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Ok guys, time for another reminder that I'm alive. :) I've got most of the work for this one done, the TJ pose is finished (aside from some minor tweaks), and I just need to get her body working in the BJ pose to finish this one up. I'm still planning maybe later this week or early next.

On the downside, remember those computer issues I was having a couple months back? Well they went away for two months, and I thought they were gone, but they came back last week or so, and my PC's been randomly shutting down every day or two since. It's like working with a sword of Damocles or something. I need to get something new, but I'm waiting until the 3000 series cards are widely available. I'm thinking a 3070.

Pictured above is an alternate version of the sex pose I showed a few weeks back. Basically I just rotated it slightly more vertically. I think it looks ok, but might seem a bit too vertical, as the connect point between her butt and her back might be a bit awkward. I could switch it back to the first version without any real effort, so let me know which you prefer.




I hope that the PC will be going really well again soon, thanks for the update.


I had something like that happen with my old PC, I found that my power supply was not good enough to run everything I had in the PC and it started to turn off after an hour or 2, and would give me the blue screen when it restarted itself


Both are OK as far as the pose is concerned.


The previous version of the pose looked more natural. Best of luck with the computer issue, I had one similar some years ago but it was time to update my rig anyways so never figured out the cause.


I prefer the original posture. It suits her better.

That Thot Sleepy Cloud

New pose is better ish? Compared to older one but still needs little tweak in my opinion but good job so far and take your time


My vote's for the earlier version, her back seems like it shouldn't be able to go straight up that suddenly so she kind of looks like a centaur :P. Also in the first version, turning her head to a full profile is more natural since her head isn't also tilted back, versus this version she's titling her head back and to the side at the same time, which is less natural. Either way, thanks for the update :)


Keep up with the good work ! :) But indeed I prefer the previous version of the pose.


This version looks better but her back is kinda "wrong". You can kinda immagine her being a centaur

Jim Bob

I definitely think the first version looks more natural. Hopefully you can figure out your computer issues soon!


Both options look great. I like the new version personally, as the top half of her grabbing her hair seems more natural, but again, both are good!


Honestly I love the 2nd version because you could probably make it so you could see one off her tits, which would be amazing but that's being greedy because it's already awesome that you're allowing us different viewing positions on all girls, but I also would go with the 1st version just, ONLY, because the hand is floating below the menu, both are great but I mainly like how she's grabbing her hair all crazy so try not to get the menu bar in the way off it, as my main point XD


I don't think it's that, because it runs a random amount of time, sometimes only a few hours, more often a couple days, and there seems to be no pattern to it. It happens when the computer is completely idling, or when it's doing something, but can also *not* happen when my computer is chugging on all cylinders, so it's not some "redline" issue. It also just freezes everything up, and one time froze and then sat that way for around six hours before I came in and rebooted it, so it wasn't anything that was causing immediate harm or physically shutting it down, it just basically had a stroke. :/


My main concern with the original was proportions to me seemed off I wouldn't mind being able to see her breast like someone prior proposed but hey I don't mind either one.


The torso itself is the same in both pictures. All I did was use Renpy to rotate the top half slightly in the second, and then slightly redrew the bottom of her torso so that it would fit that way. Everything above her ribs is identical.


Id probably would go for the 3080 since its most likely to be worth it in a long run.


Id say whichever gives us more side boob, but they both are the same so I vote B.

Oni's Fan

I just glad to see you online again, bro


I also prefer the first version.


Both look good, however I prefer the second.


The breasts are identical in both, the angle of the torso has just been changed a little. So you won't see more or less of the breasts in either.


The first seems more natural looking to me but folks seem to like the second too. Maybe you could incorporate both by having different situations for each? The first looks like she is bending further forward whereas the second seems more like she is arching her back more towards the player.

Tassadar Talimar

I agree with what most people are saying, both are very well done. My personal preference is the first pose. Maybe you should make a poll? Probably be easier for you to keep track of what people prefer.

Anthony Michelli

At first I was like "what's with wrong with her ass ?" and then I realized it's the cargo jeans lol


Dude, please change color of the pants a bit. It looks like a part of her skin and kreeps me out.

philip brown

i looked at both and the prev. one looks far more natural, the 2nd looks to far vertical, as for the pants, my brain was huh, then relize oh , we haven't seen the cargo with this angle. maybe a back pocket could fix the weird almost skin look to it.


If your computer is constantly restarting for seemingly no reason, then it's probably overheating. That it stopped for a while then started back up would support this, as primary hardware failure rarely stops occurring for such a long period without reoccurring. You can probably fix it, at least short term, by just cleaning out your computer's chassis and all of its air intakes with a can of compressed air. Source: Am a systems admin. Have been doing computer work for 10 years.


personally i think that the first pose looks more natural. The second just looks a bit off.

Shin Gouki

Should consider looking into the power supply, overheating, or perhaps you've got a virus of some sort? Another possibility is that your hard drive might be ready to give up the ghost, might want to think about getting an external hard drive to back up your system in the event the worst comes to pass. As for the pose, I do think the first one looks more natural, BUT, that second one could work if you had an option to pull back on her hair while having sex in this pose, would require redrawing her hair a bit and adding a hand/bit of arm, but it would explain why she's not standing in a more natural way. Looking forward to the update Oni, and best of luck getting those PC issues squared away!


I might give that a try, but I think weird things might happen if I tried that. Rotating things in Renpy can be a pain in the ass and I took the "quick and dirty" approach on this one, so it doesn't smoothly transition between the two states. I might consider it thoguh and give it some work when I have the time.


That's maybe the problem, but like I said above, the reasons why "overheating" seems like an odd fit to me is, 1. it ran for a full nine months between "weird phases" at one point, 2. it has shut down when the room was very chilled and stayed up when the room was quite warm, 3. It's shut down when it was basically idling and had nothing going on while it has stayed active when the CPU and GPU were both sweating, I get that internal parts can just get hot for no apparent reason, it just seems weird to me. I did clean the fans and such the last time it was acting up, but it didn't *stop* acting up until a week or two after that.


Not sure if this makes sense but the angle of her spine in this one makes her ass seem disconnected/far away from the rest of her body, hence the centaur appearance. My vote would be to straighten out the spine and combine this angle with the earlier one


After comparing both pictures, I think any weirdness in the pose actually comes from Jean's insistence that she hold her hair up while you rawdog her. I'm not saying you should change it, but man, Jean is really vain isn't she? Still trying to look good even when she's literally getting fucked :P On an unrelated note, would you consider re-balancing some of the stats for sex acts? Recently when trying to play through, I've been trying to max certain stats without maxing others. E.g. Love without increasing obedience or inhibition, inhib and obedience without increasing love, that kind of thing. And my experience has been that unless you're actively getting negative stat changes (like making her pay for everything on dates) it's almost impossible to stop *everything* from going up regularly. Would you consider at some point tweaking it a bit so everything doesn't end up maxed basically by default?


I've got to say I favour the first one, with the second her 'depth' to 'hight' seem to be doing realy odd things to her spine giving a kind of ⌁ shape rotated 45 degrees to the right with her feet are on the right, the spine seems to be oddly arching and be elongation and twisting in preportion to her body as a whole, then again it might just be the top of the pants, which seem to curve over the top of her ass, suggesting her back starts bellow the top of her exposed ass. The pose might work better for a kind of standing sex pose, but the top ass would need to be reworked to merge it with the back. But that just my opinion.


Unless Jean's secondary mutation is an L-shaped spine, I'd stick with the first one.


I'd have to go with the first pose


yeah the first one is better.


i think the first one is better


Do...do you need help?

Marc A Carroll

Your computer issue could just be a bad stick of ram, had similar issues with my comp awhile back. That's what it turned out to be.

Badari Zsolt

Personally, I like the old one better, but this pose is okay too.


First one fo sho bro


I overall prefer the older, though one suggestion could be to see how well the animation flows as a part of the bump and grind. As the one instance the second makes a bit more sense is if the secondary action was to be kissing her. Not that it makes sense to have a pose specifically for kissing in the pose.


Definitely the old one. New one makes her back look kinda broken


Can I bring up a few clothing bugs here or should I wait until you release the next build to mention them?


Well, there is some synergy intended, the idea that whichever stat you focus on, it tends to level up the rest eventually. The max you can get in one stat is 1000, and many of the checks require a combined total of 1500, 2000, even up to 3000 points, so just having one stat maxed is not "endgame." I might have some more ways to raise one stat or another on the *progression* to "I love you 3000," but that's about it.


I guess it couldn't hurt, no guarantees I'd be able to get on it right away though. ;)


Old one for sure.


We are all waiting for this update, and as for the version of the pose, you can just leave these poses and make a choice of the player with what he wants. I don't think that the work that you did should just be thrown in the trash because most of the audience just didn't like it but to make such a compromise. I hope you read this.


Thanks. I really don't mind picking one over the other, the work I needed to do to make the second version was fairly minor compared to the work I put into the overall project. I was just trying out options. It's not slowing anything up either, I'm working on other parts of the project as we speak.

Vernon Banks

1st one was that sauce

Hugo Frizon

Hey ! Yeah I prefer the first one.


how bout keeping both poses but have option B as her pose while she's cumming? as it looks like she's sorta arcing back and losing control


Ye I wouldn't mind a combo between the two honestly but can't wait for the release.


I'd say I prefer the first version.


I'll look into it. My current implementation might not work well if it is switching between the two, it's easy enough for me to hard lock one or the other into place, more complicated to make it something that can change on the fly.


Yes, I certainly won't delay the release to do anything complicated with this one, I was just getting a head start on feedback. ;)


First one is definitely better


First one. I think she looks like a centaur in option b.


I think next girl should actually be a centaur.


first one for sure, this one is nice, but the sheer angle her back is at is a little jarring

Patrick Coleman

I do like the first pose more. It looks more natural. Thinking about this version seems uncomfortable.


1st one for me if it makes any difference now the second looks like shes going to break something.


I like the second one