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I've been waffling on this one for weeks now, whether to get out a new one or just wait until I have 0.996, but that will still be a bit, so I suppose I should get out what bug fixes I have available. This fixes "many of the bugs reported in the last release thread." Hopefully. The DLoc one still confuses me, if anyone's getting that with this version, make note of what you were doing, where you were leaving or going to, etc. That's a weird one.

No new content, that will be the next version.

Edit: I've uploaded a "TestDontDownload" PC version for people using Joiplay to test out. They seem to be getting some "DLoc" bug that does not make sense to me and I believe is specific to that platform. This version does not offer anything new and might throw up some annoying popups, so there's no reason to DL it if your version is working, but it might give me some diagnostic info for people having this bug.  If this fits you, then report whether you still get that bug, post the bug report if you do, and if the game throws up a random "A, B, or C" when displaying characters, let me know which.

I will note that I do not officially support Joiplay or any third party versions or middlewear or whatever, but if I can make the game work better, I will give it a try. 


Oni's Fan

Fastest hand in the West. We'll see

Myles Burris

Bug fixes more like I appreciate the time and effort you put into this game and hope you're doing well.


Cool thanks man


Not to be a pest but out of genuine curiosity, when are you going to finish up Storm's dialogue?


I'm still getting the Dloc error, and how it's undefined. For context I'm playing this on joiplay, and this is right at the start of the game, the first time I try and see Rogue in her room or in class.


I'm getting the same issue as Westin^


Which ones do you mean? Like the chit-chat type stuff? I think most of the rest of her dialogue is in at the moment.


Are you also on Joiplay or PC? It might be some weird platform issue, and I can't do anything to support Joiplay.


I'm really not sure what is causing this. Post the bug report for it please, but I'm not sure that will even help. Basically the line on which previous bug reports indicated the error is happening is one where if it were a problem, the bug should have happened several lines earlier. So I'm not sure why it would be fine before and then broken later.


Hey Oni, is it possible to delete old saves? I accidentally miss-clicked and saved it in my 3rd slot.


Well, it is possible to delete saves, but if you save over an existing save, I think the older one would be gone. The save files are stored in a directory in your Windows User settings, you can find that directory and delete saves, back up saves, paste other people's save files into that directory, etc. It's the same for every Renpy engine game.


Alright, I'll try that out. This is the only Renpy game I've ever played, so I'm not that familiar with the system. It's more just a visual thing for me, though. I only use one slot since I usually restart every new update. So, it's a lil annoying to see that one odd slot out lol.


So you're saying you can't do anything about the Dloc error?

Kyle Phillips

Is there a way to access a debug/cheat menu?


certainly. 1. https://f95zone.to/threads/enabling-console-in-renpy-games.39725/ or 2. https://f95zone.to/threads/enabling-developer-command-consoles-in-renpy.113/ works with all Ren'py games.


Got a bug regarding Storm : https://ibb.co/V2VmCpp


and still no Dildo play with Jean


For the time being, I'm saying that I do not understand what could be causing it. I welcome more reports that might help me figure out a cause for it. It doesn't seem to be happening to everyone, and it appears to be in a location that *would* hit everyone ALL the time if it made any sense, so I need to figure out why.


Got another this time with Rogue : [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script SDialog.rpy", line 2883, in File "game/script Girls.rpy", line 1372, in GirlLikeCheck AttributeError: 'GirlClass' object has no attribute 'LikeRogue' -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 137, in script call File "script Chat.rpyc", line 149, in script call File "script Chat.rpyc", line 300, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 917, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 5191, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 1510, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 5329, in script call File "script SDialog.rpyc", line 2296, in script call File "script SDialog.rpyc", line 2851, in script File "C:\Users\jason\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.995d-win\Rogue-Like-0.995d-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1681, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "C:\Users\jason\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.995d-win\Rogue-Like-0.995d-win\renpy\python.py", line 1794, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "C:\Users\jason\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.995d-win\Rogue-Like-0.995d-win\renpy\python.py", line 1788, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/script SDialog.rpy", line 2883, in File "game/script Girls.rpy", line 1372, in GirlLikeCheck AttributeError: 'GirlClass' object has no attribute 'LikeRogue' Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.995d [/code]

Matthew Harper

Android user here! Still getting DLoc not defined. I started a new file and made it through the tutorial with no issues. Left my room and tried to go to the showers, immediate DLoc error. Ignoring the errors eventually spat me back out into the courtyard travel screen, but it also gave me a bunch of random stats for Rogue. So I'm assuming that she was supposed to be in the shower when I went there? Let me know if you need full trace backs. I have a bunch of them, and it's obviously a ton of text so I'd rather not share if it's not needed.


Just a note: it seems like the "seen with" tags in the RecntActions aren't clearing as fast as they should be. I've started dating girls who walked in on me days previously and then they'll break up with me shortly after because of that, despite them not actively having caught me after starting our relationship.


Oh can you add a hair pulling option


Not sure if this has been suggested before, apologies if so. I'd like to see some fishnets for purchase for each of the girls


Ok, so, which girls were involved in this scene? And which one was the "lead?"


So far this seems to be an issue with how Joiplay handles variables (or doesn't handle them, as the case may be). I'm trying to find a solution. I know exactly where the problem sits on my end, it's just that it shouldn't be causing any problems, and doesn't on other platforms, so if a solution is possible, I would have to work outside the box for it. No idea if there is one.


Hmm, yeah. Ok, I think the best idea would be to clear those out when you form a relationship, I guess.


I'll think about it. Those can be annoying to work with in these sprites since they have a pattern to them.

Matthew Harper

That's fair, and it must be frustrating for you. I hope we can find some solution, but either way thank you for all your hard work!


I certainly understand that. It isn't make-or-break for me, I really enjoy the game thus far, and I wouldn't want you to put other things on hold just to sink a bunch of time into 1 new piece of clothing per girl.


Does anyone know what plan kappa is? I still haven't figured it out.


Anal is good!


who is that with, i dont remember the plan names, just who does what.


Only Rogue was involved here, who was the "lead" : I was heading to the classroom when Rogue wanted to have sex. I went to my room before that and as soon we start, when I wanted to pick up the pace, the bug occurred. The same bug happened when I called her to meet me in my room : I just talked to her and she asked me to have sex which I accepted. It occurred when I wanted to pick up the pace again.


ah ok, you need to team up with kitty at night, then go to the prof.s office and mess about for abit (more extreme the better) lol, then explore the room and look for an item (you should know it when you find it). this search must be done with kitty, and i would advise no other girls with you.. when that is done, provided kitty is "willing" to do it, next time you and kitty are with the prof you can put your plan in to action. on a side note, i love how you need to do this bit of set up before some plans will work, would like to see more like it with any new girls, maybe with other places you need to take them to get the "required item".. and maybe some rumors/hints that you can get from "just talking" to different girls. (Gwen would be the best for Hints and Spoilers i bet)


Huh. Well the bug is coming from a bit of code where it thinks there is girl/girl stuff going on, and my guess at this point is that it thinks both girls are Rogue, but I'm not sure why that would happen. When you look at the character status bar around when one of these happens, is there one behind the main one? I'm thinking maybe two green ones, but could be something else?


@Oni I've found a site that unnofficially posted .995C as an apk for Android, and that apk did NOT have the issue. The game was 100% playable. I know it's a separate thing, but the game 'is playable on android' as an apk. So it's definitely Joiplay causing the DLoc issue.


Now you mention it, I think I did, yeah. There were two bars during the act while Rogue was the only girl around. I might need to check that again just to be sure.


Good to know, thanks. I'm not expert on how software works outside my specific sphere, and have no idea how Joiplay handles things, but the way this errors pops up seems to me like it could only happen if the game is just instantly forgetting a local variable for no apparent reason, so my current theory is that it's in the way Joiplay "packages" things.


Yeah, hmm. . . so, if you notice this happening, try and check the exact moment that second bar for Rogue appears. let me know what happened right before that, like the line that was read out or something. It's a bit tricky to narrow down exactly when it's happening.


Alright, got the bug again, here are two screenshots : https://ibb.co/mt34Vyv and https://ibb.co/CvzvWTZ (this one is taken right before the bug occurs) The 2nd bar appeared after she came over to my room (asked her through the phone), it's the same color as Rogue's. I had the door locked before that. And again, when I start having sex with her (doesn't matter how), the 2nd bar remains visible.


Ok, so what interests me is when the second bar *appears,* because from that point on, from the game's perspective, it is seeing two Rogues, one that you are directly talking to, and one that is "the other girl in the room," just as if Kitty were standing there or something, and the actual *error* is caused when it tries to hook Rogue up with Rogue and it isn't meant to be doing that. So was that first screenshot immediately after the second bar appeared? It happened as she entered the chat menu with her?


Yes and yes. And this bug only occurs during the situation I've described.


So I decided to start a brand new game, and I got this: I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script.rpy", line 187, in script jump Dev_Room ScriptError: could not find label 'Dev_Room'.


That's because you've set the developer flag manually. Doesn't play nice with the start of the game.

Strategist G Bu Shi

The event where you get a knock at the door and find out its Laura in heat, I'm guessing is meant to happen when you're in your room, but is instead happening in the square.