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Ok, I'm trying to nail down this issue people have been reporting about a girl telling them that she wants to meet with them in your room, but then not showing when you go there. I've got a (temporary) error messaging system in place for that, so please help me out with it. If a girl asks to talk with you, and then you go to your room, then let me know which girl it was, then the numbers that it tells you, and then the next message which should say what she intended to talk about.

The last part might not work if this is on the same day that she asked you in your current save file, so for testing purposes, please just advance to the next day. Hopefully she will ask again and then see what happens.



it happen whit rouge, but it dont show number on any message,


I didn't get any message from anyone to meet anywhere, but I tried to go to my room at the end of the day to sleep, then got told Rogue is not meeting with me 'for some reason' The numbers are 608,73,130


Got any news on when storm gona get some options?


They can ghost you now... they've adapted. ;)


rouge - 1000 995 922 this is from patch d


I remember wrong or a time when you ended up in a girl's mouth a little cum remained on the chin? and that in threesomes girls could kiss to "clean up"? because I noticed that the interaction no longer appears, has it been removed or is my game having a problem?


+1 with the subtitles in the parenthesis.


Just went to class and laura 'pounced' me, but didn't transition to my room, so xavier had something to say about that.


For the most part, Storm will not be getting new content until the next version around early summer or so. There is a LOT of art that needs doing for that.


It can still happen. I'm not sure it's implemented on all girls yet at the moment or in all situations. I'll check.


ok all that is fixed but now i cant move for one of the girls calling me to my room...seems to have stopped just had 4 in a row wanting alot


Yeah, if the girl is fine with being in public, then they might not lead you away. I guess maybe I could add the option to have the player insist on leaving.


Are the scenes resolving, or do they call you to your room and then nothing happens? It's possible there were just a lot of scenes that got traffic jammed or something and need to play out. If they are not resolving, then is it putting up the error message I described in the OP?


With every new version (not including the lettered versions) i always start a new save file to look for bugs and such, on this playthrough i started working on the kitty path (yes she's my "waifu" so i always start with her) everything proceeded as normal, i got her to become my girlfriend first, then started working on laura, eventually when i got laura to also become my girlfriend, i tried asking kitty for permission, to date her and laura at the same time, but there was no option, just the breakup option, no option about asking about other girls. i got around this by just asking to break up and saying that i was interested in laura, which proceeds with the whole "ill share you instead" later when i was talking to laura and asked her about dating other girls, i noticed i had the option to ask her if she'd mind if i dated kitty as well, out of curiosity i clicked this... and she proceeded to go through the normal i don't like sharing but ok... shouldn't all the girls acknowledge that kitty was the first girlfriend? if it helps, i put off the kitty dresses up laura scene till about day 30 where i had both of them as my girlfriends before i peeked into kitties room asking what's going on (laura tries out wolverine clothes)

JW Sims/Hooligan Alley Comics

Ok i got an error. It siad Storm not meeting you" 632, 138, 270, and I had already slept after loading this save.

Hao P

Kitty: 10,719,583


Emma is not meeting with me. 394, 112, 338


Rogue is not meeting me for some reason too : 321, 514, 691, there didn't seem to be a reason


Not sure if this is a bug or not: - When dressing up Rogue, if she’s wearing the “green mesh top” overshirt, the “buttoned tank top” is missing from her underwear list. - Also if she’s already wearing the “buttoned tank top” and try to have her wear the “green mesh top”, it replaces the buttoned top with the normal “black tank top”

Hao P

Rogue: 85 982 1000, she wanted to talk about sex friend stuff. Weirdly we already had the friends with benefit discussion and I already maxed out the sex slave discussion too.

Hao P

just encountered a weird glitch where, I was fondling Emma and got her to swallow the cum. But her animation is stuck licking the dick rather than back to fondling.


Talked with Rouge about her name picked "I think "Rouge" suits you though." and got the response "Yeah, I'm used to it buy this point"


When switching to sucking on Storms breasts the male hand continues to show along with the tongue.


So one minor bug to chatting on a date chatted to Storm and she commented "I enjoyed our date, we should definitely do that again sometime." which seemed odd, though I guess because one of the other girls was also present could be argued she was hinting at a solo date next time.

Hao P

I had Emma strip naked in my room, added her to party and went to the square. Her dialogue repeats "I'm afraid I'll have to change, one moment" and "Sorry for the wait" over and over with a black screen.


When getting a Psychic handjob from Jean every time the option menu pops back up the animation restarts like she is pulling the dick out of the pants. Does keep the speed up at least.

Dallas McPhee

Emma doesn't want to meet, 425,231,517, there doesn't seem to be a reason

Hao P

Another weird is I have Emma love super low with inhibition and obedience high (around 800s). I'd catching her masturbating in the classroom once, she orgasms and catching me jerking off to her. she would talk a little and storms off. Then when I revisit the classroom, she would be there saying I had skip detention, when I try to initiate with the sex dialogue she would storm off again.


Not sure if there is a flag not getting cleared correctly but when a female sends a message to meet, go and take care of her, leave the room and the MC's room again the message "Tell Oni that [Female] is not meeting with you for some reason.


Not sure how easy it is to tell but can't help thinking if the female is in the room at the start of the time block and is emailing to meet her that she just say it, unless they are trying to keep the relationship on the downlow


Unable to open game successfully using windows version. I get this instead: [code] I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the errors listed below, and try again. The label Rogue_Sex_Reset is defined twice, at File "Rogue_Animations.rpyc", line 3244 and File "Rogue_Animations.rpyc", line 3308. Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py [/code]


Ema just leave the room...Tell Oni that EMA is not meeting with you for some reason...

Phillipe Farneti

I found the detaching pussy amusing. When you slowed down it would reattach.


That's odd. The "I wanted to ask about [another girl]" option should be in Kitty's relationship list if she was your girlfriend. It should be right above the breakup option. It sounds like for some reason she didn't get added to the group on the first pass, but I'm not sure why. You went through Kitty's basic "I wanna be your girlfriend" scene? Oh, I found a reason this might be weird. Did you just ASK Kitty to be your girlfriend from the menu? I found a way I might have screwed that one up. Let me do some tweaking. . .


But it didn't say why? I was expecting a message along the lines of "Tell Oni she wanted to talk about [something here] stuff"


Ok, do you know which relationship milestone scenes you've gotten, and which you haven't? You can check by the number of petname options she gives you if you're unsure.


I'll see about adding that in. I think it's an issue that the buttoned top clips a little through the shoulders of the mesh top and I never really fixed that.


That is odd. Yeah, it seems to be trying to talk about the sex friend thing. Did that happen on the same day, or a different day? Is the sex friend petname available?


Yeah, I'm going to need to go through and set everyone's defaults for that, it doesn't seem to reset afterward.


Interesting. So I take it that the primary dialogue was about sucking on her breasts though? Was there ever any secondary dialogue (after the first) that was about fondling them? I'm thinking it had shifted to a secondary action.


That's unusual. If that were an issue then it should be happening to every player on startup. Which verison is this?


Tell Oni that Jean is not meeting with your for some reason. 79,212,868, "tell oni that there didnt seem to be a reason"


Tell Oni that Rogue is not meeting with your for some reason. 690,219,381 "there didn't seam to be a reason" New save.


Tell Oni that Rogue is not meeting with your for some reason. 712,233,396 "there didn't seam to be a reason" New save.

chrisblkchris .

Storm came to my room for a fix. After she left I got the message of her not meeting me and the number 935,812,836. Version E with an old save and I have slept with no problems.


I had already met with Kitty earlier in the day, but it said to tell oni Kitty isn't meeting with me for some reason. Numbers were 339, 374, 268. "There didn't seem to be a reason."


question has Psylocke been brought up yet?

Phillipe Farneti

I want all tbe unfinished stuff finished before any other stuff is brought up.


What happened with this room meeting stuff? In the previous version (before 0.993) it was working perfectly. Did you tweak something about it?


rogue didn't meet me 911,482,715

Hao P

Also, I brought Kitty and Emma on a date. when initiate the goodnight kiss with Emma, both her and Kitty's kissing animation activate and overlap with one another.


When the Storm sex scenes are added this will officially be my #1 favorite porn game


Kitty isn't meeting with me for some reason, 2, 810, 738, wanted to talk about sub stuff. (I had already met with her and rogue to give them their fix, had a third girl who called me that morning so I didn't know kitty wanted to meet a second time)


Emma 0,818,922 sub stuff


can I download this update?


Storm is such a QT. Without any sexual advances outside of touching she practically loves me


She has come up. I might add her to the girl 7 poll if there's a lot of support, but honestly we have a lot of telepaths already, and I think Jubilee would be more fun. :)


I'm testing something. I've gotten reports from people in this (and previous) versions that girls would ask to meet, and then they'd go to their room, and a meeting would not take place for some reason. I'm trying to sort out why. It's a process. I've figured out a few issues with the system as it functions, and future builds should benefit from that. I expect these messages to go away completely within a build or two.


They both happen at the same time, or one happened earlier and didn't go away before the other started? What was the last line said right before the animation?


Hmm, the only thing I can think of is that maybe she asked to meet you about the sub thing earlier, but then you pissed her off at some point, which might cause her to skip that scene. Let me know if it tries to play out again in a day or two (ingame).


Sure, it's in a link above, although we are still working through some bugs.