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Ok, so I should be able to release the next version later this week. I have at least a basic amount of the art finished, and most of the writing completely done. I still need to tweak a few of the scenes, and there are a lot of details I need to finish up with Storm's doggy pose, like some hair and expression options, but there is enough there to at least get testing started and I can finish up the rest in the following builds. I got a bit delayed by having to completely redo the torso for Jubilee's BJ pose because it just wasn't looking right when animated. I think it's in a good place right now thought, and I'm happy with how her relationship scenes are turning out. 



Cool the wait will be worth it, I like that you care so much about the quality of the game <3

David Hair

yes seeing or being abel to have threesomes would be great


Hell yeah! Can't wait >:D love the work Oni!


It can never be understated how impressive the amount of art, animation, programming, and storytelling Oni puts into this game is. There's always multiple elements to appreciate in each new update, be it charming character dialog or new variable effects, and we thank you for the effort!


Thank you so much Oni. All the work you do is really a gift to us. I love this game and can't wait to see the new content.


cum on feet update when but seriously, great to hear, thank you for all the hard work


On 997F2, in Jubliee's room, I asked her on a date "well come on" cause it was already late, got there "you stood me up" she stormed off and it got the rollback prompt, but it only put me at the start of the conversation about her being mad at me leading to a loop


I'm very excited, as I thoroughly enjoy this game. Thanks so much for the amount of work you put into it. I only really have one thing I would hope could be changed. It's a small thing, but it breaks the flow of the scenes. I'm referring to some of the position changes. For example, when going from vaginal to anal, I wish the speed could stay the same. As I said, it's a small thing, and that being said, once again, I appreciate the effort and time you put into this and I'm lookin forward to any future updates.


Hmm. Did it already shift from evening (sunset sky) to night time (black sky)? If so, yeah, you missed the date. Don't try to "edge" the clock on the date thing. :D If that wasn't the case, then I'm not exactly sure what is causing that, the "stood up" scene should be impossible to trigger until at least one block of time has passed afterward. Could you have stood her up on a previous night?


I'll look into this, it might be possible. I believe that the way it currently works is because some actions do slightly different things at different speeds and also because I want to make sure everything is set to default when a scene starts up, but I might be able to make this a bit more smooth.


Groovy. Thanks for anything you can do and if not, that's perfectly fine too. Just lookin forward to more awesomeness.


Also, who's y'alls favorite girl? Of course Rogue is mine but I'm biased. She was my first ever crush from the 90s Saturday mornin show. However, I'm actually quite partial to Laura. Then Storm. Woman's got some some great tits.


Sooo, are we getting update today, *fingers crossed*?


So I’ve never been able to see the dildo in the game. Should I be able to or is the artwork not there for it? Also, super hyped for the new release!


Hard to pick honestly, I'm a huge Gambit and Rogue fan, loved Kitty in the Ultimate comics, Jean's bitchy persona in this has awoken something in me, but I also have a big thing for asians and Jubilee's eccentricism give her a boost for me. I'll just go with 'All of the above'




Rogue is S tier, its her game and she is above all others. After her IMO it goes Emma>Storm>Laura>Jubilee>Kitty>Jean


Indeed. Gambit and Rogue are my 2 favorite x-men and comic book characters in general. I actually also really like Jean's attitude. I think what I like most about Laura is not necessarily her character in general, it's her poses and such in her animations.


I really need to do a pass on this, because it can work better than it currently does but I've always been distracted by other stuff.