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This should clear up a few errors, like that "  list.remove(x): x not in list " one, as well as providing a new diagnostic message sometimes if that error tries to come back. It should also catch " name 'Jean' is not defined," and some display issues with her corset, along with other content fixes. 

Saves from previous versions will continue to not work for the forseeable future.



During day 1, I cant seem to use the chat option with Rogue. However I can chat with her during day 2. Might be a holdover form the quarantine version, might also be working as intended.

Anthony Michelli

I gotta ask since I just spent an entire block of time making Jean orgasm, does she not have the ahego thing in? Also nice touch on the burping and eventually "I'm full, please no more cum in the mouth" lol, I'm finding that more hilarious than I should.


The Quarantine code was separate, I only carried over what bits were useful. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to chat with Rogue if she's in the same room as you, or text her if you have her number. Was she in the room with you? Which room was this? what time of day was it?

Anthony Michelli

I jumped the gun there, I mad eher orgasm one more time and the /art/ for it is in, but the event where she'd normally be like "can we please stop" and you;d answer no like the dick you are. I really like the art though, just a challenge to get there, had to have Laura continuously go down on her on an endless loop while I console commanded my way to have 30 continuous cumshot loads since this whole thing was done by Jean giving me a handjob in the jean while playing with her breasts lmao. But hey, got her to max obedience and 0 love so that's neat lol.

Anthony Michelli

Also generally when Jean says "I'm" as in "I'm turning in...," when going to sleep at night it's spelled as "I/m "


When Laura wants to mark me as hers I get the following messages: store. girlclass object at ox27D85odo Laura no appropriate character was found. After that the upper part of the UI with the stats of the girls is gone and does not come back


Hmm, ok. what is the line of dialog before that happens? Like the one that seems like things are working fine. And then what is the exact phrasing of the "odd" messages that appear? I don't think it should be printing out quite like that, but I was expecting something a bit similar.


I'm in the shower with Jean and called Rogue and it said" Tell Oni " and "Then tell Oni Rogue" I continued with the dialog for a bit and the most of the hud disappeared


Every time I go to Prof. X with one of the girls foe their plan, They still say "What?" even though their level is high enough.


I’m still having troubles loading old saves, just wanted to let you know about that one


After a double date with Jean and Rogue, I bring the 2 in my room. Speak to Rogue about staying for a moment, "Jean rolls her eyes but continues to watch the movie"... too late for that, we're out ;-)


Being able to spank the girls that disobey by schlicking when they are not allowed to could be a nice addition...

Great Chicken Studio

Hi! Well, I finally got Jean as a sex friend. It took a lot of time and grind. Will this change in future versions? Also, her character is too bitchy for me. So Kitty is still number one girl in my opinion. I was hoping that maybe this can change in this version. Nope.


any plans on adding new clothes for the girls? kitty feels like she has a very small wardrobe compared to everyone else, and her clothes feel very.. plain/simple?


Well, she likely will be kinda grindy to unlock, she's a handful. I'll be doing a wider discussion on Jean and game balance in a little bit and maybe tweak her a bit based on how people are feeling. I have a goal in mind, but I'm not sure how far off that mark I ended up. ;)


Well, I based her wardrobe off the character on the show, she actually has more clothes than some, really, but I can understand if you don't like the selection. I might add some more clothes, but since I let each outfit appear on all poses, and with up/down variations and arm poses too, adding new clothing pieces or poses is an exponential process.


When by the pool and there are 2 girls around, we could ask both of them to sunbathe or skinnydip


Sex phone with Jean is out (can't see her masturbating, I get a grey screen) (telepathic sex is OK)


i noticed in .990m that whenever it reaches night time in the danger room, girls with high stats(love/inhib/obedience) don't actively leave to go to their rooms anymore, they just sorta chill in the danger room, i was wondering if this was an error, it might be nice if they invite MC to go to the showers or back to their rooms? - note i don't have the setting where the girls aren't allowed to leave whenever im around on, the only settings i do keep on are, no-fap (so i can catch them in the act when they ask for permission) and talk dirty during sex


Just a thought : the "slap her ass" option could be more effective if it's bare bottom


Jean stays overnight. I'm woken up by 'slurps, slurps", then she 'pulls back with a pop' : so she does give BJ but only if you're pretending to be asleep... ;-)


And she follows up saying 'I 'ave orr dick in ey 'outh'... I tell her to carry on and she changes her mind : 'I'm not into this right know. That's what I call a blue balls case !!!


I think version e should fix this. I set it so that she should shift out of contention for that role in this build.


thats weird cause my Save from the D version transfer'd over to the E version.... Was it not suppose too?


No, form d to e should be fine, it's just that saves from the 0.990 versions of the games might not currently transfer over to 0.991. If they do, great, you should be fine, but in a lot of cases they were crashing to the main menu.