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edit: removed the downloads due to a way too common bug, I'll be putting them back up in a few minutes.

edit2: Ok, rebuilt the version, should work now, that bug would have happened like every time the game waited and that would have been a mess. If you've already downloaded version f, make sure to re-download version f2, but I didn't want to make a whole new post.

Not sure if I'm allowed to curse in a Patreon title? I assume yes, but you never know on the Internet. Anyway, after some feedback on Jean's new sex pose, I agree, it has some issues. This is step 1 of trying to do something about that. I adjusted the scale and location of some of the elements, as well as adjusting some of the animations, and I think it actually looks a lot better already. I'm thinking of widening her hips a bit on the under layer, I think they look too thin now, and might end up adjusting the knees a bit.

Completely redoing large portions of art would be a solution of last resort, as a lot of time went into them as they are, but I think I can make this more presentable. There are limits to what I can feasibly do, but I will try to make it work.

While I was at it, I added in her fondling UI type stuff while in that pose. I need to get around to adding more of those to all the girl's sex poses. I've also made some tweaks to how and when her new pose replaces the old doggy-style one, although I haven't implemented all the dialogue tweaks that were suggested in the last thread, I'll get to that.

Ok,  as I need to  remind people with every  build, this one's going in     hot. Expect  crashes, expect graphical  weirdness, expect things to   not   work. This is  a test version for  people who like to test. If  you   just  want to have  fun with a  relatively stable build, give it a   week  or two  to shake out  the bugs.  I'll also be adding a few more   features  and  content over the  next  weeks anyway.

I discuss the update more in this thread, for more details on what to look out for:

If       you do get a crashing bug, it should give a report on how the bug       happened. It would be very helpful if you could copy and paste the      early  portion of that bug report, the part before where it says   "Full  traceback." The portion after that is not usually necessary      for  finding the problem and can get a bit long, so don't post that      unless I  ask for it. Save early, save often, and if you find a  bug,    try  and have  some saves before it so that we can test the  fixes for    it. If  there is a  line of dialogue that has some issues,  please post    it  word-for-word, I  can do word searches very easy but  trying to    figure  out where a general  situation is can be harder.

If     there are  any serious bugs right  away, then I might put out one or    two  builds  today, but I expect at  least a few over the course of  the    week. Always  keep track of what the  latest build is, and while  you   can  report bugs  form older build, at  least make sure to note  that   it's  from an older  build so I'll know that,  I may have fixed  it   already.  You can report  bugs in the release thread  for that  build,  or  PM me  with it if you  prefer. Oh, and if you are  playing  from a   savegame from  a previous  build, that's fine too, but make   sure to  let  me know so I  can figure  out whether that might be a  factor.



just wondering which design are u going with for wanda


You can find the sketch I did for her in this thread: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-girl-56125837 I haven't finalized anything, but that's the basic idea.


What's the word bird


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 654, in AttributeError: 'PlayerClass' object has no attribute 'Loc' -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 167, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 279, in script call File "script Scenes.rpyc", line 20, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 652, in script File "F:\Games\Rogue-Like-0.997f-win\Rogue-Like-0.997f-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1681, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "F:\Games\Rogue-Like-0.997f-win\Rogue-Like-0.997f-win\renpy\python.py", line 1794, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "F:\Games\Rogue-Like-0.997f-win\Rogue-Like-0.997f-win\renpy\python.py", line 1788, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/script Functions.rpy", line 654, in AttributeError: 'PlayerClass' object has no attribute 'Loc' Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.997f [/code]


this one occurred as a result of going to sleep, being awoken by Jubilee, and then sleeping again after the convo. This is from a save going from .996c to .997f


Trying the exact same save on .997e doesn't bring up the location error Convo went as expected and then a new day.


Seems to have gone away after going from .996c to .997e and then .997f, keeping appraised for the moment.


Woke up, went to class, dealt with jean, then went to the shower, walked in on rogue, finished convo, waited in the shower, got the exact same error as 1st post


Please redownload the game from the links above. There was an issue with 0.997f that i quickly repaired with a version 0.997f2. This new version should not have the issue you experienced.


I'm always doing something, it's just not always interesting to talk about. :D


found another typo :D Threesome with Jean and laura, anal with jean, laura licking jeans ass "Laura continues to lick jean's ass, her >longue< lapping against your balls as you sink in."


Hi oni, I found the game a few months ago, and I love it. it is awesome all your effort on it and all the love you have put on it. Jubes is looking great, and it is great for all the possibilities with the wardrobe. The option of "open the jacket" has you think about adding that option to Emma, laura, Rogue, or Kitty that has overshirts, too? Again, I love the game, and congrats with all your efforts on it


When is the next update coming that will allow for anal or vaginal sex with Jubilee?


mostly likely no usually next update just oral related stuff tits job foot jobs stuff like that it. mostly the third update for the character we get sex and stuff


Just a thought, but I think it'd be cool if the girls could also ask the MC on a date, if their stats are high enough or in Rogue's case since you're literally the only guy she can actually date.


like the idea, but also could add to them bugging you when you just wanna go to class and be a good student... :D


Agreed, some expansion on the classroom stuff in the future would be cool.


Going off past patches, there's usually a 2-3 month gap between updates. So I would expect the next one to be anytime from mid April to mid May. However they have occasionally come faster, and occasionally come later. So Early April all the way to late June is not off the table. It will definitely be here before August. Probably. Unless it is not.


Well, it's not exactly simple with the way things are currently set up. Characters generally have an "under" layer, the bra in most cases, and an "over" layer, the shirt or sometimes jacket. Jubilee has three, with her jacket taking up the "accessory" slot that on other characters might be boots or suspenders or something. Since Jubilee's jacket can have three possible variations, "normal," "more closed up than that," and "more opened up than that," each of the three are essentially treated as three separate clothing pieces, but since the only accessory she can have is her jacket, if she has anything in there, she has her jacket on. So to get back around to the question, presenting permanently opened up variations on other character's tops can sometimes be possible, but might present a complication in how that item is referenced in the coding, and also can present certain artistic issues, in that the underclothes would need to properly fit with the opened top without clipping in odd ways. I don't rule out that I could add some options here, but it may be impractical.


The next update is in progress. I don't have an ETA on it just yet, but probably a month or two out.


Yeah, fair point. I would like to try adding in some more assertive elements to the game.


Question guys. What’s the easiest way to increase Jean’s love? Out of all of the girls she the one that’s the hardest for me. Any tips if possible? Thanks much appreciated.Also the next update would be A new position for Storm if I remember correctly what Oni had said in a previous post.


Also I can’t seem to get rogue to remove her gloves permanently. The option doesn’t come up.


I might add that option once you unlock her ability to turn her powers off. I really should do more with that anyway. But until that point, they do tend to come back into play in most outfits.


Yes, new Storm, working on it. As for Jean, she has a very complicated stat mechanic due to her complex nature. You will need to get her obedience at least decently high before her Love starts to even be an option. Efforts you put into raising it will not be wasted though, as her Love should fill faster than normal afterward.


Ah thank you Oni.


I've never had problems with that. Have you tried simply setting her up with an outfit with gloves off and save/remember it?


Did we ever get a stable build of this version?


Oh. Um. . . . maybe not. . . I guess I'd better do that. I've been working on animations. :D

Phillipe Farneti

Will we be able to fuck the girls behind the teachers desk perhaps after hours? and perhaps behind charles desk not just in the room.


Hmm. I mean, you can already imagine that this is where you are in the room. Do you want to have alternate angles on the background for shots like that? It's possible, but I don't know.