Rogue-Like 0.997f (for ####'s sake. . .) (Patreon)
edit: removed the downloads due to a way too common bug, I'll be putting them back up in a few minutes.
edit2: Ok, rebuilt the version, should work now, that bug would have happened like every time the game waited and that would have been a mess. If you've already downloaded version f, make sure to re-download version f2, but I didn't want to make a whole new post.
Not sure if I'm allowed to curse in a Patreon title? I assume yes, but you never know on the Internet. Anyway, after some feedback on Jean's new sex pose, I agree, it has some issues. This is step 1 of trying to do something about that. I adjusted the scale and location of some of the elements, as well as adjusting some of the animations, and I think it actually looks a lot better already. I'm thinking of widening her hips a bit on the under layer, I think they look too thin now, and might end up adjusting the knees a bit.
Completely redoing large portions of art would be a solution of last resort, as a lot of time went into them as they are, but I think I can make this more presentable. There are limits to what I can feasibly do, but I will try to make it work.
While I was at it, I added in her fondling UI type stuff while in that pose. I need to get around to adding more of those to all the girl's sex poses. I've also made some tweaks to how and when her new pose replaces the old doggy-style one, although I haven't implemented all the dialogue tweaks that were suggested in the last thread, I'll get to that.
Ok, as I need to remind people with every build, this one's going in hot. Expect crashes, expect graphical weirdness, expect things to not work. This is a test version for people who like to test. If you just want to have fun with a relatively stable build, give it a week or two to shake out the bugs. I'll also be adding a few more features and content over the next weeks anyway.
I discuss the update more in this thread, for more details on what to look out for:
If you do get a crashing bug, it should give a report on how the bug happened. It would be very helpful if you could copy and paste the early portion of that bug report, the part before where it says "Full traceback." The portion after that is not usually necessary for finding the problem and can get a bit long, so don't post that unless I ask for it. Save early, save often, and if you find a bug, try and have some saves before it so that we can test the fixes for it. If there is a line of dialogue that has some issues, please post it word-for-word, I can do word searches very easy but trying to figure out where a general situation is can be harder.
If there are any serious bugs right away, then I might put out one or two builds today, but I expect at least a few over the course of the week. Always keep track of what the latest build is, and while you can report bugs form older build, at least make sure to note that it's from an older build so I'll know that, I may have fixed it already. You can report bugs in the release thread for that build, or PM me with it if you prefer. Oh, and if you are playing from a savegame from a previous build, that's fine too, but make sure to let me know so I can figure out whether that might be a factor.