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Ok, so various fixes in this one.

-Some cases where she is wearing the dress but does not auto-move it out of the way during sex have been fixed, but if that still happens, let me know how you got to that point, there may be a variation I didn't account for. The dress she has is tracked differently to most clothing, so there may be cases where it doesn't properly get noticed as "booty covering clothing" by the game, let me know if that seems to be the case.

-If you noticed a black line above Jubilee during her sex pose, most of that should be cleared up this build, again if you see this, let me know, ideally with what she's wearing.

-Some issues with her tiger-striped panties have been cleared up.

-An issue with some of her shirts and choker layering oddly with her chin in her sex pose.

-I increased the size of Jubilee's sex pose on the screen, it was relatively small in the frame. Let me know if some sequence causes its location on the screen to become weird.

-Various other tweaks and bug fixes.  

From the previous post in case you missed it:
For people new to the Patreon, welcome, but I need to be clear that this   build of the game will likely have some major bugs, and that you  should  not download it unless you are interested in bug testing. The  folks  around here do a great job at finding all the mistakes I made  along the  way, and I will try to get updated versions out ASAP, so  there will  hopefully me much more stable and "fun to play" versions out  in a few  days. Wait for one of those if you just want to have fun and  not have  the game crashing or animations going weird in some way. :D

As   for the rest, here's the new version, which includes front and back  sex  poses and content for Jubilee, her Halloween costume, and her  Halloween  intro scene. A reminder that you can launch the Halloween  scene any  evening you want, and that it unlocks their costume and  associated  clothing pieces in their wardrobe (but only girls you've met  in game  will show up).

As for testing, test out the new poses  and  actions, make sure they don't break in some odd way, make sure you  can  switch front/back positions when you expect to be able to, that you  can  access her sex scenes where you think you should, I might have  left in a  roadblock or two someplace that I forgot to remove. Other  than that,  have fun!



Will Gwenpool ,Wanda or other X-Men girl be in the game in a near future ?


With how Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman returning as wolvie for Deadpool 3 literally a confirm thing... I REALLY wanna see some more Gwenpool x Laura action/interaction in game now. Lol.

Sary Gimmons

I'll wait for the next stable release. Keep up the great work!


How's the c build coming along?


sorry first time but how do i start the game?


If the program does not run, delete it and re-unzip the files. Worked for me this edition. (-:


In windows, double click the exe, in Linux double click the sh (set executable in properties if it isn't already)


Found a bug, During sex with jubilee facing the back and her lower half In "Give me a peek" for the clothes, after asking to try anal for the first time. With her agreeing, the clothes magically reappear and we continue to do anal. Had a laugh when it happened, Reminding me of the rouge bug after hotdogging just going right into sex or anal the clothes would still be there for a frame or two.


Is Jubes missing a cum drip animation on purpose or by mistake?


Is it safe for the non-bug testers to download or should we wait for another update? ☺️


I'd say it's generally safe, I haven't encountered any bugs yet.


bro, why not on android? (


I do a character poll when I finish one of the girls, so in a month or so probably, to decide who will be next. You can see some sketches I've done of prospective candidates under the "girl 7" tag. We'll have to see who comes out ahead this time.


Well, there don't seem to be that many more issues to clear up, so I might just put it out there soonish.


What bugs remain seem to be fairly minor, there will be another build, but it's playable at least. :D


Well yeah I'd suggest doing at least a d build right before Halloween ance all jubes I missing is the footjob. I'd say a d just to iron out anything left and move on if you'd like, of course that's what I'd do tbh it's up to you.


personal opinion, move the dick up on jubes frontal sex pose. Kitty s frontal pose has the dick floating there and i think it works better than having Jubilee be partly off screen.


I'm considering it. It would require going through and tweaking the animation code, but would not be impossible.


I know jubes is a vampire but she looks as if tho she's floating eternally in the frontal pose it looks real weird compared to the our player guy just thrusting her.


so if that worked you would? what computer os are you using?


The cheats for jubilee aren't working


The love, obedience, inhibition etc the cheats for characters before jubilee are working fine


Weird. They work for me. You're doing "JubesX.Love = X" right?


If I remember correctly 1: renpy folder 2: common 3: another folder which I don't remember 4: changing something from false to true or maybe true to false I don't exactly remember it's been a few days have to look into it again I mainly followed instructions form a website


yea its the 00console rpy file, you save it after changing the third 'false' into true, just search for false and go to the third one


Probably next month. We'll see.