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So guess what. There's a new build.

Before you get to downloading though, here are some patch notes, pay attention, because this is a VERY not ready for prime time build, it's definitely beta. I basically stopped adding new things a few days ago and tried to make sure that what was there worked as best I could, but it's still rougher than I wanted. I expect to have new versions out roughly weekly for the next few weeks to patch bugs as they come up, but there are already a few I know will be an issue but didn't have time to fix as I wanted to get this out immediately. I'll be posting the patch notes on the front page.

I'm sending links out now to all patrons with processed transactions. Future updates will only go to those with completed transactions though. Here are the patch notes:


Too many to even keep track of, but that I can remember:

-Added word balloons, still working on them a bit though, so the arrow tails will not always point at the person speaking, I plan to fix that.

-new animation for doggy style sex, and UI elements for fondling and sex toys. I plan to expand on these a bit more. The dialog isn't entirely compatible with the new animations, that will change.I need to overhaul the sex interface, how to shift between actions and that sort of thing, but I wanted to get the animations working how I wanted before moving to that part. Its current state is a bit wonky. I also intend to extend the new UI tools to the sprites other than the default one, but haven't yet.

-The clothing system should work better now, hopefully no major bugs, although I'm still tweaking the UI and requirements.There are some dialog bugs when she's asked to remove clothing though, nothing game breaking, just sounds weird, I'll fix that.

-You can set a custom outfit, or tell her to wear a particular outfit, but she will follow a contextual and semi-random schedule of changing her own outfits. I plan to add the option to insist on an outfit later.

-You will have the option of suggesting she get piercings or shave her pubes, if you've earned that right, but keep in mind that these changes do not happen instantly, they happen over night, or sometimes within the week after you ask.

-Tweaked many of the dialogs, as well as the chat option. She won't have a lot to say at first, but more options open up as you interact with her.

-I changed the basic "will she do the thing you want?" dialogs a bit, how they work and sound. This is still a work in progress. Due to feedback, I do intend to make her options more linear in nature than they currently are, but that is not implemented yet.

Bugs to watch for:

-Unusual stat boosts: One bug we had in the last build caused an earlier event, which should have only added +1 or 2 points to a stat, to instead increase it by 200 points. This quickly got culled back down to 100, but that's still more than it should have been so early in the game and distorted the intended difficulty quite a bit. Keep an eye out for stats rocketing up by large amounts and please let me know what dialog triggered it. It won't necessarily show a "+200" graphic or anything either, it might just quietly cause the bar to max out.

-Any broken animations, where something seems wildly out of place. Screenshot it if you can ("s" by default), and tell what the sequence of events leading to that was. Note that in Renpy, you can use pgup and pgdn to scroll through your recent choices like "undo/redo," allowing you to take a step back from what you last did.

-Maybe try reloading saves from previous versions of the game to see if they still work without glitching. Ideally they should, I don't want players to have to start each game from scratch as I add new characters. The plan is that when I add Kitty, you can either continue from wherever you left off with Rogue and advance with Kitty, or start a fresh game and seduce Kitty before Rogue if you like. You should probably try a fresh game too though, because there are new things added. :D

-There are a few visual options that might not work in all animations, but that is being worked on. Feel free to point these out just in case.

-If completing an action leaves you some place that doesn't make sense to you. For example, a bug I caught meant that if you tried to study, whichever room you started in, you would end up in Rogue's room when it ended. If you end up someplace other than where you started, without a good reason for this, let me know.

-If anyone's running this game on a really weak computer, let me know how it performs. I have a lot of moving pieces.



im goin to download it in about 34 seconds also i just noticed how small the game is you did a very nice job of compressing everything


First thing i would say is bring back the original box for entering your name choice at the start it looks odd how it is now (i will be posting more about this version as a progress) Edit: random outfit changes. Edit 2: i think you should bring up the maximum stat numbers in the future update it is still to easy to get full love in a few days. Edit 3: when you do the massage option the second choice says "how about just the 0 or O i am not sure witch. Edit 4: the licking animation for the breast is bugged and will stay for a while (unknown how i fixed it). Edit 5 not sure if it is a but but when you pay for a movie rogue gets 40 lust i think that might be a little much.


Studying with her and getting the quiz autocompletes the questions for 3-5. And after sleeping in her room and getting a morning bj, attempting to sleep there sends me back to my room regardless of what option I pick. Also asking her to masturbate throws up a boatload of renpy callback errors. Overall the new animations look nice, and the new clothing options look good as well.


Ok, the studying thing is working as intended. . . sort of. There are basically less total questions than I intended to have, and the order is random each time, so instead of just breaking entirely, if you randomly draw a "no question here" then it just assumes you got it right and moves on. ;) The sleep issue is a bug though, I'll look into what's causing it but I have some ideas based on other similar errors. Likely stems from a call-return loop breaking. I'll just checked the masturbation issue, stupid variable capitalization issue. Fixed.


Ok, 1. "random" outfit changes might be mostly intended at this point, as she changes clothes about like a girl would (within a limited wardrobe), and she'll always revert to her default look when changing locations. As I said, I do intend to add options to insist on her wearing certain looks everywhere, but for the time being the system mainly allows you to dress her up in privacy, and add a custom outfit to her line-up. 2. I don't intend to raise any of the stats, they are each 100 and add up to 300 and messing with that would break all sorts of things, but I might continue to make it more difficult to raise it so that it takes longer to max out. Remember, maxed Love is only 100/300 total points, and shouldn't be enough alone to earn every possible action, but I do suppose it's a bit easy to come by at the moment. 3. I did notice that when putting this build together, I know what's causing it and intend to fix it but it would have taken a while and pushed the release back a day or so so I left it alone for now. Probably fixed by the next build, but for the time being it doesn't hurt anything. 4. Good to know, I'll try to figure out why that's happening. It would help if you could be more clear on the circumstances, was breast sucking the primary action or the secondary one? was it staying after the sex scene ended entirely, or just after switching to some other activity? 5. Probably is a bit high, I'll tone that down a bit. Still, it should max out at 50% due to those circumstances, so it can get her "primed," but not over the top.


It is a surprisingly small game, I really didn't do anything fancy, it's all just .pngs and no video or music, so it apparently doesn't take up a ton of space. It probably helps that the images are composited in realtime by the game from various bits, so there are only hundreds of images instead of thousands.


Cheers for the new update Oni. Question, you planning to add more positions or this is done for Rogue now and moving on to next heroines? I might not get to play this until the new year due to travels. Anyways though, can't wait! Hope your holidays is going great!


I'm not planning on new positions beyond the ones in this build, at least for the forseeable future. There are some I want to add, but each really is a ton of work to implement, since I have to redraw every possible clothing option, and the more clothing I add, the more work that becomes. This is why so many Japanese games only have one clothing option for each specific scene, in most cases. It's certainly a trade-off. There are at least 1-2 other options I'd like to add at some point, maybe after the initial Kitty release is ready, but now is not the time.

sad flower

I'd be nice if there were more than one position really. I'd take less clothing options for more positions easily.


When studying and Rogue decides to masturbate ends up with two sets of errors. May have already been mentioned in previous versions but when having sex and switch positions to hotdog and then select to switch actions, the "how about sex?", "Just stick it in her", and "Never mind" are missing but "pull back to hotdog her" still is an option.


On the studying thing, I'm not immediately certain what would be causing the errors. If you can give me a screenshot of the error message or just list the line numbers and basic details of the error that would be helpful. I tried reproducing it and it worked ok on this end. The hotdogging thing is a good catch, probably an issue from copy-pasting UI code and not tweaking it. I plan to overhaul that stuff anyways but I'll make sure to fix it this time. ;)


Well, maybe I could add more options that force nudity, which would make them much easier to do the art for. It's something to consider, but either way it would take the backseat to adding new characters.


where can i get the new download oni?


I sent out the link last night, I'll be sending another round soon once I work out some of the bugs.


The two Error messages I got. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/joj5i23cjb8h2d5/rogue-like-error-1.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/joj5i23cjb8h2d5/rogue-like-error-1.jpg?dl=0</a> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/4747bs5bsq2r203/rogue-like-error-2.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/4747bs5bsq2r203/rogue-like-error-2.jpg?dl=0</a> Though from reading the other comments the error may already be fixed from her masturbating error being mentioned. Will have to look into it more but not being able to sleep in her room doesn't seem to be related to her giving a morning BJ event, as I started a new game to get to study event to I could screenshot the errors and had two nights in a roll with the morning event and was able to sleep in her room for a couple more nights before I couldn't. Though unrelated to the sleeping error does seem the morning BJ event happens a bit early as the first night I had to ask to stay the night instead of her asking if I was staying.


Oh, so i'm trying the new version and the first thing to jump out at me is that love starts at 50. That might be why it seems to fill up so fast. It's already half-full by the time you open the game. It could be at 60% before you even get past the intro. As for other stuff, it feels like there aren't enough ways to raise love. For example, if I meet rogue in class, I can "chat" with her, (but it does nothing because "she's not good at chit-chat" or I can try to make out with her/talk about a pet name/ask her to get changed. None of those are really fitting for someone you just met yesterday. There's no option to just talk to her, get to know her, flirt with her. You jump right into "want to make out?" or nothing.


Yeah, I have an idea of the root cause of the "not sleeping in the room" bug, as well as a few others, but it's a pain to fix, pouring back and forth through a bunch of code to see where the hole is. I'm on the case though. And yeah, the morning BJ is a little bit placeholdery, I wanted to put it in, but didn't fully implement the details. In the final build there will likely be more conditions on when it occurs, as well as other things that might happen instead. And yes, thanks for those two bug images, they were both related to a misplaced variable that has since been fixed.


Also, rogue seems to randomly change her clothes throughout the day. (I assume it's supposed to be "at the start of each day" not "at the start of each action" she switches between lessons or in the middle of danger-room sessions.


speaking of the danger-room. Perhaps you could work on the "addiction system" with things like that? Have it so that if Rogue is in the danger-room when you go in, you can spar with her (thus touching her and boosting her addiction) The same could be done with studying together in her room. I've been trying to run a low-love, high-addiction run, and it's pretty hard. If her addiction drops to zero you can't really boost it again without making her love you.


It is intended that her love starts art 50, that's because it can go below 50 (and I didn't want to deal with actual negative numbers). 50 is considered "friendly and vaguely interested." Below 50 heads into "doesn't like you much" and "hates your guts" territory. When Kitty comes out, the plan is to start her off at 40/10/0, as she won't like you that much, but is more prone to being generally obedient. Other characters might start with other balances. I do consider that you start off with at least 50 total points in my balance calculations, but still it might be a bit too easy to accumulate points, especially in the Love stat "(and maybe the intro can be a bit too generous as well). One thing that is a factor is that points granted are weighted, so certain activities may be very generous if a stat is low, while offering few if any points if it's already high, and maybe I should leverage that more in the intro, so that it's not that hard to bump it a few more points into "definitely interested" territory, without allowing you to stack it into the "practically your girlfriend" territory. As for things you can do with her, try asking her for a date on evenings. Make a good impression and it can really help. I will try to add some more options though, maybe reduce some of the bonuses related to the sex itself, in favor of more random events. I might also put more limitations about those other options unlocking. I will also double check the clothing thing, it seems to be happening more often than intended. Glancing over it, I think I may know why, and I'll fix that up.


Ok, I think what was causing the clothing swap thing was, I had a routine that would check her schedule each time period, to decide where she was going if you didn't have her doing something else. It also included her clothing choices, which wouldn't be a problem, except that it had some amount of randomness to it, meaning each time period it would randomly pick an outfit (the intent was only to pick one each day, but I organized it poorly). I put in a change that should fix it, making it so her outfit choice only updates in the mornings. I do plan on adding something though, I have biker shorts and a sports bra that are not yet fully implemented, but the plan is for her to change into those for the Danger Room sessions, regardless of her wardrobe.


On the addiction thing, someone else was PMing me about that, and I added two solutions for the next build. The first is that I added a "touch her cheek" option to her chat interaction, which allows you to give her a little jolt even if she doesn't like you very much and won't do anything else. I'm also adding a little boost to addiction rate when you turn her away, so that should speed the cycle up a bit. Adding some sparring or more "accidental" encounters could be a good thing too though. I do plan to at least add more variety to the Danger Room/Class events, some of them having actual gameplay implications.


I tried this out, and decided to pledge to help in order to not be a leecher, especially since I like where things are headed . I also wanted to add some input. 1. I noticed that for some reason you can no longer sleep in her room after you're her boyfriend, master, and sex-friend. It requires you to be all three of those (I tested boyfriend/lover+master and boyfriend/lover+sex friend and you could still sleep in her room). I think it requires first tier for each minimum (where she tells you she wants to advance the relationship) but it's so easy to get to max tier that it could be different. What happens is after you say yes to sleeping over, you go back to your room anyway. Every time. 2. I see others have mentioned it, but it's much too easy to max things out. I think that both reducing the frequency of rewards (maybe only giving rewards for love when you choose to initiate a scene instead of every action within the scene?), lowering the values of rewards (maybe only +1 to a reward per action instead of the +5's and +3's I see all over the place?), or both could help this. 3. I also think that perhaps you should have all three of the bars go down slightly at the start of each day (this way if you don't constantly try to raise a specific track it can lower to zero? Since you have ways to reduce love you might only need to do it for the obedience/inhibition tracks? Not sure what's more difficult). It would be nice for her not to just become a completely uninhibited obedient lover automatically over the span of 3 days.


1. Hmm, interesting feedback. A lot of people have reported a problem with this, and I'll work on nailing it down, but your experience adds a piece to the puzzle. It shouldn't technically require you to have those standards, it's more based on reaching certain stat levels, but it might be a factor. 2. Yeah, I'll work on tweaking these a bit more. I have some ideas to balance it out better. My concern is that I want it to be low enough that it's a challenge to max (not there yet), without being so stingy that you reach a point where it's impossible to max out, or unnecessarily grindy. Large numbers should only typically occur on first time or special events though, mostly. 3. I don't know about having them automatically degrade. I mean, once she feels a certain way, she shouldn't really feel less like that unless you give her good reason to, and I don't want to get into a situation where you're constantly having to juggle them, especially once there are 3-4 girls to handle.


Just remembered something that struck me as odd from a previous version of the game. Not sure if its the same in this one.


Just remembered something that struck me as odd from a previous version of the game. Not sure if its the same in this one. Rogue's relationship tiers seem out of order. She starts you off at "boyfriend" then you go to "sex-friend". Isn't that like saying "I'm enjoying the physical bit, but I don't want romance with you anymore" Or does that depend on having higher lust than love or something? Anyway, after that it was lover and master, which seems to be in order.


Awesome! Next build (assuming my payment goes through then since I have no idea when your monthly payments happen) I'll test it to see if there's still any issue. As for 2/3, I keep forgetting there are going to be other girls, makes sense then to not force juggling, that becomes tedious and silly. However, perhaps there should be a non-rude way to say no to becoming lover/master/sexfriend without her getting angry that would also lower the bar? This way she won't keep just trying to force the option on you every time you meet. You could have the bar decrease a lot if somebody says no to the offer since it's a willing decision on the player's part, and I think it would help keep the player from having any unwanted stats building up and never going away. Just a thought.


Well, just so you're aware, the love scene only plays, I believe it's three times, after which she just resigns herself to a one-sided relationship.


Yeah, basically in the earlier build it was a very "gamey" mechanism. She had six different states you could unlock, based on reaching 75 and 90 Love, 50 and 90 Obedience, and 50 and 90 Inhibition, whichever order you achieved those goals in, and they were all mostly identical outside of some dialog. The current version is slightly different than that, a bit more natural, and I plan to shift them a bit further. The current plan is for the "sex friend" options to only unlock if you aren't dating at the time, and to add more dialog that references your other relationship status tiers.


So I started a new game after trying to play off my old one and it kept crashing. Not a big deal.


Sorry to hear about that. If you could provide me the crash log for it, that would help me narrow down why that's happening. My goal is to have it so that you shouldn't have to start fresh on each new copy.


Sorry, hit enter too soon. Anyway, I use the same method every time, which is that I start out the first week taking class all day and a danger room session at night. I make sure Rogue is present each time so it will boost her skill points. She was fully mine within the first two weeks. All stats 100%. The issue now seems to be any "public" activities. She bugs out and is still standing there, but won't get back in position. And Professor X doesn't break in on us. Also had the bug where she doesn't let me sleep over. Is there any chance you could add an option to buy her a dress. Something short and slutty for going out on dates?


Ok, so as for "bugs out," how does that work? Are you saying that her pose won't return to the default sprite? Or that the choices on the side of the screen don't revert to what you would expect? does it leave you no options at all? Knowing where exactly it leaves you will help me track down how it's broken. As for new clothing options, her current skirt is about as short as it can get, although maybe I could add some new top that makes it into a full dress or something. ;)


I was not aware of this, I think I gave up after 2 tries, haha. Well, just my luck, I'll have to test it again some time to make sure it's working as intended.


Just pledged. How can I get the link for the download?


Thanks! I'll be sending out another round of download links in a few days, updated with more bug fixes.


When she bugs, she appears in position and also in the default sprite. She will not return to give you and option for sex until you go back to her main menu (chat, nevermind, etc). I also noticed her inhibitions sometimes go over the 100 amount (bar is full but the number reading is higher, 104, 106) I wondered if maybe her inhibitions are not high enough, that the upper limit is not reached yet I notice that the tops, some of them, extend longer, down past her waist. Should be easy to make a top that long and code it so she doesn't need pants with it


Ok, the first bug you mentioned is likely something similar to what I described in my blog post, an event was returning to someplace without clearing itself out first. I'll try to nail that down, but if you can, keep a save around that area and try to repeat it next build if you can. As for stats going over 100, that's ok, for now at least. When I first designed the system, I made it so that it doesn't check for stat overruns on every interaction, but instead just every now and then, often enough that it keeps the stat from getting out of hand, but you will occasionally have a few extra points here and there for a little while. 100 is the intended cap, and while I'm sure some powergamers could figure out a way to get 120 or more in a given stat for a very short period of time, you can't keep it that way. ;) I might change it though, because since I started on the project I've made a different way of allocating stats, and it occurs to me that I could just add that overrun functionality into that primary function now without a serious performance hit. Yeah, I certainly could make a top that acts as a dress, the nighty already does work like that. I'll give it some thought as to the best way to do it, in a way that fits the existing coding as well as possible (since certain actions are based on specific regions of coding, and exceptions are annoying). I think that if I can make a "top" that can behave as a dress I might, but the simple alternative would be to make a "top" that just appears to merge with the existing skirt into a single piece of clothing, and then code it in so that when she wears her "dress" or removes it, both are removed. That I think I can do pretty easily (aside from having to draw the top).


Another bug. I was able to use a cologne to lower inhibition and have access in a public place. This cause Professor X to break in and call us to his office. I cannot get out of his office now. The finish and leave button is not working. Did that twice in a row. The second time the button did not work


Ok, I went through the code, basically, when I updated it, the scene still triggers, but her dialog changes a bit to reflect that she knew she was currently in a relationship, but would still want to have sex even if you weren't. That was still a bit awkward, admittedly. I've decided to change that, so now what will happen is if the scene triggers, it will just give you the petnames that are a part of that event, and a cute mini-scene, without too much discussion or anything about it. Should seem more natural. The scenes could still potentially trigger in full if you break up at some point.


Another bug. When preforming anal, the message pops up as "Didn't pop the call" I assume that means the message that was supposed to pop up isn't


Ah, sorry about that. Not a "bug", per se, just a diagnostic message that I hadn't removed in that build, as it was a bit of a rush. It's gone already. You saw that blog post the other day about calls and jumps? That was from when I was trying to test out why it wasn't clearing away an unwanted call stack. Anyways, nothing you guys need to mess with, and it doesn't hurt anything. Thanks for pointing it out though.