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Still plugging away at the game, have things working better and about ready to move to the next phase on the animation side of things, but I've also been working on getting Kitty ready. Here's a rather rough sketch of the sex pose I'm likely to go with for her.




Awesome! Can't wait to see the finished piece!


I love it and hate it when you tease stuff, man! :)


Cream pie action


Very nice! I like it. Keep up the good work!


Will she have a pubic hair option like rogue?


Oh, certainly. This is just the "minimalist" base sketch. She'll have full clothing options, pubes, piercings, all the other various features Rogue has, maybe more (and more for Rogue too).


You lucky dawg; I would love to be "working on getting Kitty ready"! :D


my body is ready :o keep up the good work!


Just curious Oni, have you seen Rogue Lust by SR7? Given the nature of your game I think you both are killing it with your work. SR7 has this slut choker in the comics you have to see.


Then Rogue and Kitty can enjoy a good snowball.


not bad, not bad at all ^^d


I love your work, keep doing amazing job like that. :D


Hey Oni, been meaning to ask this for a while. What inspired you to make the like Rogue game? seems like a true labor of love with all the effort you have already put into the game so far. Hell, recently started making a transformers porn comic because i felt that there was a lack in that type in content. Someone told me if you can't find the content that you seek, make the content and share it with others like yourself. I've never made a comic before but gotta start someplace right? Side question, have you decided on the total number of ladies that will be in the game? Also, how is this for a thought? you add 1 guy into the game as a wing man character that can distract others from your activities. he could also update you one where rogue is at the moment so you don't have to search. he could also be someone who gives advice on what each girl seems to like and may be willing to do. I would chose Quicksilver for this part. this good if you put Wanda in the game because it then can become hard mode since its his sister and all. everything with him could all be done with stills or mostly texts from the phone. could help feel thatthe player isn't the only guy here. What do you think? probably a derpy idea......but wanted to share it anyway.


1. As to what inspired me, I'd been playing games like these for a while now, Princess Trainer and that sort of thing, and thought they were a lot of fun, and someone actually approached me about working as an artist on another project, and I was a bit arrogant at the time about how much work the art would be relative to everything else, but it got me considering the idea, so I thought about making a game for myself, and what concepts would be fun, within my artistic wheelhouse, and with a lot of potential to extend it, and this seemed like a good fit. I really do love the setting and overall design of the series. 2. As for total number of ladies, I plan to keep adding until I have something better to work on. I definitely want at least three, I have three girls sort of brainstormed out, and then another 2-3 that I just consider occasionally as I'm developing a certain element, but ultimately it could just keep rolling, like most of the girls from the show, characters from the comics that were never in the show, characters from entirely different comic universes, the sky's the limit really. That's the nice thing about it, it's just a school, new people can be added fairly easily. 3. I don't know about a wingman. Adding any new character is a bit of work, even a simple one like that. Once you really get her going, rogue (or one of the other girls) could act as your wingman. ;) Also, once there are more characters in the game, you'll be able to just ask them if they've seen some other character.


I sent you a message oni hope you got it