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I wanted to get some feedback on the "economy" of the game, such as it is. Right now, the primary way of earning money is via the stipend you get, and the reason for that is I didn't want an earning system that was too grindy, does this work for you guys? Is it too easy to make money? Too hard? Should there be more methods of changing how much you can earn?

And what about the shopping aspect? It's a bit of a stub right now, there's only the one outfit (though I plan to add some more), a few items to shift stats a bit, a few toys to make things more interesting, and the stat-juicing colognes, what do you think of these items? Any that don't work how they should? Any of these things that I should have more like that? Less? Are they too easy to afford, or too difficult?

Feel free to make suggestions as to what things you'd like to see added to the store, or changes made to it.



I have been unable to purchase any of the colognes in the last two builds. Don't know if that's just me or if they were removed.

Reb Bartera

Some kind of accelerated income would be nice. Maybe something with a risk reward type of deal. Not sure how you'd frame this but somehow getting a burst of 50$ dollars at the cost of a week's worth of stipends would be neat. It'd allow you to get quick money now, at the cost of your steady income.


The economy is fine for what it currently is. Once you get later into development and feature creep shows up more it would be cool to see some new stuff. Maybe have an alternate income by convincing the girl(s) to take photos with you you could sell to other students/internet or just have the scenes for variety. Also ways to personalize the player room could be a decent money sink with relatively low effort art wise.


Colognes I think are locked till WAY past the point where you see anything interesting. By the time you get them all of Rogue's stats should be maxed, so they should probably either be placed earlier or have bonus/alternate effects. As an example perhaps you're actually buying concentrated pheromones from an Evo Stacy-X or Wallflower. You could do a single graphic to make the experience more immersive. Examples of alternate effects might be unlocking special traits for the girls or inclining them to enjoy another girl with you? (Yeah, that's a huge feature request, I know.) ATM money doesn't matter at all. Your spending your time 'grinding' Rogue (ironically) to get her stats up and if you get bored trying to get the last 100 points or so you buy the books. The only interesting item is the nighty and somewhat the sexy toys. Past that all you're doing is spending money to boost love via dates atm. More clothing choices are always awesome, even if they're reskins of clothing the girls already have. (For example, making Rogue wear lace panties or perhaps a bright pink thong.) Overall I think items are priced appropriately though of course the presentation could use more work. If anything you end up with too much money. Day 50, Lvl 9 with $405, Rogue has all her toys, books and the nighty. Suggestions for other things to put in that are waaaay too much work. Posters/decorations for your room/girl's rooms. Precious metal/gem stone rings for body jewelry. Liquor to smuggle on campus, from expensive classy stuff to cheap hard stuff. (Either given as gifts for altering stats or to unlock special scenes in women's rooms.) Crazy thought: If you ever implemented a 'Smart Phone' display for the talking to girls menu. (e.g. displaying a static image of a phone in the center of the screen while players still selected items from the simple text menu) you could spend money to unlock special wallpapers/picture packs on the internet. The teal deer is that what you have works ok for now, and anything you add is awesome. Things I think could use improvement is that you need more things to sink money into; cologne needs to be available earlier or do something else; more options are awesome but whatever you can work with when you can work it in is awesome. Idle request for the hour: If a girl is wearing a thong, have a flirt option to snap the strap. ;) Idle request for the day: Phone flirts. Send naughty text, send a dick pic, ask for a tits pic. (as examples.) Thanks again for all your hard work! Wish I could support you more!

Ai Muhao

Maybe for that sort of thing you could negotiate with another character, or someone makes an offer? Like, say, Scott offers some money to wash his car because he meant to do it this weekend but he has to run off with the X-Men, and so asks if you're willing. Or something like hazard pay, for stuff like helping to test out the Danger Room or new equipment.


It's hard to really gauge how the money works because there's so little to spend it on.


Yeah, and that's fair. I never expect to have a super-robust economy with tons of things to shop for, it'll still mostly be gifts, bonus clothing, dates, toys, etc., I just wanted to take the pulse of how people were doing, if they were running out of money too fast, or if they always had way more than they could spend, or felt they had to wait too long to buy certain things. I don't plan to make the system super serious where there is some ideal balance, but if I can make a few tweaks here and there to make it "feel better," why not, right?


There is a 50-day hard time limit before you can purchase them, maybe you just haven't hit that time yet? If not, might be something else I'll have to look into.


Both solid ideas. I could work something like that into the event system, a character popping up to offer a short term windfall or something.


Yeah, the timer on colognes was basically there to use it as a "panic button," for if things really dead-end, you can use them to get that last bit you need to keep things rolling. If you could just pick them up right at the start it would make things too easy. BTW, all three colognes do have an easter-egg origin in the comics. I'd long been thinking that at some point I want to have a bio-lab where you can splice in weird stuff, but of course weird stuff means more art assets, and right now I'm trying to get the meat and potatoes down. Maybe if I can find a secondary artist to handle clothing and add-ons like I'm looking for. Funny you should mention lace panties, that's in the works, I just don't have all the sprites done yet. Also a few other clothing bits. And of course Kitty will have her own wardrobe, and so on, so eventually there will be a lot of clothes to buy, even if each only has a few pieces there. And yes, the phone thing has been on my brainstorming list for a while now. I have the basics in mind for how to do it, but other features have always taken priority. I do want the ability to sext in eventually though. I could do it all with text, but where's the fun in that?


I like a lot of what has been suggested here. The money does come in a little slow. Maybe the player could get a little extra on their stipend when Rogue (or one of the other girls later) levels up. Professor X calls you in and tells you that you did a great job training with/tutoring the girl and he would like to give you a small bonus on your stipend. Now as far as spending money, I would like to see more clothing options. I think some events and special dates would be helpful. Also something that can be bought multiple times to boost love, ie a "just because gift" Clothing Options: -The outfits from the Bayville Sirens episode -Something in the "catholic school girl" variety -Different underwear/lingerie -Retro outfits (the green and yellow bodysuit and leather jacket worn by Rogue in the comics) -Swim wear -Jewelry (belly button ring, necklace) -Formal clothing (dress) for extra special dates -More fetish type items for when she starts calling you "Master" (collar) Events: -Holiday events (valentines, Christmas, Halloween) -Weekend special events (beach trip, house party, amusement park/carnival) -If you decided to add in a weather/seasonal system you could randomly have a snow day -School events (dance, field trip) -Special dates. Something besides the ones you already go on. Rogue might like going to a Cajun restaurant for example. Kitty would like going ice skating. Gifts: -Something that is generic and can be bought multiple times (music, food, sweets, flowers, stuffed toy) -Something that is girl specific and can only be bought once (Kitty loves chocolate. You could also find a purple dragon stuffed toy (Lockheed from comics) ) -Other adult toy options (a remote control vibrator that can be used on the girl while she is in class) Options to make money could include what some others have suggested: -Wash Scott's car -Do someone's chores for them (Nightcrawler doesn't want to have to clean the danger room) -Tutoring / training (Professor X will ask you to work with a student to help them get their grades up. If you work with them every day for a week or both days over the weekend you get a bonus on stipend) Hope some of this helps


I haven't played in a while, so I forget, can you take the girls out on dates? That might be another thing to be able to spend money on; the more expensive the date, the more their appreciation grows. Also, perhaps there could be occasional events to spend money on; sort of a one-shot chance every now and then, for a big boost in love or a special reward. Suppose Rogue sees a fancy new phone she wants or something and you have the option to buy it for her. This would be a one-chance only thing, encouraging you to save some money for when stuff like this might happen.


Personally, I think it's a bit too easy, I mean, the prices are'nt very high and there is not a lot of things to buy! But if you raise up a little bit the prices and add some things in the market, the economic system would work perfectly! I think! I even have some ideas! hehe


Yes you can take Rogue out on dates but the options are pretty shallow right now. Being either: Dinner, a movie, or dinner and a movie. And then also what kind of dinner you get. I imagine at some point Oni will expand on it at some point (or will after he reads your comment) like taking her to the mall, a walk in the park, go out dancing in the club (which could be funny because this <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=028SuKt9NlM)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=028SuKt9NlM).</a>


I approve of all these options. Also all of it is crazy time consuming to add. (Well most of it anyway, some of the one shot gifts are simple, especially without graphics.) I was even going to suggest the Washing Scott's Car thing, but after a while, you just don't need the money in game. I would totally be down for it if you halved the starting stipend and then reduced the raises by half as well. (In this game the grinding is about the girls, but it would be fun if you could also grind for other things.)


Solid ideas, and at least a few of those are already on the "backburner" but I'll see what I can do.


Had a few other ideas just now. One that hasn't been mentioned is stat enhancing items for the main character. Supply of nice cologne that actually permanently affects all girls with a +10 to all stats. Down payment on a clunker car to take girls on dates. Down payment on a super nice car to take girls on dates. (Unlocks alternate dates where you just drive off to make out.) Various nerdery accessories that give you a minor XP boost during classes and study sessions where you actually study! (IDK, personal laptop?) Ability to buy custom X-suit. (Which is easy to write since you don't actually see the main char.) Gives an XP boost during Danger Room sessions. (Bonus for letting the char pick between multiple styles, with each style appealing to a certain girl. +Stat Boost first time they see you with it in the Danger Room.) *Arm-Flails!* Ideas!


By mid game I feel the economics is pretty spot on. The beginning for most playthroughs is fine unless I'm playing where I want to go on a number of dates that I fully pay for before the relationship gets real serious, a woo her route if you will. In which case I'm having to go at a slower pace, granted part of the idea but can feel slower then I would like, restricted as to how quickly I can buy the toys and nighty, and more focused on leveling up to improve the stipend then anything else. My idea to help with that could be to add a means to actively make money by working at for example a campus store. This would also allow for the potential for more risk taking, especially early game, since at least for me the risk of getting caught by Xavier means I tend to be unwilling to risk a reduction on my stipend. Though could be helped if there was a cheaper option for a date say during the day an ability to go get coffee or go get some fast food for a regular evening date. I will agree with the sentiment that play long enough and you make more then you really need. Though I do feel this is more a symptom of only Rouge being available right now and as more girls get introduced the feeling of excuse will get reduced. As well as as new clothes becoming available would give more things to end up buying. One thing that could be added would be a more expensive restaurant option. Currently the dialog suggests this is a mid tier restaurant so adding a high end restaurant would give a means to spend the excess. A couple of other things that come to mind would be the ability to pay for the process of Rouge to get piercings or hair removal instead of simply saying she should get it done at some point. This would obviously be something optional and more as a means to speed up how quickly it gets done. Obviously not expecting any of these ideas to be implemented any time soon just ideas to suggest.


I am fully in favor of having to pay for waxing/piercings :) (Though maybe you could get them to cover part of the cost with a super high obedience stat or maxed Inhibitions "Sounds like fun!")


Interesting ideas on the piercings and stuff. That does seem to fall into a category of if she's borderline agreeable to the idea then offering to pay might tip her over the edge, while if she's totally up for it then she'd take care of it herself.


An addendum to the idea, maybe with a car you can hit dinner and a movie, but without it you can only go to one or the other, cause you have to walk back to the academy after ;)


The only thing I would add is for her to call you more names. Stuff like Daddy would really help people pick custom experiences. So far everything is AMAZING so I want to thank you and wish you the best on your work :D


I can add more names, sure. Anyone else got names they'd like to see?


Well if you wanted you could always set it up so at a certain level she just lets you set a custom name. Your choices are pretty comprehensive. :) I agree some might get a kick out of Rogue calling them Daddy... I'd almost want some custom chit-chats for that or something :P (But that's just me!)

Jesse Maxel

Will you be able to whore her out in the later versions? Or just make her seduce people and/or have students and teachers take advantage of her? I feel like that would be great for an endgame. There isn't much of a point to making her walk around naked at the moment.


There might be some element of this eventually. There's ultimately no point to any of this, except to have fun with it. ;D

Jesse Maxel

Of course, of course. I was just disappointed that it didn't do anything is all.


Quick question: Is this game supposed to have sound? I'm only asking because I see audio options and I'm on Linux and not sure the game runs correctly.