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Ok, just some minor tweaks on this one, some changes to the shower scene that should cause it to behave more reliably now.  Some more tweaks to dating, various other stuff. 



No, voice acting would be well outside the scope on this one. Setting aside that there's thousands of lines of dialog, even if I only got voice acting for a little bit of it, I couldn't imagine auditioning for parts or anything. That would just weird me out.


Thanks Oni! Really looking forward to when Jean gets added in the future.


Emmas orgasm face is still broken (still shows old "big" mouth")


Oni, wanted to let you know about something that I noticed in this build. Left-clicking seems to sometimes skip a line of dialogue, almost as if it speeds up or something. Additionally, walking in on a girl pleasuring herself gives contradictory dialogue, as they act like they are happy to see you, but then at the end it just goes to something like, "Maybe knock next time". Edit #1: Additionally, I noticed a typo: "You slide your hands toward (loweremma's) back. She wriggles a little in contentment." Should be Emma's lower back instead. Edit #2: During "make out" with Emma, she take out the PC's dick, and them immediately says, "You might want to put that away, (playername)." Edit #3: Even though she isn't in the room, Laura / X-23 keeps saying, "I'll be right back.", additionally, girls seem to be in multiple places at once. For example, Rogue is in the danger room, but then she appears in the shower as well at the same time. Edit #4: Went to the classroom after sleeping over at Emma's, then Rogue pulled PC aside and said, "You've been dodging me lately..." and started a make out animation, but it bugged out big time. Emma apparently overrode Rogue's position and replaced her? Kitty's character model was on top of Rogue's, and Emma's was on top of hers. They were layered on top of each other.


To the "left clicking" thing, this shouldn't be the case, and if so, it would be an engine issue. There are a *few* sequences in the game in which dialog can auto-skip forward, such as during the Gwenpool cameo, but these are pretty rare. To #3, Laura should only be saying that if she's in the danger room and you are too. Exactly when and where is this happening? *Exactly?* Like which room are you entering/leaving, and it appears before or after which lines of dialog or narration? I need to narrow this down to the exact call that's causing it. As for the thing with Rogue, that's sort of intended, girls move from their own rooms or the Danger Room to the showers automatically. #4, Hmm. so you were visibly in the classroom at the time? How was Kitty a part of this, was she just already in the classroom, or had she been at Emma's earlier? Did either Emma or Kitty participate in that scene at all, or they were just visibly "there?" I'm trying to sort out who "belonged" and who didn't.



Oni's Fan

Bro, idk why but any of console commands isn't working. Are you disabled it or changed R_Love etc parameters?


The console is always disabled by default. Also, all the variables are different now.


Wow, we made it all the way to k. Where was I during all this? Lol


When I leave the showers and then return any girls in the showers default back to their normal clothes rather than a towel. This also happens with the pool and swim suits. Not sure if that's deliberate.


It is deliberate that they get dressed if you leave, although also if they'd already showered then they should really get out of there too. No sense just hanging out in the showers all day. :D


Asking for things. An option to when we have sex menu "I love it when you make that face" which the girls have the ahegao face all the time when enabled. Also some runny eyeliner? Also an option to surprise stick it in option when you walk in on her if you're sex friend or higher? Your game is wonderful and the changes have been amazing. Just some things I think would be cool if added. Thank you for your time Oni!

Markus Fakename

[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Laura_Scenes.rpy", line 249, in ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 125, in script call File "script Chat.rpyc", line 117, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 572, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 839, in script call File "Laura_Scenes.rpyc", line 249, in script File "F:\Files\-\games-files\Rogue-Like-0.990k-win\renpy\ast.py", line 827, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "F:\Files\-\games-files\Rogue-Like-0.990k-win\renpy\python.py", line 1764, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/Laura_Scenes.rpy", line 249, in File "F:\Files\-\games-files\Rogue-Like-0.990k-win\renpy\python.py", line 631, in do_mutation return method(self, *args, **kwargs) ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.990k [/code] Happened at the end of Laura's intro scene. I saved during the scene, and then loaded that save, so I'm guessing that /somehow/ got Laura deleted from a List during the saving process. I can upload the save file for debugging purposes, if you want.


Yeah, that's what happened. I guess I can find a workaround to that one, but basically just playing through that scene start to finish will work, and I don't think that "ignoring" the bug would cause any harm either, if it allows you.


My x-men power can tell that you're getting tired of fixing bugs all the time


Anal during addiction event doesn't bring the addiction level down for each action phase.


An odd issue. When going through the day, the girl's don't want to leave the room they're in if I'm in there with them. Example; I do a training session in the danger room with Laura and Rogue in the room, it moves from evening into night, but the girls don't leave. Even after I leave and come back they're still there. This occurs in the classroom, my room and the pool as well.


A couple niceties for the future. When asked to clean off if there was an option "Get back to it" skipping the cleaning step unless the female in question would prefer to clean off first. If grouped up with a female student(s) and enter the classroom, skip asking if the player wants to sit with the female and transition straight into sitting next to her, unless the party only has one female and there is another female that could also be sat next to. It would be kinda nice if Kitty could yoink the clothes of a female that are in the classroom but at a distance.

Kyte Avytrius

Is the upcoming version going to have Jean in it? Just curious.


Just in general, I'm finding I *don't like* the addiction mechanic being extended to the other girls. Having them "barge in on me in a tizzy" means I have to defer my intended actions to deal with that -- for example, not going and working on freshly-unlocked Laura because Emma needs attention. I'm not sure what ignoring a girl who needs a "fix" does, but I imagine it's not good. It's enough just fielding their requests to diddle themselves (something I make them do). Seduction also doesn't feel like as much of an accomplishment if the addiction is driving it, instead of Zero's crafty and patient work. How about adding a global Preference to enable/disable addiction for girls other than Rogue (and maybe Rogue as well)? I don't feel I should have to waste precious, scarce, level points to buy down the addiction that I didn't want in the first place when there are more important things (actions and endurance) to buy, especially since (as I mentioned elsewhere) I tend to be underleveled in the first place. Also, as far as displaying levels go, having Zero's level on all screens (and never the girl's) keeps throwing me. How about having the girl's level shown in the display bar when it's her color, and Zero's level somewhere else, neutrally colored (next to or on backpack icon?)


Probably after the flood of bugfixes caused by the major code overhaul subsides...


How about, buried in the "McCoy's Lab" menu where the leveling options are, adding a "progress bar" display for all of the currently-unlocked girls, so you can see where you are with regards to leveling them?


Yes, I know, several other folks requested the addiction mechanic be extended, so I'm probably outvoted here, but I had to say it.


Heh. Tired of chasing the same issues down, maybe, but also satisfied when I can get one crossed off. :D I won't rest until things are working smoothly.


Ok, fair point. I did make a change so that they are less likely to leave the room if you're there with them. I figured that unless they had serious business to do, if you were hanging out, they wouldn't want to leave. I might look into changing that back, or at the very least having them wander off if you do leave them alone.


Yeah, this is part of the reason I hesitated a bit in opening this up, but it's good to get some feedback from the field on it. If it's going to be a mechanic, I'd prefer ti behave consistently, than to have a meta-toggle for it. Perhaps I should adjust it though so that the addiction level on the other girls is much lower if you don't deliberately raise your own. In your experience, how aggressively does it work out? Like do they all seem to come at you equally, or some more, some less? I'll see about messing with the menus.


Yeah, I'll see. Leveling is such a rarely-used mechanic that I didn't feel like making it front and center, but I do want to provide a more open menu system someplace to better track things.


Shremedy kinda had a good idea with addiction mechanics for the girls. Like, keep Rogue's the way it always is but make the other girls very low unless you level up and use points to raise their addiction levels. Emma and Kitty would be very low, almost non-reactive I'd imagine while Laura might be a bit higher than the lowest setting given her powers and temperament. It would give more options when you level up too other than raising a girl's stamina.


Affection changes don't seem to be displayed for some interactions with this release. Giving the girls a book still displays the value change, as does walking in on them in the shower. Rogue's introduction sequence doesn't show any.


With this, I've consistently noticed it occurring in the Danger Room during the Evening and Night. Also, anybody in the Danger Room during those times tend to show up if you visit the Showers. If it wasn't so frequent of an occurrence, I would've provided more details.


So, with virus and shit, will the speed of update become faster or slower? A lot of developers got a lot of free time suddenly.

Markus Fakename

Odd bug that's not crash or typo related; Emma is not going behind the teaching podium during the week. The issue seems to start after having relationship status talks, or after adding her to your party. It's kind of hard to narrow down exactly when it starts in my testing.


The showers get randomly populated with characters from the Danger Room or their own rooms, so you'll often see them moving from one to the other.


Yes, I've figured that one out, it was actually more an issue specific to Rogue's intro scene, in that the game didn't bother to officially locate her in the same place as you during that sequence because it hadn't mattered before, but now the stats only pop up if they are in the same room as you. Fixed for next build.


Heh. Well hopefully it won't have any direct effect on me. I'll keep you guys updated if I come down with anything, and then if you don't hear from me. . . well . . . Anyway, everyone stay safe, keep your hands off your faces, stay away from other people and bats.


Hmm. . . might be related to the thing we were discussing above where I made it so that girls you're hanging out with are less likely to move to something else. I'll make some tweaks.


One thing to consider is that you can reduce your addictiveness by leveling up, and while I'm not sure how effective that is, I imagine that any changes should be directed to that. Perhaps an option through the ability to control your own addictiveness (which we have) and if that is not potent enough, then the ability to simply turn off your addictiveness for players who don't like it.


I'm aware of leveling. Levels are scarce and hard to come by, and adding more and more things that use up levels (like buying down addiction, or making self less addictive) only slows me (as player) down from taking the character in the direction I actually want to go. If I have to use my first earned levels to make the early game less annoying, that's a problem in the pacing of the early stages of the game, when Zero has less resources and is clawing his way towards acquiring them. I really wish the game didn't have the sudden famine-to-feast switch that happens when you get into the drawer with the cash in Chuck's office. 990 does seem to be better than 984 in this regard, there is slightly (but noticeably) more cash coming in via stipend early on. That tweak seems to be on target.


It raises a question: Is the addiction an aspect of ZERO's power (and therefore his part to work on, whether to increase or decrease), or is it an aspect of Rogue's absorption? Which made sense when she was the only one, why are the others getting addicted anyway? Laura likes the thrill of new-found mortality, which is touched on at her intro. But Kitty, Emma, and others when they come along?


Hey sorry if this has been covered in recent posts/changelogs, has the floating text for stat gain/loss been removed? I just started a new save and immediately noticed nothing popping up for any of the choices throughout the intro. NVM it's just during the intro as far as I have seen so far


It's just a problem with the intro. I've fixed it for the next version.


Yeah, my original thinking was that it was more of a Rogue thing, and then I would build unique mechanics for each girl that was less about Zero's power or at least would function differently, but then I never got around to implementing those mechanics (I still might at some point). Besides which, if it was Rogue-specific, then why would the player be able to turn it up or down anyway? So it was always a bit of a mess, but making Rogue *more* susceptible to it makes sense.


Yeah, one problem with "events" is that they can tend to pile up a bit, since you have four girls with seven+ relationship scenes each, plus addiction management, etc. I already limit them to one per day per girl, but could limit them further, though that would mean stretching out the minimum number of days to move through them, so there are trade-offs. I don't see the point of changing the clock though, since there are no hard time limits on the game, it doesn't end after X number of days, so if "eight things happen" it doesn't really matter whether they happen over four blocks in one day and four in the next or eight blocks in a single day. I think the best solution is just to cool down the addiction build-up a bit, so that you have to actually put pressure into it for it to be a regular thing, Come to think of it, I could also perhaps add an element like "Focus" that would allow you to be one-shot extra-addictive (once unlocked), allowing you to keep your base level low, but ramp it up if you wanted a specific girl to be effected. Money balance is tricky in any game, I get the frustration. Since I open up all possible options fairly early in the game, there is pressure to then max out all those options ASAP, buying out the shop instantly and dating and maxing out every girl and so on. It's part of the reason why I delayed the arrival of Laura, but then players wanted her sooner so I put her in sooner. There are relatively few hard time gates to the game, so it's not like you need to wait for the 30 day mark to start buying swimsuits or something, so of course you'd want them on day one. I'm not sure the best way I want to deal with this. If I just throw money at the player early on then it effectively becomes pointless, you just buy up everything and then it just starts piling up. If I keep the general rate the same, is there a good way to gate purchasing *other* than through money, so that players don't feel that "I want to buy it now, and could, if I had the money" pressure, but without players feeling like they can't go the route that they want? I could perhaps have longer time gates on the girls, so you can't get all 4/5 as quickly, but with the choice of which order they unlocked in, but I would then need to tweak the story because they do unlock in a specific order and their intro scenes assume the other characters exist. Something to ponder.


Hey Oni, not a bug but im a little dissapointed in your decision to get rid of Laura's blushing red face when she nears climax. Any reason why?


I didn’t even notice that it was missing. I really liked that too.


It wasn't exactly deliberate, but part of rebuilding the way these things worked sort of "standardized" some of their expressions in some cases. I think I can restore the originla versions though.


i honestly wouldn't normally mind a minimal change like this and move on without it but honest to god please restore it, i finally got around to playing this version fully and i liked the changes and had no more bugs but i really missed the flush look Laura had on her face, it sorta was the icing on the cake. For such a small detail it really added to the scenes.


@Oni when's the next bug fixy version coming out?


In my current 990M playthrough, "bursting in on me in a tizzy" hasn't been that much of an issue, I've been keeping enough contact with them, the addiction "need" levels have stayed low, so they've only been bursting in on me for "relationship moments".