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Ok, first bugs down. There were some display glitches, Storm's room vanished, some lovely crashes, but the first wave of nonsense should be cleared up, I hope. Let's see how it goes. . .

Ok, as I need to remind people with every build, this one's going in  hot. Expect crashes, expect graphical weirdness, expect things to not  work. This is a test version for people who like to test. If you just  want to have fun with a relatively stable build, give it a week or two  to shake out the bugs. I'll also be adding a few more features and  content over the next weeks anyway.

So how's everyone's Valentines Day been going? Good? Bad? If bad, hopefully this will help. ;D

I discuss the update more in this thread, for more details on what to look out for:

If  you do get a crashing bug, it should give a report on how the bug  happened. It would be very helpful if you could copy and paste the early  portion of that bug report, the part before where it says "Full  traceback." The portion after that is not usually necessary for  finding the problem and can get a bit long, so don't post that unless I  ask for it. Save early, save often, and if you find a bug, try and have  some saves before it so that we can test the fixes for it. If there is a  line of dialogue that has some issues, please post it word-for-word, I  can do word searches very easy but trying to figure out where a general  situation is can be harder.

If there are any serious bugs right  away, then I might put out one or two builds today, but I expect at  least a few over the course of the week. Always keep track of what the  latest build is, and while you can report bugs form older build, at  least make sure to note that it's from an older build so I'll know that,  I may have fixed it already. You can report bugs in the release thread  for that build, or PM me with it if you prefer. Oh, and if you are  playing from a savegame from a previous build, that's fine too, but make  sure to let me know so I can figure out whether that might be a factor.



I am getting Jubilee asking me "Do you want to join me?" and then saying "I'll just meet you in your room." Without telling me where she is going first. This is the second time I've had that happen.


While partied with Jubilee i her room I disbanded the party and she just left. It was in the evening, is she supposed to attend class then or is this a bug?


this came up when i tryed to go to the attic for the first time with a fresh play I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While loading <'Image' 'images/stormroom_evening.jpg'>: IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/stormroom_evening.jpg'.


Odd, let's see. . . Well, I reorganized her schedule because it had some issues. That's probably what caused it. If it keeps happening next build, let me know.


Might have to do with the scheduling issues above, although she might still go to the danger room or something.


I am getting Jubilee dragging me to my room and telling me that "It didn't take" and that she can't go out in the sun again but her addiction is only at 37. Not sure if that is just the default for her wanting to touch me or not but thought I would mention it.


Bah. Fixed, thanks for pointing this one out. You can try skipping past if it will let you, it's just a display issue.


I figured out why the Jubilee next-day event wasn't firing when I went to class. It's because it was being superseded by Laura and Ororo's events.


So, even after "buying" the tiger panties and the pantyhose, they do not appear as options to dress up Jubilee with. Returning to the store confirms through dialogue that they've already been bought. Actually, I think buying the pantyhose gives the thigh hose as an option instead. Also, there is no option to remove Jubilee's glasses. There is only the option to put them on, even if she's already wearing them.


I saw someone mention "touch grass" depending on how Jubilee reacts to your actions; I'm not big on twitter lingo myself.. not really a big fan of seeing it either. I feel like a girl who hasn't seen twitter wont just say lingo like that at all.


The opened version of Jubilee's jacket is a little buggy. For some reason it's taking out the sleeve and the flap behind it as well as the front boob part. https://i.imgur.com/BsR67xi.png


Oh, I was wrong about the tiger panties. They appear in the menu when she's wearing some other kind of panties, but not when she's naked/commando. The pantyhose remain a non-option. I think the pantyhose and the thigh hose have their unlock variables flipped.


Jubilees lookin real nice, definitely my favorite character CG so far, hope there's some more neck biting stuff with her. I'd very much enjoy that.


Ok, fair. Maybe I should move her to the top of the pack. It does seem like a priority situation.


Yes, I noticed that with the panties, you can swap them in for something else but not pick them independently. I fixed that though. Added the pantyhose too. And also fixed the issue with Jubilee's glasses, you should be able to pick them as a hairstyle. And yeah, looks like something odd with the jacket, I'll look into that.


Ok, fixed the jacket thing. It was just set up to look right if a "normal" jacket was opened as part of a clothing shift, but not when you set it that way "permanently."


So far, just from what ive gotten, going to the halloween party with Jubilee in your room will have her appear in front of rogue but dissapear when kitty comes in. She kinda spammed me with not being able to go into the sun and needing help for a couple time slots in a row, happens a few times, not sure why. You can get her stats maxed and she will still take offense during dinner dates and compliments (but im not sure if thats just any girl and its random.) You can also study with her at night and it will go directly to morning and skip the no studying during night.


Lol, that's odd. Yeah, Jubilee should have no role in the Halloween party at all (She'll be in eventually, just not yet). When Jubilee was bothering you, take note of her addiction level. What was it when she came to you, and what was it when she left the scene each time? I will double check the studying thing. Jubilee is a bit more of a nightowl than other girls, but probably shouldn't be letting you pull all nighters.

Paul Calvert

Hey :) Got the below error when transitioning from midday to evening whilst in Storm's room. While loading <'Image' 'images/stormroom_evening.jpg'>: IOError: Couldn't find file 'images/stormroom_evening.jpg'.


Probably a dumb question but will an Android version be released along with this version or will you wait for a stable release?


I assume the addiction level is just the hand bar and not something else right? i usually empty it, but she still came in for every time slot for about 2 days, it hasnt happened for quite a bit, hell maybe i didnt pay attention. but i did just get another bug, this one was pretty weird, Jubes pulled me to the side for a BJ which isnt programmed yet so it of course is just standing there, but when you click on any of the options, Gwenpoole showed up with laura having dialogue. Any option after she left made her show up again with the same dialogue other than Stop. Doing this all on a new save so not sure if this would happen if you already did that event with Laura, probably wont matter when shes actually programmed, but i figured id let you know just incase.

Oni's Fan

A is for Apple