dude what? You have no idea what you're talking about. Oni is a solo dev. No shit they cant pump out major updates every week, but their release schedule and the amount of content they put out with major releases is way more than the average solo dev does in games like this. If you want to complain about devs taking money and not updating their game go bitch about DarkCookie and BrainDrop.


You can literally sub for 1$ month and unsub until there's updates lol. If you stayed subbed all the time like most people that's still only 12$ a year. This is also one of the most expansive H-games out there that has been getting huge updates for years.


Yeah. Oni is great maybe a bit between the updates but we get them and also an actual update on what he’s been working on, whereas DarkCookie has been working on the same tech update for 3 fucking years now with no updates just wallpapers. So I will gladly support Oni and his updates and transparency. Thanks Oni!


Yeah, unsub and resub is always an option if you're not so sure of your faith in the developer. I feel no shame is saying that between 0.2**-0.997 I subbed and unsubbed on and off every few months, purely because I wasn't sure where the game was going. But in the end, I decided that the game was exactly what I like to play, and so here I am again. It's all a matter of choice.


Prefect response, Oni, honestly. Not getting butthurt, not being annoyed, just explaining the facts. I like that alot. It shows your character.


Yes, this game is primarily released on PC. You just have to download the package ending in "-win.zip", instead of the mac one.


I had an error, wanted to put Gwen into a rear view, think her piercing also have something to do with the issue. https://imgur.com/BI0vqMR


I waited over a month just to have janes face reworked. It's not about it just being one dollar. It's about the principal of actually developing the game. As I stated which Oni did not comment on it feels a lot like you're enjoying the several dollars extra given to you by us and producing little to nothing. And if I unsub that doesn't exactly solve any of that I just wanna look forward to an update. Everytime I check my email to see the games been updated all I see is "oh Janes face has been changed, oh great the vampire bitch can give anal now, it feels more like bread crumbs than actual updates


Dude, firstly Oni did comment on the money thing, I know he wrote a lot but it only takes a minute to read it all. I've got 3 other solo devs I follow who post updates far less often than Oni, everyone works at their own pace with what they are given, that's life. Oni took the time to write a respectable and dignified response to you even after you practically accused them of stealing from us and not caring for their game. Just take a step back and breath for a minute. I've been here since Jean's release and I can say that the update times between Jean, Ororo, Jubilee and Gwen have all been consistent. Look, anyone here could go over all the ways your argument really doesn't make sense, but if you really just wanna be a Moping Mary and complain, I'd suggest just stopping in once a year to see how progress is going. Then you won't have to be subjected to the apparently torturous emails of smaller updates.


July 4 Latest- Rogue-Like 1.3e mostly bug fixes and change jeans face June 16 finally adds the ability to get blown by Gwen and more bug fixes June 15 and 14, more bug fixes June 13 oni apologizing for radio silence thus adding in more scenes with Gwen as a treat. After that last update was from April introduces Gwen March 14 more bug fixes March 5th bug fix for emma January 6 more bug fixes. It seems we have to wait months just to have "bug fixes".


Right, like I said, the "lettered" releases will mostly be bug fixes, the "numbered" releases are the ones that have more significant content, and those typically come out on 3-4 month release cycles. You can check my post history to see how often those come out. I could certainly figure out some way to do a "something each month" schedule, but I don't think that would be good for the game, because with the way I currently work, I do *portions* of several projects at a time, and often several of them remain unfinished until toward the end, and some projects have a lot of moving parts that wouldn't make sense until all of them are ready. For example, when I launch a new girl, I try to get pretty much ALL of her basic interactions and dialogues working first, because while I *could* release a version earlier that only had some of them, I want to minimize the "you can't flirt/wardrobe/go to the pool/etc." Having more broad releases allows me to work more flexibly, gives me some time to reconsider my choices and potentially make some changes before they go live and get roasted, and also I feel it gives players enough new things to enjoy that they feel satisfied diving back in, whereas if I just did one small thing with each release, it would seem like too much of a "snack." If that's how you're treating the bug fix releases, like "oh, now I *have* to DL 1.3e and try out Jean's pose changes," that's not really the point of it. The point is just to get out some fixes *now,* rather than having to wait until 1.4 comes out, for people who were still working through the 1.3 content, or just showed up and wanted the best version currently available. If that change seems too small to interest you, then you can just wait until 1.4 comes out and check it out then, along with the other intended upgrades. As I said, I do this with several other games being put out, I do not pick up every version, I just grab one every six months to a year, typically several versions later than the last I played, and then catch up on all the new stuff I missed. It's a perfectly valid way to do it. And if that's how you want to handle my game, I have no problem with you not staying subbed in between. I want you to feel good about what money you spend, do whatever you think is a fair value.


Did the requirements for blackmailing/threatening Xavier change? I have mostly max stats girls and I can't get it to appear with any of them


Some of them require you to break to the office when he is not there with that specific girl and find an item to use against Xavier


I've got Emma's boots showing up slightly to the right of her legs.


I've taken on the near impossible task of trying out every single possible combination of responses for everyone's intros both for bug testing and to try to see what creates the best possible outcome in regards to stats. Please help me Oni, when you catch Emma masturbating in the classroom, and you blackmail her to strip for you: when you cum, is it completely random whether she will wipe it off, keep it where it is, or lick it up? Does the option of 'keep dancing' vs stay silent have any impact on her decision?

Anthony Seward

Can you please make a apk version the win version doesn't work to well with joiplay


Well. . . it's not completely random, but nor is it so specific. It's just dictated by the same systems at play in the rest of the game, if she's "loose" enough, interested in you enough, etc., she will be more open to stuff. You get some stat bonuses from certain choices, which might push her over certain thresholds, but it would also depend what interactions you'd had with her in the past. Basically though, just get her stats up.

Norbert senpai is the best

not gonna lie I saw this game back when I was in high school and its great to see how far oni has come with the art design and everything 6 years of work thats outstanding. keep up the good work

Ryse Phoenix

Almost typed in all caps by accident. So, weird question. probably a lot of work.(not probably, definitely) Will there ever be a point in the game where (during sex scenes) we are in the room are have the bed, floor, wall as the background in certain positions? Ex:Missionary=bed Doggy=Bed(headboard)/wall Cowgirl=Bed(headboard-foot of)/wall get where I'm going? Also, why do I get you're a fellow bush man? Or did you just take into account that some people like pubes?


I'm not sure if theres any way I can send images but I'm seeing some weird interactions between Emma's boots and her pants/legs in the latest version. The boots arent properly aligned with her legs and it looks weird. I have also noticed that when I assign a girl a custom outfit to wear only in our rooms, they do not wear it. Instead, they put on a default outfit.


I do have some plans to have the "camera" move around the room a bit more. It will most likely just put everyone on the bed for "laying back" sex positions, and more involve pan and zoom than a complete redraw of the area, and then other game spaces could use the environment differently. Not sure which build will get that in though.


Yeah, fixed for next build. It came from the fact that when I expanded to show her feet, pointy shoes would stick off the side of her sprite, and stubby shoes just didn't look right, so I made them be slightly to the side of where they should, and then fixed it in the engine, but missed a few cases where they are referenced, so in some combinations of clothing they ended up in their "true" position. As for custom outfit in rooms, do they go through the I'm putting on something more comfortable" dialogue, and then just end up in normal clothes?


If you don't let Gwen out of the closet can you do it later?


Is there an option in the change menu to stop wearing underwear all together? if there isn't could you please add one.


Maybe not as a single step, but it is doable. Save her in panty-less state as a Custom outfit. If she doesn't agree, work her stats until she does. Once you have the outfit saved, [chat], "Let's Talk About What You Wear Around", "every day" (or whatever days she'll grant you), select that outfit. Once you get her going commando, it's trickier to get her to go back to wearing them! Shifting a girl from "commando under skirt" to "panties only" when she won't go full nude is trickier to achieve than one would expect.


I'd like to share some feedback on a few interactions When a girl comes to me for their fix early on in our relationship, like even before I'm given the option to suggest the "serum", if it's too close to that time period's end we'll sometimes be interrupted by the time change and then they'll react as if I've refused them. I've had this happen on multiple plays on the day Jubilee takes me to the mall because she'll frequently ambush me when we return home to tell me "it didn't stick", but if I've spent all period with her at the mall this will take place immediately before the time change and I'll have no options that don't end with "the nerve!" If I ask a girl to give me a handjob (and perhaps other sex acts, though I haven't tested this) for their fix early in our relationship, at some point they'll complain about getting tired and I have no other options except "no, get back down there" or the like. The first time this happens they usually continue, but the second time they get angry and storm out. Do you intend for us to end it before they complain a second time, or could we be given the option to let them quit when they complain instead of us being unreasonable? When I first suggest the "serum" option to a girl, even if I come out and say "my cum" and the girl agrees to a blowjob to "get it from the tap", even if they drink the cum and are satisfied, the next time they come for their fix the options behave as if I haven't suggested "serum" yet. The options don't appear to move on unless I just give them a vial of the stuff at least once instead of feed them with the blowjob When Laura (and possibly other girls, though I haven't seen them do it as often) comes to me "shaking" and tells me she wants to have "lots and lots of sex" and I agree, if it's too early in our relationship (especially if this is THE first time we've had sex) she'll cum once, and then say "this is getting weird" and bug out. I'm able to prevent this if I slap her butt repeatedly after she cums until she's over a threshhold of arousal (at 1 or 2 arousal per slap, lol) before I continue moving normally, and after she cums a second time she appears to enjoy it enough to not try to cut me off again. Is that "this is getting weird" reaction intended behavior even though she appears to be in heat or whatever, like she's having post-cum clarity and shame, or is it just an unfortunate collision of apparently conflicting systems? Keep in mind I tend to keep most girls' love LOW, and raise obedience and inhibition by whatever means necessary aside from being an outright hateful asshole. I tend to choose the mischievous, molesty flirt options (slap/pinch butt, flip skirt, ask for panties) instead of affectionate ones and I hardly EVER kiss during sex or as a flirt option. I like creating a cum junkie harem, where they don't love or sometimes even like me personally, but just can't help themselves


Hey, how about adding nighties to all girls (not just Emma) as a lingerie option? @/GarthFT has an amazing pic on his page.


This may have already been discussed and decided in a previous build but I liked the old intro for Gwen, where she burst in on Laura blowing me. I thought it was funnier than the new one, especially with Laura yelling at her at the end. I'm not saying I don't like the closet intro at all, but I'd rather it occurred shortly after the old intro. That would also split some of the jokes and exposition up between the scenes so it wouldn't feel so full of non-sexposition if you're driven to exhaust every menu option like I am


*eating popcorn gif*


Do you have any plans for the historical simulator in the danger room? Just curious.


Yes, hopefully, but first I want to nail down the ability to copy and restore a girl's current state without breaking anything. It can be a little complicated.


Hi Oni, I love your job, and I have 2 questions about future updates: 1. What will be the next "fetishes to add? 2. How often will there be news about updates? because this game has so much potential and what you've done so far is incredible.


1. . . . not sure yet. I have a few ideas I want to work with. Some small stuff, but I also have some bigger stuff in mind. We'll see. 2. "Not often enough," because I suck at self-motivated reliable communication. :D I really should be posting updated every week or two, but then I don't. I should though.


Yo oni what your current thoughts on music and sounds for the games still a no good or has your mind change yet, also more clothes options would be great.


Will you consider adding Chinese?


Pretty well, I'm hoping for around the ends of the month. What day are we on now. . .17th. . . yeah, hopefully.


Putting in alternate languages would be very difficult, not just to get decent translations, but also because the dialogue is spread all over the place in the game's code, a lot of it is not strictly "Renpy dialogue," so it'd be hard to automate language selection, and keeping it updated to new versions would be pretty much impossible. Sorry about that, but this game is likely to remain an English language product, but I welcome anyone that wants to play it.


Sorry if you've answered this before, but what's your stance on adding pregnancy stuff to the game?


Prolapse? But put an option to turn it off and on.


I am very glad that you are willing to answer my question so seriously. I still want to ask. Will there be an Android version made by you?


Oni doesn't make android versions, but you can play the game on android with JoiPlay.


like how cool would it be fucking them enough that their asshole anally prolapse!


ass hole twitching and gaping? cum dripping visually after pulling out. cheek animations when fucking


jessica jones, Mantis, Black panter (female version), cpt carter ;), Black widow, Gwen, she hulk (needs to be size difference), mystique and her shape shifting abilities (could open up modding potential for those modders that do wanna gender bend, or futa..), Wanda, captain marvel. and for male characters too would be cool to have that OPTION


Well Wanda is in the polls and Mystique has been touched on, which is to say don't bet on it because the effort isn't worth the outcome (from my understanding). All the others, much as I like most of them, are not even slightly related to the X-Men, I think options like Psylocke, Mirage or Magik (hook up with Kitty, Ororo and Magik for the Kurt Wagner hat trick) fit better. Can't speak on the male stuff but its personally not my thing. Lotta fresh ideas though which is always cool to see.


are there any chance that i can play this game on steam?


how to start it?


Download the zip folder, extract it, then run "rogue-like.exe"


Any updates so far?

Sable Quest

Hey there Oni. I'm absolutely loving this game. I recently went through 1.3e extensively and it fixed a lot of bugs for me, however I came across two new ones. 1. Emma's boots are shifted from her legs and now look off-center. I'd say they're about an inch to the right. 2. When you visit girls at their rooms, the doors open but only halfway through, and the gap shows the girls' 1/3 of their right side. Thought you might wanna know.


Do these games work on Androids?