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Do Not Download, I cannot stress that enough. This version is likely riddled with issues and should only be downloaded by those interested in testing and breaking things to figure out what went wrong. Later versions will be more stable and playable and fun for people who just want to play the game, so give it at least a few days if that's what you're here for.

For those that do download it, if you get any crashes, please report them in this thread, or PM me with them if you prefer. There will be an initial part to the crash report, and then it will say "Full Traceback" and there will be what is typically a longer part. I don't *usually* need that info and it can make the thread longer, so you can clip that portion out unless I ask for it, but the first bit is important for tracking things down. Try and keep a save from a bit before the error occurred if you can (save early and often), so we can test whether what I try next fixed the problem. Let me know whether the error occurred in a playthrough fresh to the new version or from a save from a previous version.

If an error occurs that does not cause a crash, the best way for me to track it down is to describe which type of scene this was, which characters were involved, and ideally the exact lines of dialogue that were said during or right before the error, because that will let me word search and pin down the exact line of code where things stopped working right. Much easier than trying to run through the entire scene looking for potential problems.

And of course feel free to just offer feedback and suggestions that are not "bugs," but just things that you think could be better.

The obvious causes of issues would include, but not be limited to:
Storm's new relationship scenes not appearing or breaking at some point.
The Hose-ripping option not working as intended in some way. I'm not sure that all the girls who have this option have it properly set up. Probably won't work right on Emma, come to think of it.
The new surprise mechanic.
Storm's new sex poses not working right in some way, looking weird, whatever. There might be some "brakes" I put on these poses appearing that I forgot to remove.
Kitty's new clothing options not being available or not appearing properly in some cases.



I get a black square overlay with only Storm's hair visible when asking for a titjob, the rest of the room can be seen. Same for the BJ

Anthony Michelli

I get that black sqaure too, looks like this https://imgur.com/a/nAx9lkO


started a new game with this version. right at the start when i want to go into the "Special Options" screen the error occures [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 179, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 181, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 187, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 191, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 193, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 194, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 196, in execute File "game/screens.rpy", line 200, in execute NameError: Name 'locked' is not defined.


Dammit, I'll fix that next build. For the moment, if you want to keep testing, you can change her hairstyle to mohawk or "wet." It's a problem from a different issue I was trying to fix and forgot to test the result.


Ok, fixed for next build, thanks. In the meantime, you can use the wet or mohawk hair, which should work.


Is there anything to find in Xavier's study so that he lets MC alone when having fun with Storm in public ? I tried to search his office, with and without Kitty and didn't get anything.


In this build? I think previous builds had some bugs, but I thought I'd fixed it this time. Kitty should find Kitty stuff, Storm should find Storm stuff.


Notice what I'm assuming is a error with Kitties original pose for anal, though a second D as new mutant power could be intersting. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ifpoz5h58fsv6zk/rl-994.jpg?dl=0 Figured out additional information, the error only shows for the slowest speed.


I do like the new money idea, had me laughing quite a bit.