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Ok, I've been talking about this one for a while now, but mostly in comments, so you may have missed it. Early in the game's development, I would only have one pose for "intercourse," Rogue had a doggy-style pose, Kitty had a more missionary style pose, etc. Last year I started to add in a second pose for each, covering whichever base wasn't already covered. Laura and Kitty got doggy-style poses, and Rogue a front facing pose. I think that having one of each gives a decent amount of variety. It would obviously be nice to have tons of extra poses for each girl, but given having to do all sorts of clothing combinations for each pose, that quickly balloons into a crazy place, so we're sticking at two for now. The plan is for the next two updates to include Emma and Jeans missing alternate poses respectively.

But Storm will also be getting her first version with the next major update. That schedules her second about two updates after that, so she will have both eventually, but I figured it would be worth letting you guys decide which one I do first. So that version would be for 0.995 in a few months' time.

Option A. A doggy style pose, similar to the ones that the other girls have. She'll have a different posture and body shape, but the overall look of it will be similar. Given that Emma's will be next month too, I will try to make them look as distinct as possible.

Option B. A front-facing sex pose, likely something more similar to Rogue or Kitty's, as those are easy to work with, but I am a bit flexible if someone has a good idea that I can animate effectively using Renpy's tools.

Feel free to leave comments about any details you would like me to focus on for either pose, or reasonable suggestions.

TL;DR, which pose do you want me to make for Storm first, a doggy style, or a front facing one? The other would be released several updates after. 



How about a front facing position but spread eagle, something more similar Laura's.


Yeah maybe give storm like a “Flying V” front facing pose

Jon B.



Front facing girl on top would be great


i guess it would be impossible but i would love a front facing standing position


I might be alone in this, but I don't really care about the uniqueness of every poses. There isn't a thousand ways to draw a doggy style animation. So of course there will be repetition. As long as the body shapes are different/respective to the character, I'll be happy.


Big tiddy teachers get cowgirl poses


When will Gwen Pool be integrated into the campus?


Yeah, I struggle with that a bit too, trying to figure out a useful variation within my limitations, but I do like to maintain as much variety as possible. :D


Whenever she wins the character pool. The next one will likely be held in the fall.


I think the front facing position will probably win because people want to see those tits during the action. How viable is it for Storm to have more of an arch in her doggy style pose, though? Like her head is to the ground and her ass is high in the air? I imagine it might be more difficult to not have it look weird and all.


There is a sex position know as "The X Factor" just saying xD. Now on a serious note, she could be laying on one side with one leg up and the player grabbing or hugging that leg. Don't know how hard to animate that could be thou.


Once you have the 2 for each girl down you could move to adding a pose per update and just voting on which girl gets it so it cycles


What about a pose laying on their sides with their legs horizontal instead of vertical


Agreed, like the "pretzel dip". Alternatively, you could do the side view for certain poses and add a top down/POV view to the side in a window to give diff visual's for poses like the "pinball wizard". Lot of interesting things you could find in the Kamasutra that feels like it could fit any characters/but particularly Storm's character.


Storm just plain doesn't appeal to me in her current proportions. I like how she looks in the comics when she wore her hair in the mohawk, so the mohawk helps, but she's still too muscular for my tastes in the game. But anyway, have you given any of the girls a proper plow position? It seems like Storm would be the sort that's into yoga.


Ooh, could we get a reverse cowgirl for Emma?

Jacob Kain

Cowgirl, but straddling (instead of Emma's squatting position)


Don’t know how plausible this is but what about a front carry position? Like have the MC as a plain shadow and have storm being lifted up by him during sex, or have it from a first person view and just show the hands keeping her lifted up


Just a thought.... Prone bone for Emma? Not so different animation wise from the doggy ones, just a different angle on the drawing, but different enough to not to be an "other doggy". Also good pose to put those melons to a visible position. (also my favorite)


Front facing is best because it shows off the tits. And Storm's got some big ones, so obviously I'd like to see them. So front first, then back. I am looking forward to Emma's back pose though. Hope it's good. After all, Emma's has the best front pose and animation (imo) so I hope she gets a good back pose to match.

Victor Dusk

Ive been trying to recreate the stockings clipping issue. i cant remember exactly but i know the stockings were black and it was a doggy position which i think is only a combination Rogue has. I have to wait for her to choose her stockings though herself, so i can test it. Edit: So Jean has that combo too, but looking at the pose and clothes i'm pretty certain it was Rogue still. However iv been testing locations and so far not been able to recreate it. If i spot it again i'll let you know


Well I'd ask for Emma's strange head art during poses to be edited, it looks nothing like her especially during her cowgirl. I was all for doggy cos I like the back, the goods so to speak.


I am tired of girls, when would the Henry McCoy dlc come up


Pinch dat fat nipples in front potition <3

Victor Dusk

During Jeans BJ scenes does the screen flash black when you change action for anybody else?


I like the idea of reverse cowgirl where she is turning her head and torso back to camera. Or cowgirl where she is leaning back. I like the idea of both teachers having a cowgirl position.


It would be a bit tricky. The camera angle tends to be sort of forward facing in most cases, so if we kept that angle, then you wouldn't see much of her body at all, maybe just a shoulder near her knees and her face if she twisted back toward the camera. If we did more of an overhead pose, or if I had her in a "reverse cowgirl" pose, then you would see her back and face, but her pussy and ass would be facing down-screen, so you wouldn't get a good look at either, and I try to use the sex poses to get a better visual of those areas than the standing pose offers. It's a trade-off worth discussing.


This is something I was trying to go for with Laura's pose, to mixed results. At one point Laura's pose was angled with her leg more vertical than it currently is.


It's possible, but I think I will more likely find some other use of the time at that point. Either more character releases, or more costumes, or something. We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.


K, thanks. Are you certain it was an issue in the most recent build? I've been messing around with stuff, and it's certainly something that might have been in a previous build but I fixed it.


It might do that. I had a mechanism that caused the screen to fade to black during certain speed transitions because I was getting some weird cases where the various animation layers were appearing in the wrong locations before coming together properly, and viewed that as the lesser of two evils. I think I've disabled a lot of that since though.


cowgirl would be great, but what about having storm holding her legs back towards her breasts


I agree on storm holding her legs back towards her breasts


Hey Oni, you probably mentioned this and or don't have a date but what do you figure the next updates ETA would be?


You could do the rear pose as the reverse cowgirl for some of the girls ^_^ for example Emma because her front pose it looking like a cowgirl pose. Or for Ororo :D

Shin Gouki

Another suggestion for a front facing pose could be a standing pose with the MC lifting one leg up, but it might look a little strange without having some sort of "shadow" or transparent figure so it makes sense that Storm's leg is being held up. That or Storm is fully capable of holding that pose herself lol! I can find a picture of what I mean if words alone are not enough, but won't post it here to avoid any issues with Patreon, let me know if it sounds interesting Oni and thank you for the great updates!


I know what you mean, I considered something like this for Laura but decided against it at the time. I'll give ti more thought, the main issue is just in that "off center" poses are a little trickier to animate using the tools available to me. Not impossible though, I think.


No date for 0.995, definitely a good distance out. I will probably do a 0.994g though that fixes a few things and adds some more interactions to sex poses (I've been working on some animation stuff lately).

Guwhenivar Bozo

from the rear pose with legs spread WIDE and welcoming while holding/squeezing her huge titty and looking over her shoulder.... fuck ya.


Oni doesn't do any APK or IPhone stuff for this game; you can find it around but Oni themself doesn't do it


just download joiplay dude, you can play renpy on android with that