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I'm working on getting version 0.95 out in the next couple of days, which will mostly be bug fixes and stuff. I thought it would be fun to discuss the various types of bugs that I get hit with, and what each means.

1. Typos. This is the easiest to fix, but annoying because it means I made a stupid mistake. A lot of errors, especially the ones that throw out actual error messages, come down to my misspelling or mis-capitalizing  a variable name or something, or putting a "=" instead of a "==", which is necessary for if-thens. But these are easy fixes, I just have to go to the area in question and fix it, usually also doing a word find to see if I made the same mistake elsewhere.

2. Logic/flow errors. These can be the most annoying to fix, ones where I expect a sequence to play out one way, but it doesn't. This may be because I built a stack of if/then statements backwards, or I check a variable the wrong way, or a variable is allowed to climb too high or too low for what is being checked, but the result is that weird things happen and it can be tricky to figure out why.  I try to keep things as simple and streamlined as I can, but "simple" and "open ended" are always in conflict, and I really like to keep as many options open as I can at any given time.

3. Art fail. This is where I did something wrong with the artwork, like messed up the transparency, or misaligned an image with the other images in a sprite, or mostly that transparency thing. These are usually simple to fix, but involve a lot of annoying grunt-work in cropping, resizing, etc.

4. Dumb ideas. The last thing that tends to get reported is just bits that work how I designed them, but people think it would work better some other way, and often enough, I agree on that. These tend to take the longest to fix, since they involve coming up with entirely new approaches, but ultimately have a big impact on the game, so keep these ideas coming.



There is one bug i keep noticing....in the movie theater when she consumes your essence(trying not to be crude on your page) her lips completely disappear.


I'm glad that the touch herself bug is gone along with the the continuation of her good morning surprise(bj).


Sorry i keep pushing enter out of habit. Las thing i want to say is that your artwork in the game is totally awesome and i can't wait for kitty to join in on the action( kitty and rouge are my kid crushes lol........don't judge me because we all had one). another girl that would be awesome is evolution's version of scarlet witch(forgot her real name at the moment). oh one more bug.....sometimes you don't see rouge when she first appears in a room but i'm not sure if you intended that.


Aaaaaaand fixed. It came down to me writing that sequence back when I had a different way of managing the character sprite, so it was referencing variables that no longer existed. Fixed, and also backstopped so at the very least she should never end up mouthless again. ;)


thanks for putting the work in mate. Good to know that your on the job. I'm glad than decided to back you even though its not much but all i can afford. I'm actually learning to make digital myself so i can one day create flash games (mostly to make the ones others haven't...for fun). Thanks for the hard work and good luck with the coding because from what i understand its a real pain in the ass.


sorry last one. rouge tends to stay wet as in sweaty continuously even going for days and the only way to fix it is through the options which don't last long. also, she tends to get blacked out if you have sex with her while she is still wearing her workout shorts.......i know i keep cumming up with these but i'm actually playing and these are the things that are happening. I'm not sure if the cologne is working either. Ok enough from me for now..... i just wish to help. good night


Thanks. Others have reported this, and I've fixed it. This was one of those "flow" issues, and basically just a stupid error on my part, I put the water in whenever you encounter her in the showers, and somehow never remove the effect? So yeah, now it gets removed at the end of the scene, and for good measure clears itself every time you "wait." The workout shorts thing was one of those "art fails," I must have forgotten to apply the alpha transparency to the "wet down shorts" image, so it's a bit black rectangle. Short term I fixed that by just making it so that it displays normal shorts instead of damp ones in that circumstance, but next time I work on the sprites I'll re-export that one. The cologne thing, keep an eye on it. The way it's currently implemented, it actually won't apply to all situations, mostly just in sex scenes rather than casual dialog and clothing choices, but in those circumstances it should be applied. You won't see the stat bar change, by the way, because the actual stats never change anymore (doing that while keeping track of the original positions was a pain), just the way she reacts to propositions changes. So basically if you have her at Obedience 324, and then apply a dab of Purple Rain, it'll still read as 324, but if you ask her to do anything sexual, she'll react as if she had Obedience 824. I might figure out a better way of conveying this to the player though.


Rogue and Kitty, yay! Before Scarlet Witch even gets considered I'd love too see even throw-away scenes with Boom Boom. Also would love to actually get to play the game.... Trying to be patient!


I feel ya, when I code I tend to make a lot of errors 1 & 2 myself. But keep up the good work.


Yeah, the urge to hit enter is high. ;) Two tips for you on that with Patreon's text system, one is that if you hit shift+enter it behaves like you'd expect enter to behave, and two, you can click the little ". . ." under your post to edit it how you want it. I think. At least I can, maybe patrons can't? As for other characters, Wanda and Tabitha are definitely possibilities, neither is character #3 for now, but they certainly have some fun potential. I might change Tabby's hair though, those wings always kinda bothered me. I could always make it optional though. And I think I've cleared up most, if not all of those "her not showing up" bugs too, but let me know if they keep coming after 0.95.


#4: In the immortal words of Todd Howard, "Your ideas are not as important as your execution." Side note, I wasn't actually going to do this but I feel compelled to now that I've brought it up. If you're bored and you want to watch something while you eat dinner or something, you should consider watching this video: <a href="https://youtu.be/CrfdNJDVpR4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/CrfdNJDVpR4</a> which is a seminar that Todd Howard (lead game director of Bethesda Game Studios if you didn't know) gives to George Mason University about game creation. There's a lot of company stuff like team management and install base that's inapplicable but still sort of interesting, but the things that he has to say about game design are things I think a lot of game developers need to hear. There's a lot of projects like Rogue-like that just kind of fall apart somewhere along the way, dozens of projects I've followed for years that rarely get completed and after I watched that video I realized that almost all of the failures can be traced back to something that he gives advice on. Like, "Your ideas are not as important as your execution." Like, "Your plans for design is not as important as your prototype, finding out what's fun, what works, what doesn't work." Anyways, I don't mean to push ideas on you or PROPAGANDA you or something. I just think it's something that needs to be spread around the game creation community.


Thanks, I'll give the video a shot at some point. That's one other annoying thing about coding, the focus needed. When I do art, it requires the visual portions of my brain, and my hands, of course, but it doesn't require my complete attention. I usually also spend that time catching up on TV shows I missed, or watching Youtube videos that I find interesting. With coding, however, I find that it requires my absolute attention, if I try to watch videos at the same time then either I forget my place in the code, or miss what's happening in the show, so there's no point to it. Best I can do is put some music on. This is why I tend to separate my time into "coding days" and "art days" rather than just bouncing between the two in the same work session. And yeah, I always consider the design on this one to be a work in progress, and I try to adapt to what is and is not working with the players, to either make an underused system more interesting to them, or let it fade into the background and shift focus to something more interesting.


Speaking of pie in the sky dreams of characters to either interact with or enjoy as set decoration. An actually decent version of Jubilee, either an update on the Evo char or the 90s cartoon character with updated style and Evo-fied :P Just an idea...


Yeah, if I add Jubilee, she'll probably be the modern vampire version. ;) It's a weird thing about Evo, it resulted in some really fun versions of some characters, and also some extremely boring versions of others. ;)

Gerald L

I noticed a bug where if you meet Rogue in the shower she'll always be drenched in water for the rest of the game so far.


:P I've never been interested in checking out the modern version. It seemed odd.