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Still potentially quite buggy, but hopefully less buggy than the last one. Don't download this unless you like finding and reporting bugs, because it likely won't work quite right. A better version will be released later this week for people who just want to play a reasonably stable game. For players who tested the previous version, be aware that any saves you made using that version may not be fixed with this new one, but saves from versions prior to 0.972 should update correctly. Let me know if previous save files still cause any errors. Do not make progress or saves in this buggy version that you intend to be permanent.

Known bug:
* an infinite loop is caused when exiting Rogue's doggy-style animation. Just avoid this one for now, I have it fixed internally and will release a new build soon.

Bugs fixed:
* The "cz1" blue screen error.

* Characters having sex appearing behind standing characters (poor perspective)

* Kitty always changing into her normal clothes in the shower

* Kitty talking during scenes in the shower where she isn't actually there.

* Some issues with backgrounds not updating properly during scene transitions

* Maybe other stuff, I think everything reported as a bug in the previous thread should be working now.



Tried reloading an old save, keep running into crashes when trying to interact with Kitty. While running game code: File "game/script.rpy", line 1701, in <module> NameError: name 'CZ1' is not defined</module>


Ok, so you tried to load a save from BEFORE the previous 0.972 build, and still got that error? I tried some testing, and it seems like for no apparent reason, the game has issues with me trying to initialize those variables in saved games. I might have to rebuild the elements that make use of them.


Ugh, ok, Starmaster, I saw your bug report, and think I'm on top of the problem, but I'm deleting that post just because it's freakishly long and taking up the whole page. ;) I totally appreciate the heads up though. For the record, I think the issue was related to a bug involving ending a doggy-style pose screen, but which might not impact all cases since I think it might involve bad interactions with previous builds. I put in a fix that I think should work for anyone that does experience this.


After Xavier called to his study, he also followed me back to my room too.


Ok, I'll fix that. There are several bugs this patch from a change I made to how backgrounds work, but I can fix that.


While running game code: Exception: Possible infinite loop. Happened while in the classroom with a crowd after telling Xavier to ignore us while Kitty was present (she said she decided to join in after noticing by the way) and the specific action that caused all of this was when I came inside Rogue.


I just joined yesterday because I like your art style. The game has great potential and is a lot of fun even in it's beta status. There are some things I'd like to talk about, is this the right place to do so? Also had a possible infinite loop: File "Rogue_Animations.rpyc", line 1105, in script call File "script.rpyc", line 1662, in script call Would the traceback text file be of use for you?


While orgasming at the same time as rogue during sex I ran into "Exception: Possible infinite loop" After she appeared to cycle through all of her possible post-orgasm comments


I've had a freeze and "program stopped working" after anal with rogue in danger room. No additional error info unfortunately.


Didn't see this one reported, apologize if it's a dup. Day 12, Thursday, spent the night with Rogue, she invited me to follow her to class, then she disappeared. Normally she says something about leaving in a hurry, can't remember the exact dialogue.


Got the same thing while fooling around with Rogue on campus and Xavier called us to his office.


Dancing appears to be broken. She'll proceed to take off a couple of items of clothing, then say she has to stop, after which she's fully dressed again. You can then say "that's ok, keep dancing", but the Keep Going button is greyed out.


loaded old save and while having sex with rogue with kitty in the room game crashed and gave me this on traceback Rogue-Like-0.972a-win\renpy\execution.py", line 52, in check_infinite_loop raise Exception("Possible infinite loop.") Exception: Possible infinite loop.

Victor Lewis

Will will you add the new character when kitty has come to a point. Like kitty still has some things that need to be put in the game but your going to add the new character. And for X-23 will there be a friendship between her and jubilee like there is between kitty and rogue?


Jubilee will likely be a later edition, but all new characters (and retroactively the older ones) will have specific relationships with existing characters. Some they like, some they don't, and you can then shift those relationships with your actions. As for "when to add girl #3," my goal is to get Kitty to at least where Rogue is now, plus a few new features, before I even start on the third girl in a practical sense. That said, I continue to add new features that apply to Rogue, and that pattern will continue, so new features will be added to Kitty as the next girl is being worked on, but features on top of what rogue is already capable of.

Victor Lewis

So how far along is kitty?


started a new save and got another loop while giving rogue a massage on day 6 Rogue-Like-0.972a-win\renpy\execution.py", line 52, in check_infinite_loop raise Exception("Possible infinite loop.") Exception: Possible infinite loop. It happened again. infinite loop on giving rogue a masssage


Well, based on what still needs to be added, I still need to finish the sex pose, and the clothing options for that. I still need to finish the fondling options, and various other sex scene options, I still need to add dating, sleepovers, her room, I still need to work on her "off-hand" actions, and then I need to work on the direct "threesome" mechanics that will allow the two girls to both participate in a single scene.

Victor Lewis

My god that is a lot, how do you not burn out knowing that you have to do all tha?


On Saturday, Midday you can train in the Danger Room and it won't advance time, you can do it forever haha. Pretty minor but I thought you should know.

Victor Lewis

And i was wondering how do you get the tattoo setting


when you massage her back with the mesh top on it crashes


Yes, that's related to the known issue above, any scene that shows her back to you can cause this crash, but I've managed to fix it on my end.


Tattoo? I don't believe there are any tattoos currently in the game.


Hmm, interesting. . . Does it say "The training session has ended, what would you like to do next?" each time? Looking at it, I'm not sure what would prevent time from advancing.


Heh, it's a lot of work, but it's really engaging, so I enjoy it. I do sometimes sit partway through a project though and go "huh, there's still a lot to finish up here. ;)"

Victor Lewis

The tattoo or body piercings, i think its body piercings. Anyway how do you unlock?


Is there a place you would like tracebacks posted, found a few infinite loops, appologies but i peaked inside the rpa (im a dev and compulsive debugger), most of the loops can be easily fixed with a guard clause, for example: Rouge_Doggy_Reset could set a bool to true, when you enter the function, and Set_The_Scene could check if the call site was Rouge_Doggy_Reset if the variable is true, and only call it when the var is false then once Set_the_scene returns to Rouge_Doggy_Reset you set the var to false etc.


If you tell Kitty that you will see her later while showering it will say that you take a quick shower with Kitty and kitty will still say stuff.

Victor Lewis

Ok i found the piercing setting quick question do we need to buy them?


If it's related to the backside animation, I think I'm on top of that one. But if you have anything you'd like to discuss, you can always private message me on here. It might help to have a second opinion on best practices, since I come at this from a largely self-taught position.


Found a bug where, when you invite both Rogue and Kitty to the showers, and give Rogue a nude massage, the game will lock up and crash, no error message.