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If you haven't read the patch notes, you can find them here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rogue-like-patch-43127595

Ok, so I took another crack at the issues with the massage and Xavier plan systems, hopefully it'll work this time. If not, it at least might give a better feedback message you can pass on to me as to what's going wrong there. Also tweaked a few other things.



Ok, the Xavier plan system works now. I've tried on with Kitty and Jean.


Not sure if these really count as "bugs” or not, but here’s what I’ve found: - When having Telepathic Sex with Jean, some of her dialogue boxes change to showing Emma's Name. - When getting a BJ from Rogue, my computer MASSIVELY slows down. Every other scene with every other girl is perfectly fine. This is the only time I have any performance issues with the game. (I'm running this off a mac, not sure if it's a problem on my end or not.) - When making out with the girls in their early Love Levels (ie. before them being comfortable with my dick), I get the text box saying, “[She] reaches for your pants and pulls out your cock.” and then immediately after that text box disappears, the girls would get mad at me and storms off.


Possible issue on day 1, after convincing Rouge to 'Want to make out a little more?' while standing in the university square. 'Some of the other students notice you an Rouge' 'Rouge bolts up with a embarassed look. She runs off while putting her cloths back on.' However she's fully clothed and you cant get her to remove anything other than her gloves, so its possible shes not flagged as wearing anything (her image is) or the text might need reworking. Stats are Lo.560 Ob.50 In.102 Lu.33


Camera failing to transition after scene. Not sure 100% how is happend so I repeated it and this is the breakdown. In Rouge's room at night, S Menu>Touch you?>Pussy?>Shift Primary>Just Start Licking>Also Fondle Breasts>Keepgoing [Repeat till next]>Ask to cum in her mouth>*clean* yes>*is unsatisfid* yes keep going for a bit. At this point the camera remains on Rouge licking clean animation. Continuing via 'keep going' dose not correct camera, however changing the 'View' corrects it Stats are Lo.737 Ob.239 In.429 Lu.57 Ad.19


Thanks for the Up! Now things are getting serious with Jean. Can't wait to see her FJ with her stockings... You know Oni, MC should also be able to c** on girls feet. Again thanks for the Up and your nice work.


Okay I just encountered another bug [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3742, in NameError: name 'Girl' is not defined **EDIT** So I went back to the previous build, 0.992a, and loaded the save right before the error message, and it worked just fine....


On a date with Jean, on the restaurant she gave me her panties, but they were still visible on her after that.

Oni's Fan

Yo bro, after my first meet with a Jean and her tit flash she enter the classroom same day with only panties on her and top. Is it supposed to be like that, like she is some kind of fetishist that walks almost. naked and then erasing other's memories or what? It's looks like game somehow loaded my dress preset for her. Last version i played was "M" version. The second thing i found is when i was in classroom with Rogue and Laura first Rogue said that she goes to danger room, i refused her then Laura said same thing and i agreed to go to danger room. When i moved to danger room instantly from agreement with Laura there was Jean and Rogue. Laura was overrided by game itself.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3742, in NameError: name 'Girl' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "lib/windows-i686/script Locations.rpyc", line 2488, in script call File "lib/windows-i686/script Scenes.rpyc", line 3740, in script File "C:\Users\\Desktop\New folder (3)\Rogue-Like-0.992b-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1483, in execute choice = renpy.exports.menu(choices, self.set) File "C:\Users\l\Desktop\New folder (3)\Rogue-Like-0.992b-win\renpy\exports.py", line 849, in menu if renpy.python.py_eval(condition) ] File "C:\Users\\Desktop\New folder (3)\Rogue-Like-0.992b-win\renpy\python.py", line 1794, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "C:\Users\\Desktop\New folder (3)\Rogue-Like-0.992b-win\renpy\python.py", line 1788, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3742, in NameError: name 'Girl' is not defined Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.992b


When Rogue tells you that she is going back to her room from the Training Room(?), the sprite disappears from the scene, but you can still respond and go along if you'd like. I think that the sprite is supposed to stay in frame until you respond, right? Edit: Also, while beginning the "massage" scene with Rogue, the sprite turns into the sex sprite for her instead of the normal massage sprite. As soon as any choice is made within the menu, she goes back to the normal sprite. Edit #2: While massaging and requesting that she remove her skirt, if she says "I'm not ready...." and you say "Ok, never mind." , it goes straight into a touching scene instead of back to the massage scene. Edit #3: When requesting a "footjob" from Rogue, she says, "Huh, so like a (omitted text)?" into "If that's what you like..." into "Well, I don't know about that, sugar...". Seems like it should be one or the other, instead of both here. (i.e. "If that's what you like..." should be said on a "success" and "Well, I don't know about that, sugar..." should be said on a fail.) Edit #4: Getting some repeat dialogue ("She looks a bit confused, but gently puts the tipto her lips." to "Just as you blow(. this is a period but should be a comma) She gags a little, but quickly swallows it." to "..." to "She gags a little, but quickly swallows it."


I'll check, but it's possible that even just having her gloves off is being flagged as "less than fully clothed" and triggering that response. That said, making out should not trigger that reaction at all.


Ok, fixed. I changed which variable was being used during that sequence but apparently missed one.


Hmm, I don't see where she would give them to you during the meal, only during the movie. In either case, I'm not sure why they would not stay that way.


Think I've fixed this.

Michael M.

There is an extra bracket on [fuck] for Jean so its [fuck]]


Yes, thank you. It was related to the other issue you pointed out, basically some fo the variables weren't changed properly, so certain prompts weren't coming up.


Not sure how easy it would be to do/fix(is it broken if its not a feature?), but I've noticed with threesomes, if I start somthing with girl 1, then set girl 2 to perform an action on girl 1, then tell 2 not to stop, before then switching to 2, 2 stops the action. This is stops you for getting 1 and 2 to loop their actions so to speak with 1 doing to 2 as 2 is doing to 1 as you do something to 1 or 2. In short while I can tell one girl to not stop doing somthing the moment I try set up a 69 the girl forgets what I told her.


Not really feedback about the bugs, but I just thought it should be worth mentioning that it would be pretty cool if during the threesome, you could give both girls a facial instead of just one.


I didn't encounter anything game breaking in my run, but I have to say Jeans BJ art is quite possibly your best work, Oni. Even her clothes are positioned just right in that shot, it's great stuff. :)


Great job, this was really well implemented and Jean is a great addition to the harem. Just FYI, Plan Kappa's still borked. I'm sure you're already all over it.




After staying around Kitty's room, she got dressed into the red top outfit, then changed into the pink top outfit, then invited me to class, I said not and her leaves the room, then she starts talking to me again with the 'can I call you Daddy' conversation piece, however her image is not present, after I say yes or no she is no longer in the room again. Edit: Also the layering of images for Kitty, her towel and bellow the waist 'front deposited' fluids are off.


Hmmm. . . Ok, well it's been a while since I set all this up, but the main issue I think is that there are currently limitations on how those systems work. Unless you are doing a "watch them make out" scene, you cannot get the lead girl to do anything directly to the secondary girl, since her actions are focused on you. This is at least partly due to the way things were initially built, and potnetially something I could overhaul, but that's how it currently works. If you wanted the two girls to 69 each other, I believe that's possible, but you need to start with a "X, make out with Y" scenario from the sex menu (or catch them already making out), and then you can choose "other options", "threesome actions" and then the first two options for each character.


Hmmm. I think that's probably doable. . . I would need to have some checks to make sure the second girl reacts appropriately like the first would, and not sure about getting any animation into it, but it would be easy enough to apply the fluids. ;)


Lol, I had fun with that one. Also drama, trying to make sure it worked right, but it was worth it. :D


Huh, that's an odd little mismatch of sequences, I'll try to make sure that it works a bit better.


I'm enjoying the new editions but weren;t you going to do different sex posistions and if you did how do I get then?