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So what's going on with the game? Well, I've decided to change course slightly, but in a way that I think you'll like. My original plan was to make Rogue's story as complete as possible, and then move on to other characters. That might take longer than I'd like, and people are champing at the bit for more characters, I am too.

Kitty isn't done yet, more art to do, but I want to try and get her started anyway. So the next big version of the game I'm releasing will have Kitty in it, if in a fairly limited form. She'll be more of an "NPC" for now, limited if any stat manipulation in the first release, mostly conversational, no sex stuff, but it'll at least be a start towards incorporating her into the game world.

As I continue to build in the new art assets for her, and translate the content to work with her, players will gain new options, much like the development of Rogue over the years, only it should come faster since there's less of it that needs to be designed from scratch. I've already built her base sprite with most of the options Rogue's currently has, and can start to add some dialog for her. I should probably also re-watch some episodes to get her patter down.

I'm also in the market for some coding assistance for the game. There are UI elements that I'd like to incorporate, and I feel like I could learn to do them myself, but it would keep me from working on other parts better suited to me, so if I can find someone else that's good with Renpy Screen Code, it would make it much faster to produce. I would of course compensate you for your time, so if you know screen code well, or know someone who does and would be interested, please let me know. I know there are people out there who could whip up in hours what it would take me a month or more to figure out, which is why that stuff has been on the back burner for so long. If anyone really has ATL nailed, that could come in handy too. ;)



No matter how powerful your hero is, Kitty will keep you in the friend zone. But if a certain someone finds out, she will go all "Rouge One" on your ass.

David Ellis

I'm fine with the idea of a build in which Kitty isn't yet a romantic/sexual interest, for the simple reason that it would give players someone to interact with in the game other than Rogue and Charles. By all means, bring on the sex options for Kitty when you're able, but for now I like this idea.


Heh. Yeah, I definitely need the "jealousy" mechanisms in place before romance becomes an option.


Yeah, and I mean at least some of it should come sooner rather than later, I'll roll into it, but step 1 is getting her in and talking, step 2 is adding things like tracking the two girls through the game and being able to fully interact with Kitty as a character, and juggle her and Rogue independently, step 3 would be adding individual sex options, which would tend to come in clumps as the relevant art became available, step 4 would be adding the threesome and girl/girl options.


Hmm, I can't really give a firm date on when the next version will release, right now all I have totally working in the game is that her sprite displays, so I still have some work to do. My target is to get a basic version out by the end of the month that at least includes an introduction scene with her, but things might come up that could delay it by a week or two. Hopefully though. Oh, and I also just added the ability to switch the UI display from showing Rogue's stats to showing Kitty's, which was easier than I worried it might be. I still need to add some buttons to make that a permanent option though, right now it only works as a developer hack.


Thx for answer and good luck :)


2.5k per month woot!!! we should see some progress now!!


Heh, there is always progress. ;) I am extremely grateful for the support I've been getting though, you guys rock, and I hope to live up to it.


While i love the idea of kitty being in the game having one complete character would make it easier on you since you can copy and paste the basic mechanics of one character only needing to change minor details and specific as well as custom scenes


Yeah, and that was part of the thinking, but I have enough here that I can do that, and then as I develop other areas it will either already work with some minor tweaks, or I can just copy the individual elements. It's not really much more work than if it were done in one piece.

Gerald L

I do have a question will we be getting more sexual positions for the game? The last version I have it's just doggy style and that's it. I do like the idea of slowly getting in more characters, how many do you have in mind or will all the females eventually be part of this game?


Well, Kitty's getting missionary, but that's it for now. at some point perhaps more poses could become a priority, but it takes a lot of work to add all possible clothing options and stuff.


Hey Oni i hope your well. I'm wondering if you be able to make a harem of x-ladies or will it be just one and done. Do you plan on giving kitty alternative animations for other options like bjs(using her hands and mouth), using boobs and mouth for tit rubs or hand-jobs(like using both hands)? Is there a possible dick riding option in the future? By the way can't wait to see the update. Side question: What do you do to relax your mind after hours of forced creativity? just from one artist to another.


1. Yes, it will be possible to make a "harem," although this won't be super casual to set up, you'd need to be careful with it because of course most of the girls will not be into that sort of arrangement at first. 2. Kitty's HJ animation will be similar to Rogue's, maybe identical at first, we'll see how that works out. Her BJ and TJ animations will be at least a little different, and her sex pose is missionary instead of doggy. The same basic set of moves available will be the same, although I might come up with some tricks for them. Keep in mind none of this will be in update 1, although technically the basic HJ animation is done, I still haven't finished the text associated with it, and wouldn't want to get into that until the basic relationship grounding is in place anyway. 3. Oh, lots of things. I play games, read comics, watch anime. I find it helpful to watch Youtube videos while I draw, since they tend to use different parts of the brain, but I can't have anything more complex than music on while coding/writing, since it's too distracting to my logic centers and I lovs track of what I was doing.


Hello, friend! Really liked your game, I was just excited and waiting for further development. Is if it possible, I'd like to translate it into another language (Russian, maybe a little later the Spanish)?


Well, I suppose, so long as you don't attempt to sell the result, or alter the contents beyond translation, although I really can't provide any support on a project like that.


1. I am absolutely not interested in selling this work. I work in a humanistic purposes. I'm not going to change the authorship of the game. I'm in the mood to cooperate. 2. The problem: I'm not a programmer and I have no idea how I can change the text in this game and make a choice between languages.


Ah, well that could be a problem. It's not that hard to learn, the Renpy documentation is pretty clear, but I don't have the time to implement multiple language stuff, and frankly having 1-2 additional "language tracks" would bloat out my code making it harder for me to continue developing it. If you can find someone to work with to actually implement these changes then that's great, but it would have to be an "aftermarket upgrade" sort of thing.


Well, thank you very much, then I'm going to study Renpy :)


You wouldn't really need a way to switch between languages would you? I mean the game file is not large, once you learn enough about Renpy to find and translate the text you can just have a 'Russian language version' of the game file, no? That would also keep the code from having the glut of 2-3 languages worth of text in it.


True, you could duplicate the game and make however many translations as separate versions of it, but in that case, each time I made a change to one, I'd need to propagate that change to each of the other versions. Renpy has some semi-built in elements to cover multiple languages, particularly US/Japanese translation, but that's mainly for the core "Visual Novel" style gameplay, and my own use of the engine has gone far enough off the rails that alternate text would be very interwoven throughout the code, rather than in large continuous blocks. It's doable, I just would rather be developing new features than to work on implementing translation functions myself, but I do appreciate anyone who wants to take that on.


Hello, friend! I began to learn RenPy. It seems isn't difficult. But I have a problem. I need the source files. Can you send me them to my e-mail? I'll not use them for commercial purposes.


The thing about Renpy is, it's pretty much unencrypted. You can just take the normal game files and crack them open to get at the code. There are tutorials for that online.

Great Chicken Studio

As far I know, the latest versions of RenPy builds have new encripting methods, so old cracks dont working anymore.


Seriously? I was unaware of that, but it shouldn't matter because I haven't updated Renpy in ages. ;) So at least for the next few builds that shouldn't be an issue, and if it ever does, I'll take care of it.

Great Chicken Studio

Today I was trying to decrypt the current version 0.965 as an experiment. No one of the cracks of .rpyc or .rpa was not working. )))


I confirm, really no one crack is working, at least that I found


I wasn't implying that you do it Oni, just offering other alternatives to people like Maksym :P


I used RPA Extractor and was able to get into the .rpy files.


Also, while poking around in the code, I noticed there's some stuff in there for "Rogue auto"; is that implemented in the game, or a to be added feature?


I think, for the moment, none of that is implemented, I just added the tags for it while I was working on that section. But yeah, one goal I have there is that under the right circumstances Rogue would decide to take the initiative in these cases, and yes, you could refuse and go back to what you were doing, or if you had enough influence over her you could tell her to never do that, or do it more often, but I think it gives her more personality. I just need to get that mechanism up and running.


Hey Oni, I have another question/suggested feature: have you considered adding a dildo DP option? Maybe using the penis artwork in an alternate color from the player for the animation?


Yes, I've considered it, but I'd need to get around to building the animation options. But yeah. . .


Ok - I figured it wasn't an original idea. Also, found a typo "errupt" should be "erupt".


So Oni... if someone comes in middle of the month and pledges a dollar, will they have access to previous Rogue updates that have been linked on your page (after the next pay period of course)? on the 1st go through your updates and picks up a later copy if there hasn't been an recent release so that they didn't have to wait.


If you pledge you get instant access to all previous content at that pledge level, including the latest version of the game.

Gerald L

I just had a thought, it is a lot of work to make this game but have you thought of trying to see if you can outsource some of it? Nothing major but you said how you have to do all the outfits again if you make more poses and that got me thinking. What if you found some people that if you made say new nude poses and gave the original outfits they could make those outfits fit on the new models? Yeah you would have to make a credits section for the game and possibly might have pay out in some cases but it's just an idea for the massive work load you have on your shoulders.


I'm happy to outsource stuff, and I've put out some calls before for artists and coders to help me speed things up, but haven't really got much response. Jansither's helping me to speed up clothing, she's my regular inker too, but I like to do the sketches myself and usually the base layers so that I'm 100% responsible for the quality control (and I do pay her for that, and would be happy to pay anyone else who could provide quality work). For those interested, I am still interested in people with skills in background illustration, sprite clothing that is stylistically similar to what I make, Renpy/Python coders, particularly those that have skills with Screen Language, ATL language, or generating new features using direct Python. I plan to continue doing the core gameplay mechanics, but I'd love to have someone help me clean up the UI some more, clean up and add new animations for things using the existing sprites, that sort of thing.