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Edit: so after a week or so, no major bugs reported, go ahead and pick this one up. Original text to follow:

Ok, I think this one clears up the existing major bugs without adding any new ones. Hopefully. This might be the final release for this version, but still if you aren't into bug testing it's best to give it a few days, and if no more showstoppers pop up I'll give it the "all-clear."

Bugs (hopefully) fixed:

* Characters throwing clothes back on constantly when not in the same room as you.

* Characters being "messy" before taking a shower, and somehow Matrix-dodging the water because they're still messy after.

* "Int is not iterable" crash error which was mainly related to when a girl was wearing a towel.

* Maybe some others.

Known bugs:

* Kitty's hair can look bad when it's wet during her BJ scene. This is because the body portion being used is not the intended one, and will be fixed when the art is available.

* Hopefully no other ones?



This game is really good. It is in a very small list of games that are enjoyable to play more than once. You have really done a nice job so far. Now please get Kitty's options opened up. Poor girl is dying for me to fuck her.


Oni are you aware of the bug that on tuesday and thursday when you ask kitty to stay after class with you she become way sluttier?


No, but I'll look into that. What happens there, her Inhibition stat jumps or something? It would help to know the exact line she says and what the numerical effect is there.


Loading a save from 0.971a and trying to mess around with Kitty gives me a K_Pierce exception: <a href="http://pastebin.com/3U6CTxyq" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/3U6CTxyq</a>


Hmm. What I think may have happened there is that you missed an update I made to 9.71 that added that variable, so it carried over to this one. I think I can fix that though.


If you fuck Rouge in the pussy and switch/shift to "hotdog" it's not changing the animation but only the text. Else, stable version. :thumb up:


Hmm, ok, I'll look into why that's happening. Probably has to do with how I fixed the last issue causing it to skip something it used to do. ;)

alex baker

omg i love the update kitty is awesome, i cant wait for when we can fuck her. thank you for your awesome work&gt;


That was fun, but it was like 10 minutes of extra content. After two months I was hoping for a bit more :(


I just found this game and I must say it's very enjoyable.


Adding major new features like character integration adds a crap ton of back end work that we don't really see in the game as new content. But it has to be done if you want to see new content.


I just rediscovered this game after a long time (back when Rouge was the only character). I downloaded this update, and it worked the first time I opened it, but since then every time I click something I get an error like this <a href="http://pastebin.com/3q7qcMTV" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/3q7qcMTV</a>


Ok, thanks, I'll get on that. It's an issue that might happen to certain saved games.


So, is it the next update that will have the dating/sexing of Kitty in it?


Well, dating. Full sex is likely a little bit out, that's more of an art hold-up, and at the moment I'm doing more coding stuff.


Was this version deemed safe to download and play through or are you still fixing bugs?


Yes, I should probably update the description, but there haven't been any major bugs reported in this version, so I'm moving on to the next one.


Hi! I was just wondering. Is it going to be full dating or just going on dates? Because I'm excited to play mindgames with Rogue and Kitty. Looking forward to the next update. Everyone has been great!


I'm not sure what I'll be able to add to the next version. Right now I'm actually working on a subsystem update that will change the sex dialog in a way that will work better with both girls participating. My plan is for the next update to include a dating system equivalent to what Rogue already has. I might be able to get more in there though.


Actually, one more question, if you have time. When is Kitty's second hair going to be in? Because I'm assuming part of the problem is getting it to match up all of her art. (Also, side question, will other characters get alternate hair?) Sorry if I'm being annoying. That's the last thing I want to do.


Actually, it's more of an oversight at this point. Maybe I should just pop that in right now. It's actually in the game, there's just basically no way to activate it in the UI. I'll add it to the chat options. As for other characters, maybe. Kitty has alternate hair mostly because I needed to do "wet" hair for her showering look, and she wouldn't keep the ponytail while showering, so that led me to decide to do a "down look" for her. It's fairly simple as the art goes too, since it's similar to the default in a lot of ways. I've considered making an alt look for Rogue, I really want to do a 90's "big" look, but unfortunately I'm REALLY bad at getting that sort fo hair to look how Jim Lee does, so my first attempt just looked awful. I might give it another go. All the characters have a basic design now that is pretty flexible for adding new hair styles, although I do have to make them fit for each sex pose available. And don't worry about asking questions, it's how you get answers.


so safe to download the rouge game?


Will we see and interact with any teachers? Emma? Storm? Jean?

Silent Six

Just curious what is being made/fixed in the next release?


Really love the art and love how your character's power plays into your relation with the 2 girls. Only thing I found kinda annoying was getting things started with Kitty coz you couldn't do anything but flirt once and gain was so slow it took so long to unlock the rest of the interactions that it became a chore at that point to grind points on her. You gain like 2-5 and you needed to get some 100 points i think to do anything just a bit on the tedious side.


Kitty is kind of slow right now, but a lot of that is because she doesn't have all her options unlocked. She will become easier to progress once all her features are fleshed out. Right now it's like climbing a staircase where 2-3 stairs are missing every now and then, and you have to claw your way up from the ones below. ;) Dating will definitely speed up the process, as will her room features.


Just noticed this wasn't there. Will he level menu with Kitty be added when we can finally sex her? Just wondering because I git a few level up messages for her.


I get an error screen when i try and load some saves i just made and have to roll back with this build only bug I found so far.


Seems like Rogue the only one i sometimes get errors with with that in mind ill just be careful with her till next build all i been doing is teasing her and saving to increase her addiction to a good level cause it just dropped like heck and is a pain to try in keep at a good level but i guess it can't be to easy now can it lol.


when can you fuck kitty? or will that be added in a latter version?


Fucking later. I actually just finished the base art for that. Right now you can flirt, make out, get handjobs and blowjobs, and that's about it.


I just discovered you can hook up with one of the them while the other is in the room. Down the line will it be possible to hook up with both together?


Yes, definitely. One of the underlying systems that I'm currently knee-deep in is designed to seamlessly adapt to having a second girl involved in a scene. Right now, if there are two girls in the room, either one will run away, or stay and watch silently. Once the system is fully in place and all Kitty's options are available, the second person will also have the options to get themselves off, help get you off, help the other girl get off, etc., and you'd be able to swap between them as well.


Awesome, keep up the good work. Is it safe to assume the next update will wrap up all of Kitty's options?


sooo any eta on next update?


Will we be seeing any more additions to Rouge, or is she done with and work has moved to kitty? Also, will kitty be more fleshed out than rouge or less? I love your work and hope you keep going with graces. Cheers:)


I'm always adding to both. The priority at the moment is to bring Kitty up to par with Rogue, offering the same selection of options, but as I develop new options for Kitty, it cause me to re-evaluate existing options for Rogue, and to develop new ones that they can both use. The most obvious example is that in adding options to hook up with Kitty, it presents the possibility of breaking up with Rogue before, during, or after that relationship, or to transition into a three-way relationship.


Would it be possible for a Android build to be made? This would be a good game to carry around on my tablet, no keyboard required.


Someone asked if he could make a port. I'm not sure where to find a copy of that though, and I'm not even sure it's out. I might consider making a version myself, but I'm not sure how well it would work, and could only test it on my phone.


For the most part on android builds you need the JDK and android device drivers. Wouldnt need any play store approval just a apk download.

Shirotaiku Komota

I Like it, Thank You for your hard work