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Ok, yes, that was an April Fools joke. But yeah, like with a lot of April Fools jokes, I use it to fool around with oddball concepts that are a bit risky for a wide release or might need more work to end up in the finished game, so there is legitimate testing to do there.

So what was going on here? I was testing a system that would store your state in the mornings, and then restore that state whenever you died. This was a little iffy in the first builds, but I think I got it reasonably stable. The only remaining bug that I know is related to this is that existing relationships break completely after a death, I can release a version 1.4 that fixes that if people want it.

I don't intend to carry this death mechanic and all that back into the main version of the game, you know me, I'm a softy. I do intend to use the testing on these "save state" features to bring back the Danger Room simulator options, allowing you to replay various story scenes within the same playthrough. This function more or less broke when I made the transition to class-based characters, and I never got around to getting it working again. The one issue I've been encountering with my current method is that I dump a character's stats into a "backup," and then dump them back out into the main version, but then their "identity" no longer matches up with who they were before that, so any lists cataloguing the girls would break on death. I knocked together an ugly workaround by the second build or so, I can do a better one later, but at least now I'm aware of that problem.

As for what else was happening behind the scenes? Well, it was actually pretty lazy. all I did was double any negative stat update (ie if you got a -5 Love it would jump to -10), and then applied that as damage to your "HP." So in some cases it made sense, in others, maybe less so, but it got the job done, I think. The "Jean of death" came because she has a massive stat shift built into her intro that is unavoidable, so I just split it off from the traditional stat update system so that the health system wouldn't notice. :D

So, all that out, how did this go? I've had some reports that people could not swap characters around while in class, anyone else have that problem? Anyone experiencing additional lag/CPU after multiple deaths in a single play through? Any stats that didn't seem to reset properly on death? (outside of the previously mentioned dating status breaking). Any other comments? The next version with more Jubilee content is still a bit out, sorry about that, but I'll get it out as quickly as I can manage.





is it just my game, or is Laura's missionary sex position really slow? Especially in a threesome.


Oni replied to a similar comment saying that a new update will probably be out later this month or early next month


Like slow as in that it's "working" but just slower pace than you expect, or slow as in that it seems laggy and not as fast as I would intend it to be? The game does sometimes handle some animations a bit glitchy.


Sorry, still working on it. Not as talkative about it as I should be. :D Several of the new animations are mostly done, right now I'm working on Jubilee's new face for one of them. Cain has the timetable about right for it, so far at least.


I wonder if future versions will add the option of ejaculating on the foot after orgasm during sex


are you ok?


Ok, thanks, I'll see what I can do. I wish I had a better idea of what directly does and does not lead to lag in Renpy animations. It could have to do with having base artwork that is too large in scale, or it could do with having too many "choices" being made on each animation, or could be something in how I format them that could be made more efficient. I always want to push the limits on quality and animation, but that risks causing this sort of lag. I've done some experiments, but so far inconclusive.


Hmm, maybe. I would need to do the art for it, and then figure out the best way to transition the animations from "whatever you're doing" to one of the FJ poses and back again. It's not off the table though.


Been a month and a half going quiet in these covid times is worrying

Henry vaitkevicius

Chill folks. Let Oni enjoy his well earned sweet, sweet patreon dosh, on these fine summer days.


I think he is dead


No we're the dead.


you all need patience


Its not that we need patience. We all appreciate the work Oni puts into this and after not hearing anything for almost a month and a half, we're excited to see what's next on his list and what the progress is at least.

Michael M.

Nah he is just hard at work and hasn't taken time to put out a high effort post. look at the replies for other comments as proof of his health

Michael M.

Also said a new update may be coming later this month or early next month!


Yeah, it's been real quiet. Some news would be nice.

sergio valdez

I have confidence Oni will be back soon and deliver. I wonder if there's some developer burnout they're feeling. This is the last game I'd expect to go the way of milfy city though. Always makes progress. Make sure you're taking care of yourself and keep up the great work Oni!


Sorry. :D I have been replying to comments every few days, but I should make an actual post or something, uh. . .


Oh, rest assured, I'd let you guys know if I legit took a long break or something, I've been working, just nothing much to actually show for it yet.


please, this is a feature I've wanted for a long time