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It's been a bit since I did a formal update, so I figured it was about time. Just letting you know what I'm working on.

First, I'm working on an update to the sex dialog system, the stuff that happens as you're having sex, so that it will be more flexible in responding to having another girl in the process. I want to provide a standalone demo of how this will work to have people try it out and collect feedback before fully implementing it, since it will add a few more clicks to each interaction.

Second, I'm still fleshing out Kitty's options, and plan to add fondling for the next pass, as well as hopefully her room in a basic form, and dating options.

Third, as you may see above, I've finished her base sex pose. It's not fully functional in the game, not yet animated, and I need to add the clothing options for it, but it's at least a start. Also, she's the first girl in the game to actually have feet! I plan on adding them to Rogue at some point too. Sorry about the censoring, but I wanted to leave something to the imagination when you unlock it yourselves. ;)




Looking real good, Oni. The censorship's appreciated too, there is something special about reaching that yourself.

Voodoo Monkey

Yeah man it's looking really good.


Wrong month xD


Looking so good! Keep up the good work. And I totally agree with Ross, the censorship's a good idea.


How would you implement feet with Rogue?


Did u used an update made for last month? :P


Mmm, wow, she looks great! :) I appreciate the censorship. Sex with her may be quite different from sex with Rogue. :) I noticed that there are already some (unfinished?) interactions between Rogue and Kitty in the game. I wonder which one of the two will be my favorite eventually... thanks for the update!


The plan at this point, although I haven't sketched it out, is to add them to the doggy style pose as though she's on her knees and lifting her feet up behind her. For both girls, the feet are "optional," they will be visible in some situations, and offscreen in others. In Kitty's case, they fade to transparent past the knee during sex, since they're wrapped around your back.


Uh oh. The feet are fine, but we all know where this is going to end up. We're not going full Four Elements Trainer Book 2, are we?


There will be options. One nice thing about the way my game is structured, is that pretty much everything is optional. In some games, it's like a progression tree, you need to do A to unlock B to unlock C and so on, and if you don't do everything then you haven't "completed" the game. In mine, you can skip any activity you like. Some can directly lead into others, which makes those easier to get, but for the most part you can do things in any order you like, and skip some things entirely if they don't interest you. There's no penalty to that, and there's nothing in the game that requires you to have done everything. Options are good, so long as "nope" is also an option.


Thanks for the update. And just glad she isn't "phasing" through something.


Thanks for update atm this brings meaning to my poor sad life so thank you.

Bob Boobberton

when can we expect the next version release?


Very intriguing ... I'll be looking forward to the update)


Doing God's work, Oni. Feet is always appreciated.

James Schweitzer

That looks awesome! X-Men Evolution Kitty is easily my favorite version of the character!


Not sure exactly, I still have a lot of things that are basically half done, so it depends on when I can nail a few of those together. I would expect the "new sex mode" standalone demo thing before the next full release.


This game is the probably the best one of its genre out there. Love the updates Oni


Will dating be in the next update?


Also, any chance for more outfits in the future? The clothing options are some of my favorites to play with.


Definitely a chance, I always like to add more and it comes down to time. Someone suggesting adding yoga-pants for Kitty, and I'd like to do that at some point.


how long till next release?


Looks great, thanks for the update!


Where is the download link mate?


What program do you use to make this game


The latest version is this one: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443</a>


I use Renpy, which is an open source, python-based game engine. It's pretty simple to throw together a visual-novel style game, but more complex stuff can take more work.


Hi Oni, do you think it would be possible to have an option for the girls to wear their X-men suit in the danger room? just to try it on with no other sexy option. Thank you.


This is really good! This pose could also be used for masturbation/fingering and egg vibrator scenes.


Maybe. I don't know. I was never a huge fan of their combat uniforms on the show, so I sort of gave their gym clothes a similar theme. I might make the costume pieces for their uniforms, but it's not a high priority at the moment.


Hey is there going to be a option for a footjob or something?


Yes, that's likely to happen at some point. I want to wrap up the existing scenarios for Kitty first, but it won't be a huge step to add at this point.


is there a going to be option for pubic hair in the future. i like clean shaven and bush, but it'd be nice to see other things like a landing strip. also i think it would be neat if when they're clean shaven and you ask them to grow it out that it does so over the course of a few days with progressivly longer hair


Yeah, originally that was too much hassle to implement, but I've changed how certain things work over time, and maybe it would be worth doing at this point. I was thinking how Rogue's landing strip would be particularly amusing.


I like clean shaven


I also like clean shaven.


Why do you love teasing us so much Oni? Can't wait to get my hands on Kitty.


Pubic hair 4 life

Kyle Devine

If feet are being added, how will shoes work? Will they act a separate layer or be linked with the pants?


I'm not going to be adding shoes, and that's one of the things that held me back a bit on this, I didn't want to have to draw all sorts of different shoes for the characters to match their outfits. Feet will still not be visible in the standing poses or anything, just in the sex poses, so the idea is that whatever shoes they were wearing, they already took those off. ;)

Kyle Devine

Ok makes sense. One more question, is Kitty's sex pose also her massage pose; similar to how Rogue's massage and sex pose are the same?


No, since this is her front side. I only went with the other pose for Rogue since it was already showing her back. The massage pose for Kitty will just be her default sprite, I suppose. I really do kind of want to do "revered standing poses" for both girls, but again, a lot of work to add.

Kyle Devine

Cool thanks. Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the next update. Kitty deserves some tender loving care.


Eh, i am super glad there is an option for the girl to remove it. I will never like the stuff :p


Yeah, same place as the option for removing it. it takes a few days though. ;)


Not yet. Still adding features.


where is the latest version I need to download it


Here you go: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443">https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-go-8306443</a> You can always find the latest build by sorting the "posts" listing on the main page using the "release" tag.