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Ok, this is a TEST BUILD, it is NOT a normal build of the game, DO NOT delete your most recent version of the game, because you'll still need that one.

This version is for testing Rogue's new sex pose, and as such ONLY includes Rogue as a playable character (if I've set it up properly). Adding other girls into the mix on this one would get. . . wonky.

I still need to add some of the fluid effects to it, so those aren't in yet, but you should be able to test out her sex pose, as well as using this new pose or her doggy style pose in the fondling activities as well. I don't have all the little moving hands animations keyed up with her sex poses though (I intend to correct this).

Let me know what you think of this version.



It's that time again. This better not be quarantine build 2.0 ooooooooooo


I see "jk" for the name of the build, and it's the April 1st here... Yeah, not sure I wanna get that version x)


I was not expecting that. You just opened a new door of possibilities dude. A WHOLE ENTIRE CATHEDRAL DOOR!!


It is not a quarantine build. Aside from the other girls not being in it. So I guess it's a "bubble" build, technically.


Honestly? I would keep the option of playing as a girl. The new pose really works too. Also, having the new pose work for anal would be awesome! But not strictly required


Notably, though, I get an exception error any time Rogue does the "You seem to be getting serious about ______" conversation.


Also, says to tell you that Rogue is not meeting me for some reason. Numbers are 909, 384, 624. She wanted to talk about boyfriend stuff.


Huh. Why would that even be playing? . . It shouldn't start up unless you've been dating some other girl, and other girls should not be available in this build. What's going on there?


Got this sentence : "Rogue bends down and grabs you pussy".... really? ;-)


I don’t know if I trust the version. It says 0.993jk. It is April first


I don't know how, but I would like it to be in the main game, and not as an April Fool's joke (in addition, you can also make some animations for the player as a first-person view, thereby adding a sense of greater involvement in this game moment)


For a joke this is actually well made. Would be cool if some of this would find its way in the main game. Not as female protagonist but maybe you can recycle some of these animations for threesomes.


Can do as with flocons, only already in the form of an event on which it will be possible with the help of some liquid to "change the gender" (I am sorry if there are errors in the text)


Not sure how much of an Aprial fool this build is, but if you could lift Rogue's leg a bit higher, that would be great ^^


in "fingering" scene you could fix rogues hand or whole arm, it just looks unnatural


It is a little rough, I only had so much time to experiment on this project. :D


Would be nice in some threesome fun, just one thing i found was when i have the Strap on and while Fck her P*ssy und tell i wanna fck he B*tt and she sayes yes it changes to Vag*nal Sex with front view


First of all, love this build, cracked up at the surprise. Defo hope you plan to keep this in for future builds like the pandemic phone sex stuff, great change of pace. Secondly, encountered an issue where Rogue entered the room saying "So i've seen you getting cozy with Rogue" and gave me the below error: [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 2086, in File "game/script Girls.rpy", line 1331, in GirlLikeCheck AttributeError: 'GirlClass' object has no attribute 'LikeRogue' -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 154, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 1120, in script call File "script Scenes.rpyc", line 2086, in script File "C:\Users\Test\Rogue-Like-0.993jk-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1681, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "C:\Users\Test\Rogue-Like-0.993jk-win\renpy\python.py", line 1794, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "C:\Users\Test\Rogue-Like-0.993jk-win\renpy\python.py", line 1788, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 2086, in File "game/script Girls.rpy", line 1331, in GirlLikeCheck AttributeError: 'GirlClass' object has no attribute 'LikeRogue' Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like-4the1adies 0.993jk [/code]


Hells yeah dude! Being able to play as a girl or futa/trans woman would be an amazing option to add IMO.


is normal that the new pose is avaiable only for vagi? when try anal she turn


I know its just an April fools joke but a male or female option would be a neat edition. Sweet test build!


Wow... Yeah, of all the April Fools stuff I've seen this was the most impressive. I'd dig it if there was a linked event or option for something wild in the main game but even if it ends up as just a one-off "Haha! Gotcha!" I'm still keeping this saved. Super well done for being thrown together as a joke build.


Honestly, this was an awesome April Fools post that I hope becomes a reality in the game at some point. Maybe as a 'punishment' if you get caught too many times or maybe as an ability of a future girl (can't think of one right now though). Could also work as an option along with skin color and would be interesting to get multiple levels of wetness for hair and the body to replace the bukkake features.


holy shit I laughed: https://files.catbox.moe/jpgp15.png


LOL i loved this thanks for the laugh!


Oh! I figured out why that is happening. Ok, for a minute there I was worried it was an issue that would pop up in the live game, but no, it was just something that had to do with how I short-circuited this alt version. If you can skip past it, go ahead, I will probably release a "no bugs" version of this one later though.


I think I still need to play with how "defaults" work for the new poses, right now I believe she will always flip back to the old default, but you should be able to flip her back once the actions start.

Zack V

I've got to say, joke or not, it was a refreshing twist on the usual activities. There is a lot of room with really fun expansion in regards to dialogue and relationship questions. It'd be cool to see you expand on this. As for the new pose, well done! Its lovely. I think it should be scaled up on the screen (like Laura and Kitty), because it felt small in relation to the rest of her poses. Anatomy wise its excellent, as well as perspective. Looking forward to more.

Kalle Knallcop

Missionary pose needs to have a fondling and licking option. Maybe for the other girls too.


It does work with licking at this point, working on some more options.


Yeah, I've toyed with the scale a bit. I think it is to scale with Kitty's, actually, it just looks smaller because she is leaned back and her legs are not splayed to the sides. I might scale it up a bit more anyway though.

Phillipe Farneti

Man I can hardly wait until I can bang Storm and do anything I want to Jean...my ho's. I also enjoy smackin around that worn out douce Xavier.


would you be able to move rogues feet out of the way at all in the next builds?


I hate to be a pest but will a new build be released this week?


It would be cool to customize gender selection in the main game)


I hope Gwen will join the game soon as a character ^^


Well, they turn translucent when sex is happening, to indicate they are behind you. I might make them even more transparent than that. Physically moving them to a new location would be a lot more work and set back other projects.


a question here, are you going to add Ororos ahegao (or broken after few orgasms) face like we have with Emma and Laura? and are you going to fix Emmas scenes so here cloths (like stocking, piercing) can be visible? One more thing - any news about cloths for other girls? Like stockings or socks for kitty?

Petr Spetsnaz

A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one