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Hey guys, back in touch. The very next version to come out will include some smaller tweaks to the addiction and entering/staying in Rogue's room dialogs, as well as a few other bug fixes and tweaks, although I've also been working on some things that are not ready to show yet. I definitely got inspired to throw together a few fun oufit pieces, so those should make a version too.

Also, in case you haven't heard, Patreon has just reopened the floodgates to Paypal payments, so if you tried to sub with Paypal in the past and weren't able to, or if you'd just prefer using Paypal to your current methods, have fun!



Not anytime soon. I'd be surprised if she even showed up in 2016.


Heh, still working on it. I've been plugging away at the graphics portion, I have most of the art for the default sprite done (with minimal outfits, but adding more is the easier part), the base linework for the sex pose, I still need to work on the BJ head and TJ body, but it's happening. I want to finish up the Rogue animation issues before implementing them, because I need to make sure they work as intended, otherwise I could waste a lot of time making sprites for Kitty that turn out to not work right at all and need major reworking. I can also probably start working on implementing at least some of her dialog and options as I go. I will make this promise though, Kitty definitely within 2016, maybe not as fully complete as Rogue is right now, but at least in there with some options, and realistically I hope for early fall.

Great Chicken Studio

Oni, how do you create pussy animation on RenPy? Do you have any link to tutorial?


It's. . . complicated. I'm actually working on a slightly new version of it, but basically it currently involves having a Live Composite that uses several different layers, the short answer being that there is one on the bottom that is the "inside and underneath" part, then the layer that had the penis on it, then a few layers above that which are the top part of the pussy that partially cover up the penis. That's the simple bit. But then I have to animate each part in sync, which can get annoying, since they are each doing different things. I'm also working on a version of this that uses alpha-channels, which would be more flexible, but also a bit more complicated to implement.

Great Chicken Studio

I am thinking the same. But it looks like syncronization hell. So I was asking if you have another way. Thank you for comment.


Hi there, just played about 8 hours into game. I was a little confused by the tutorial which stated you could 'wait' and something interesting might happen, or Events could occur during class. I took that to mean random events, but after spending some time doing nothing but attending class and waiting, i was never able to encounter any random events. Additionally, The tutorial also stated that you could study or go out on a date with 'other students', but i have yet to encounter any students other than Rogue... Is this planned future content, did i fail to unlock something, or was that a second-person reference in with 'other students' refers only to Rogue, sort off like the Queens Investiture "We / Ourselves" ?? Great game and good story line, liking it so far!


They aren't truly random events, they're typically triggered events. I mean, small things can happen randomly at any time, and perhaps I'll add some more of those, but most only have a chance of occurring once you've met certain conditions, like raised her stats to a given level, already done certain activities, that sort of thing. Basically a check occurs every time a "wait" phase occurs and time shifts to the next time block. As for "other students," that is the long term plan, Kitty is currently in development, with more to follow, but yes, rogue is the only one currently available. She'll also be impossible to miss once she appears, I'm not running a linear story, so new characters will allow you to jump into their progress whether you've maxed out Rogue's options, or just started the game. It will be possible to max out Kitty starting after maxing out Rogue, or max out Kitty without touching Rogue's story at all, or progressing both together, although there are some difficulties in each.


Ahhh, ok! Well that sounds fantastic. I don't know what path you are considering, but being a mutant academy, a path to corrupt and enslave Rogue, and get her to betray and enslave the other sexy mutant girls until the entire school is under your power sounds DELICIOUS! Would love to see a variety of breast sizes too, your 1 year drawing pack was fantastic, and the small breasted girls you had in there were my favorite! Thanks again!


So on the topic of animation, are you going to be adding a cowgirl or missionary position once you have completed the new animation thing you mentioned?


For the time being, I don't plan to, as that would involve redrawing all the clothing options and that sort of thing and take a long time to implement. I may add more poses at a later date though.


What a nice game you have made. Really it looks fantastic! I found it some days ago and played a lot of it. I have two questions. How is it going with Kitty? :-) And is there any other position to have sex with Rogue than from behind? Thanks and keep up your good work!


Well, Kitty is being worked on. I'm currently working on her own sex pose right now, getting that ready for later. I was planning on waiting to get started with her coding until after I got Rogue's experience "complete" to my mind, but I've decided I'm going to start easing into her code sooner rather than later. I'm going to start getting the basics down so that I can include her in some limited fashion relatively soon. As for sex poses, she currently only has the one. Adding more isn't off the table, but since it requires a lot of art assets to be able to reflect all the possible customization options, and since I need to get onto other characters too, it's not a high priority at this time.


hi oni love the game i was wondering if you can add some mature characters Like Jean, storm or Emma frost (from the japenece anime vertion The characters are sexy ) as Teachers that you can intercept with


Hi there, found a bug in the dancing scene. When she's not ready to show you more and you say "That's ok, but keep dancing," it jumps you back to the start of the scene again except you can't exit by pressing "Ok, that's enough" (unless you press it 10 times after the player's lust maxes out; that will trigger the "It's getting late, we should stop" line). I believe the first line under R_Strip_End is the problem.