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Hey guys, this is the raffle winner for July, Carol Danvers! There are actually several versions of this one going up today not only a version with her shirt open, but I also made variations with her more classic longer hair style, and also one where she gets a bit of a surprise.

For those out of the loop, you can get an entry in the monthly character raffle by subscribing to the Patreon at the $10+ level, and at the beginning of the next month I'll pick someone at random who gets to pick a character of their choice and a basic scene concept if they like. It's been pretty fun so far.

I'm also hard at work on Rogue-Like, less updates lately but a lot of work behind the scenes on the new character sprite (no pun intended) and hope to have an early version of her out soon.



Eugene Guliya

eagerly waitin' for it, excellent job so far, ty


Isn't it against the law to show a black penis that small?


Thats like 8 inches at least man, how big do you want it :P