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Ugh. Sorry I haven't been very talkative lately, I've been having this really annoying computer issue that's been pissing me off. It's been freezing up randomly, which is extremely frustrating and anxiety-inducing. I've been plodding along, but it's been a distraction. I'll probably end up building a new PC, my current one is a bit old anyway, but I want to wait until the new GPUs come out to see if the price drops on the current gen. 

I plan to put out an updated version, just bug fixes, no real new content, the next full version is still a couple months out, unfortunately. I'm trying to figure out how to resolve that "old saves don't work" issue, but it's a little complicated. Basically, here's what's happening, the new "player's room" is somehow slightly different in a way that confuses the game, so that it isn't sure where to "drop" you, a bit like having a save in a 3D game where the player model is standing outside of the world map. This causes the game to go into error mode and throw you back to the main menu. What I *want* to do is hijack the Renpy error code, so that instead of doing that, it kicks you to a routine I have that should definitely place you back into the proper room you were in. I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to do that, since the higher level Renpy code is more complex than the stuff I've made myself. If any programmers want to help with that, it would be much appreciated.

In the meantime, there's the workaround of loading an old save in the previous version, opening the world map as if you're going someplace, saving *there,* and then loading that save in 0.991 and then going to a new location? This *should* work.



Good luck with building a new PC, Oni. About the problem with the saves not working. I don’t know how hard it is to make old saved games work, but wouldn’t it be possible to have a “cheat option” in the MC’s bedroom? One click and the player can add like “+100” to Lust, Obedience or Inhibitions for every girl separately? Don’t get me wrong, I usually don’t cheat and I despise it. However, I feel like grinding the stats is the most time consuming part and this way you never really need to start from the beginning. Another option could be simply for the cheat menu. “Max out” the story progression for each girl separately or all girls at once. But only to the point of the previous version. Well, as mentioned good luck and keep up the good work.


On that score I've noticed the Dev Console commands don't work in the latest versions . I type 'em in and nothing happens. This was not the case in previous versions.


Maybe this isn't what you want to hear, but I really don't care about old saves working. I don't think it's a priority and I honestly don't mind repeating some of the game, especially if it is different from before. Thanks and hanging there.


Thanks, and that's great, but a lot of people have brought it up, and I personally think it's important being able to continue form version to version. It's not like I'm spending tons of hours running around in circles over this issue, it's mainly going along in the background as I work on other stuff, but I plan to figure it out eventually. :D


Be sure to get a Nvme m.2 SSD instead off a normal 2.5inch ssd when you go for a new build, they're alot faster then the normal ones and it would speed up anything you do by a huge margine, the rest depends if you really need power for whatever else you do...


Ok, thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I don't really "need" much power for practical reasons, I just want Cyberpunk to run nice. :D And maybe also VR eventually. I'm going to be aiming for like a mid-tier gaming PC, not the $1000+ cards or any of that stuff, but not "budget" either.


Greetings Oni. Just to say, I wouldn't have mind to wait a couple of month more to get additional sex content with Jean (even bugged). To me a new girl in Rogue-Like without sex scenes is to me like Jurassic Parc without dinosaurs...


I'm glad you are still working on the game. Keep it up bro.


So in 'i' update, are we gonna be able to finally go all the way with Jean?


Oni, maybe make a pool to vote this "old save" issue. Game isn't that long and big to not be able to start it again. For me it's waste of time when we have 0.99x version now and soon (xD) 1.0 It's best to optimise save system for this and later version and just abandon older, problematic and time waster issue.


Well, don't worry about it. This isn't some massive "project" I'm undertaking here. :) I'm not grueling in the code mines 8 hours a day trying to crack this problem. I'm doing other stuff, it's not holding anything up. It's just something that I'd like to nail down at some point, so I keep an eye on this issue, but I don't waste much time on it. Like maybe a total of an hour or two over the past month of *actual* work. I also kind of feel like this *might* be a continuing problem in later versions, although hopefully not, because it's basically just an issue of the game getting confused over where it left off, and solving it will be useful in the long term. 0.992 will come as soon as it's ready. :D


when will new version be live?


I was having the same issue along with occasional blue screen so have already bite the bullet, so my new system should ship on the 6th


Hey Oni, I saw you mentioned balance above and wanted to ask about that. If I wanted to give myself, say, a more challenging start, what stats changes would you recommend? As it is, it's laughable how quickly I can get any of the girls to put out. I know that's usually what players want, but I would kinda like the illusion of conquest. ^_^ Also, I noticed that if I makeout with Rogue at the end of her introduction, it says "I go back to my room" but it leaves me in the quad at "evening". If I don't makeout with her, it puts me in my room like it says at "night" and opens the mechanics tutorial.


I like the idea of this. I've tried playing the beginning differently in an effort to see how the dialogue /play style changes when you prioritize something like the obedience stat over love gain and it's next to impossible without gaining a crap ton of that. The cologne seemed to be a good idea but that's stopped functioning for me for like ever now. In the way that you can change how the girls behave/interoperate relationship point gain later, could there be a smaller version of that where until you unlock that dialogue choice, you get one way/point gain style over the others because of MC making a "first impression" on the girls? That way, it's selective right off the bat and maybe making it prioritize one perspective over the other 2 will make it more of a grind for others. You could still have the normal way as an alternative tho.


Oh, another anomaly. I can't determine what the "back to room" setting is supposed to change. I set it to "no", but every time I get a text asking me to meet a girl in my room I still get asked if I want to go back to my room to deal with it right away.


Hey if cheats are added, why not have the unlimited 'semen' trait so you can do it however many times you wanted?


Now that he added it to all of the girls, addiction runs are pretty fun. No positive love options allowed - every option has to take away love or not affect it. Keep them at 0 love and raise Obedience and the yellow bar to get every option. You have to use the "Deal with it" option a lot, but they get more flexible the more times they come to you and the more they've done. I usually do two runs of every version - a proper version and this darker one.


Hey Oni first off great job on the game so far. Got a couple of questions/suggestions. Any idea when we are going to decide what Emma wears when she is teaching? Got a suggestion for Xavier but I understand if that one is to much work or not really what you had in mind for him. But can we corrupt him in a way that instead of punishing you by cutting you stipend after a while he gets horny as well and ask you and the girl you got caught with to put on a show for him. Depends on your stats with the girls if she goes along with it. And if you don't want this as a player you can still have the old way inplemented. Again no problem if this is to much work or not really what you had envisioned. Keep up the good work looking forward for the next update.


will there be more footjob poses implomented later on?


Heya man. Just wanna report a little bug I found while playing the .991h version using the "fix" you mentioned above. Overall, the build is working as I had hoped and I was able to navigate around and into various places (including the player's room) without issue. Though, when I went to the morning class for the first time after meeting Jean, it says that "Marie and Laura just entered the room", but it has the art for Marie and Jean. Kinda wish I could post screencaps here, but oh well. If this bug leads anywhere else screwy, I'll respond to this post.


Kept playing, and nothing more serious came from this. However, the same bug happened again, but with "Jean and Marie" names, but Jean and Laura are who are visible. Everything else seems to be working. I was using a .990I save file for your fix recommendation.


Are you alive?


I am, thanks for asking!


What is in the right desk drawer and how do I open it in Xavier's study?


how long till the next update?


I discovered your game about a week ago, and I can't seem to get enough of it. You've created something truly remarkable here, and I eagerly await the next update


Is it possible to import saves from the web version of the game? I can't seem to do it without getting an error message: No module named matrix


I don't have anything to do with any "web versions" or even understand how they would work. Those are unauthorized third party ports (not that I hold that against anyone who first found them that way, however you found it, I'm glad it led you here). ;)


Everytime I do and check it it says "There doesn't seem to be anything more of interest in here, maybe later?


Oh, yeah, nm, got them mixed up. There isn't currently anything useful in there. It's just a drawer.


I just noticed that in Jeans room, there are different arts of her from previous comics/movies/shows. Its a really cool detail and I've found myself staring at the backgrounds of other areas in an attempt to find more hidden treasures


Not a linear one. There is no "ending." Each character has their own store beats to unlock, which can be done in a flexible order, but it's more of a sandbox story than a linear one.


Two Questions: In old versions of the game you could use rogue or emma to make the professor ignore you doing lewd things in public, or do 'Plan Omega'. How do you do that now? And what are the 'screens' all the characters talk about when you're choosing the character's wardrobe?


You can still do Plan Omega type stuff, it's different for each girl, and only effects the girl you use it for. It typically requires you to have player level 5 as a baseline, plus a decent affinity with the girl in question, and then sometimes other conditions. The "screens" thing is something I added where if the girl is in private but doesn't want you seeing her naked, she can put up a dressing screen to hide behind as she changes. This allows you to put her in outfits that would be difficult to get her in if she had to get naked along the way and wasn't willing to do so.


Each girl has a way to subdue the professor. With kitty, you bring her to his office at night, and search his office for a picture to blackmail him with. With Laura, she just straight-up threatens him. And as far as the screens, it's the option to do the wardrobe by phone, which changes the arrangement of the interface a bit.