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Ok, so not too bad so far, it seems. I have fixed a few things though.
-Storm was changing out of her outfit if you returned to your room, this should stop.
-Girls who change hair styles for the party do not change them back automatically. I fixed this for Emma, but haven't fixed this yet on the other girls. I plan to though, I just didn't have the time to fiddle with it. Probably tomorrow.
-Some issues with being unable to change some Halloween styles in the wardrobe.
-Jean's suspenders staying on even with no pants
-Some other things.

Full patch notes here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-0-996-57900127



Make the just suspenders optional!


I refuse to allow such crimes against gravity. ;) You can wear them without a top if you like though. . .


hopefully we get to have some fun time at the party soon.


Ah but as Jean is a telekinetic gravity is her bitch upon which to commit crimes.


Will there be more outfit slots given the new outfits?


Holy wardrobe malfunctions Batman!


Hi Oni. Laura as Tifa loses her tights when going doggystyle. Whatever for sex of FJ... Many thanks for this Upload!


This may be odd but I like how stat gains are quicker & more varied on the screen. Being quicker is the thing I primarily like. Oh could you apply anti-aliasing to Jeans head sprite? She looks like she could cut your hands off, just her standing sprite has the issue.


I started playing on a previous save. After the party, because I had set the girls to have a private outfit, they changed out of their costumes. I don't know if it would be worth the time, but do you think you might want to program an exception after the Halloween event so they don't automatically change? Just an idea


Just had laura want to be my girlfriend. then this happened: [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3168, in NameError: name 'Other' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 262, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 116, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1149, in script call File "Laura_Scenes.rpyc", line 578, in script call File "script Scenes.rpyc", line 3168, in script File "F:\g\Rogue-Like-0.996a-win\renpy\ast.py", line 827, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "F:\g\Rogue-Like-0.996a-win\renpy\python.py", line 1764, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3168, in NameError: name 'Other' is not defined Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.996a [/code]


When do you plan on unlocking sex scenes during the party?


The new costumes are tracked under a new uneditable "Costume" slot, so they don't take up any existing slots, but I haven't added any new custom slots. I might do that at some point, the current system is a bit inflexible.


I'm thinking of doing a heavy pass on Jean's whole head at some point.


I'm not certain that I will, you can have sex after though. The reason it's not currently an option is because starting the party builds a lot of stuff up, and those things need to be taken back apart when the party is over. Sex scenes can sometimes "break" without putting everything back where it found them, which the normal game is set up to handle, but the party might end up in a weird state, like sending you back to the room while the party is still happening. I might be able to compensate for these potential problems, but it may cause more problems than it fixes, so I'd like to avoid that.


Not really related to the update, but i don't understand how to activate plan Kappal. Like i have the photo of prof Xavier and kitty just says ''what?''


Hi Oni, loving this update. Off topic but any chance of some animated cumshots down the road?

Jim Bob

During the party, if you use the "I love you" flirt option when the girl's stats aren't very high, causing them to move away from you, it ends the party prematurely.


Not sure if intended, but you can tell any of the girls you love them while flirting during the party and if their stats are not high enough for them to receive the comment without running away from you it seems to end the party and drop you in the University Square. On the first party I did this, it made every girl besides the one who ran return to their rooms and start to masturbate, no matter what their lust level was, on subsequent parties, the girls would just return to their normal routines.


Maybe? It's a little complicated due to the way Renpy animations work. I can do "one off" animations, things that only happen once per action, but I can't put those in the middle of a character model, because then it would play exactly once, and then never again until you rebooted the game. All the existing animations loop. This can be really annoying when trying to coordinate things. There might be ways to make this work, but it would get a bit complex.


Oh, ok, good. I mean, that's not what's meant to happen, but good that we found this. I can correct for it.


I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I feel like the level of girls walking into the room when you're having sex with another girl are way too high. Right now it feels like it's almost a certainty rather than a once in a blue moon event. I like threesomes just fine, but I'd also like to control when they happen. Also you can get cock blocked if the girl you're having sex with doesn't have a high enough inhibition Stat. I'd also like to make a suggestion: when you have a threesome it would be cool to have the option to cum on the girl that isn't active. Like if I'm fucking Rogue and Kitty is there as well, when I'm ready to ejaculate I can choose to do it on Kitty.


Yeah that sounds like a pain in the ass, damn. No worries, just thought I'd put the question out there. Thanks for the detailed reply.


I'll see what I can do. I think it might be an easy change in theory, but I need to make sure it doesn't break something.


I do kinda want to do it though, it's just one of those things I brainstorm when I have the time. ;)


first i would make sure its the correct photo, as Storm also uses a Photo Blackmail as their plan.. or it could be that your stats with kitty are not high enough yet, but that wouldnt make sense if you can get the photo with them but not use it.


I was sucking Rogues tits through her tank top after the party, and after I came her model completely disappeared. Love the event btw, the costumes are all super hot


Thanks. That's odd though, if it's after the party there shouldn't be anything too weird going on, so that makes it a more general game issue than anything specific. When exactly did her model disappear, like during the climax or some point after? Did it return to the titsucking action without her model? Did her model reappear in some form?


It was after I told her to eat the cum and she finished up, then I went back to the tit sucking. The model disappeared but the dialogue continued, I believe the next thing to happen was her pulling the top open. the model reappeared after I went back to the sex menu


Which version works on android?


I don't currently make one with native android support. The exporter won't work on my system.


Ok, ok. . .Hmm. Might have fixed it. I might need to do some testing on my end first. It's a little complicated.


Laura Wardrobe: [Remove Suspenders] choice is not working. [Toggle Gloves] to remove gloves is not working. [Toggle Wristbands] to remove wristbands is not working. Jean Wardrobe: [Remove Suspenders] choice is not working.


Okay so the thing with Emma occured but with kitty. I dunno if all girls do it, in Kitty's case if she's paying down or doggy pose it'll flicker to the standing pose to whatever's currently being done front/back styles. This all just occurs when fondling breasts, ass so probably all girls do it


Hmm, ok, I just did some overhauls to that system to fix the issues Jake was talking about above, so maybe that fixed it, check in the next version. There were some issues with how I set things up during fondling. Unfortunately I think it might also leave broken any sex scenes that were saved while in progress, at least until you try to switch poses manually, but at least it should clear itself up after things shift.


Maybe not the correct time to ask, but ability to turn Jean around? Or have I missed something? Thanks.


[Laura and Jean's Suspenders]: If put on with a skirt, it will disappear when they flip their skirt or enter the sex pose. [Laura's Suspenders]: [Shift Suspenders] choice is not working if Laura does not put on the Tops part of Underwear.


The art does not exist yet. I plan to have that in an upcoming version, ideally 0.997, but that depends on how long Jubilee takes.


I'll see what I can do about Jean's suspenders, I believe Laura's vanish because when her buckled skirt goes up it raises the waistline, and this makes the suspenders look weird. And yes, suspenders default to covering the nipples if there is nothing on under them, but lifting her top moves them out of the way.


Oh, are you going to work on the all female version in the future?


Yes. . . ish. . . we'll see how much time the major priorities for the next build take.


It's in the long term plans, but it requires work that still needs doing, and other things have taken scheduling priority.

Taylor Walker

How to get the party choice?


Any day in the evenings, in your room, open the "special menu" option from the menu and select the "halloween party."