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Not that there aren't any bugs left, I just don't want them in this thread. ;) If you have any to report, please put them in the most recent release thread, they are very important for resolving remaining issues.

But more importantly, I just wanted to thank you guys, and to discuss the current build's design. Thanks to everyone who's been testing the game so far, it's been out for one week and already gone through nine versions, so clearly it needed the attention. :D Thanks also for everyone just generally supporting the game, whether you participate in the bug testing portion or not. Your support means everything to me.

The bug reports have slowed to a manageable trickle and have moved from "things that happen in every scene" to "things that happen in some of the scenes, some of the time, when certain factors are lined up weirdly." I can work with that. It's still not "stable stable," but it's getting there. I plan to release a newer version in a few hours that should have even more fixes to it, as well as something that might break more things.

The next release should have an initial test of the save file updater. My goal is to allow progress to be carried over form  previous versions of the game to 0.990+. I don't believe it's possible (or at least practical) to carry over any save, ones that are in the middle of an ongoing scene, since those include temporary variables that would be hard to account for. What should work, however, is loading any save into version 0.984 (the previous one), going alone to the player's room and making a save file there, and then opening that save file in 0.990. That should convert all the information in that save into the 0.990+ format.

The first pass at this might be buggy. My testing recommendation is to try it out, load up an older save, see if it doesn't crash immediately, if it does let me know what it says. I've done a few tests and it's working so far, but who knows how long that'll last. :D If it does work for the moment, try just playing the game for a bit, doing normal stuff, and see if any weird errors pop up. I do NOT recommend diving fully into those saved games at this point, just continuing from that save indefinitely, because I can't yet certify that it wouldn't create some unexpected bugs. Play off those saves in small doses until we at least see how it's working out, but otherwise stick to the "fresh from 0.990 saves" for now.

I've also added some red, blue, and yellow buttons to McCoy's lab, players with mature 0.990 games going on, maybe hit those buttons, and if you see any duplicate names in a single list, let me know (and which button it was in).

Other than that, I just wanted to discuss how you guys think this build is going, general feedback rather than dry bug reports. Have you found any new features that you liked? Didn't like? Anything that seems to be "working as intended," but you'd prefer it work differently? The release threads tend to get bogged down with the truly broken elements, which are important to fix, but it's also nice to keep an eye on the big picture stuff. 



First of all - thank you for your work :) I really enjoy this game (and bug hunt:D) . So far i found out that Kitty decided to change her name, i think that's a nice feature, although i don't quite understand why :) Also, i like how you manage leveling menu, that is very important change and i think it became more understandable. Also, i have a question: when Laura was added to the game, i was using old saves, with max out girls. When Kitty invite Laura to her room, to give her a gift, MC can come in and take a look. If i remember correctly, if relationships with Kitty were high enough she says something like: "Yeah, this is Zero, he is my "Daddy/Sir/Master" etc, and Laura was like: "Huh?" :D That was very funny i think. But, since new versions i can't repeat that, i just cant get Kitty high enough before Laura come back. So, questions is: Is this still in the game, this dialog? I know we can wait as long as we want, just don't come to the Kitty's room, but wanted to check out with you first.


The Kitty thing is a bit of a Hocus Pocus joke, from the new comics. You can go along with it, or keep her as Kitty, it doesn't hurt anything aside from if you're rude about it. Hmm, the Kitty/Laura feature is still in there, you need to have Kitty's key, although I guess it can be hard through normal play to get the stats that high so fast. A few options you'd have there would be A. don't go to Kitty's room after the courtyard scene until after you've got her stats high. ;D, or B. don't give Kitty the money for the costume right away. You should be able to give it to her later in the chat menu, and the "quest" will remain paused until then. or C. Have Xavier remove Laura from the active characters until you're ready to do that bit. I'll probably also get this quest in the Danger Room Simulator at some point so you could revisit it with whatever stats you like. I'm actually making a few tweaks to that one too.


The new massage stuff is pretty cool. I like stuff that can go into a bit more detailed control. Itd be cool, but not exactly easy if you add in some visuals to it too :) Also I haven't really mind going through the game multiple times. I've started to come up with my on system of quickly maxing out the girls stats.


Not exactly easy, cause I know you already have a lot planned x) ps thanks for everything you've done so far.


I like the addictions everyone has now everyone can be my slave. All I require now is Jean Grey

Aeryn Monet

What exactly do the red/yellow/blue buttons DO?


How about this, when girls have threesome, one of them reach to MC inviting him to join the fun


I'm a fan of the new massage system, but I will say it took a fair amount of time for me to stop being oblivious to the prompts and realize that each girl has a specific order that's good for them. I can't come up with anything right off the bat, but something to indicate that it's the right choice beyond the smaller change of text that could be interpreted at a glance as another normal flavour text might be a good idea so others don't miss it. Maybe even just the girl making a sound with a speech bubble to break up the "click, result, click, result" flow with "click, result, sound" would give a more tactile indication that something changed.

Anthony Michelli

I dig the Kate/Katherine convo i had with Kitty, that was a nice touch. apparently Rogue had one of those for Annemarie but i never got that to trigger, but I'll start a fresh save and see if if I can give that a go. Anyhoo, little stuff like that was a nice touch.


This game got very dynamic meanwhile and I like where it goes with interactions. However, one thing which always kinda made me go a step back was the simplicity of reaching your goals. I wish It'd be harder and bind to some minigames if you consider putting them in eventually. With minigames, I mean something simple like a competition in the danger room as an instance or a swimming battle in the pool. But how about actual danger? I mean this game is all about superpower after all maybe some actual enemies might refine the story even more. Overall you made a great game with huge potential. I'm looking forward to where this game will end up going.


I'm really enjoying the game and I've been going on with multiple saves to test out different routes. I appreciate when there are bits here and there that made up for interesting convos and even made me look into the character's lore. Are there any plans to add more tension and/or problems to the plot that have to dealt with outside of getting the girl's meters up? Like an enemy or a problem that has to be solved. Amazing job so far and I love the art style also.

Strategist G Bu Shi

Thank you for make such an enjoyable game. As for the things that I think could use some work, I would say that initial triggering of a threesome and the swapping between the girls could use attention. For example, during sex with Rogue, if Kitty is in the room and you ask her to join in, even if she gives a positive response, the status bar won't go into threesome mode unless Kitty has 800 like/love points with Rogue (Got the number from looking at the save date with an online save editor). This is reflected in game by Kitty saying she and Rogue occasionally hook-up. It would be better if the like point requirement between the girls was reduced to around 650 or for them to have a certain combination of Inhibition and love/Obedience points with the player. As for the ability to swap between girls. The system works okay for the most, but if try to do it through the threesome sub-menu than you're taken back to the main sex-menu rather simply. Rather that, it would better if when doing Rogue then swapping you simply switch to doing Kitty, rather have go through the menus again from the beginning. The other suggestion I have would be the expansion of primary-focus and off-hand actions sub-menus. Such as being able to switch from playing with girl's breasts to a titjob or to add the option when playing with her pussy straight to sex without having to return to the main-menu. While, expanding the threesome options to be able to finger one girl while fucking another.


More Visuals is that what im wish in Future update, i mean if im fondle some girl as$ im wanna see it xD BUT im happy with the Massage update. Thanks for the game Oni :D


I know you said no bugs on this post, but wanted to let you know the red button didn't work for me.


Thank you for the amazing game! I realize how difficult it is to make for clothing due to needing to animate it for all the scenes but I would love to see more clothing options not just for regular clothes but more slutty clothes too


First of all thank you very much for the hard work you are doing. Really crazy how you pump out all these versions with new bugfixes. Anyway for the part ""Anything that seems to be "working as intended," but you'd prefer it work differently?"" : I dont know if its from the code overhaul or if it was a intended change of you but the dialo order when reaching orgasm changed. I know that seems kind of pity to point out but i liked it better in the versions before when the player and her reached orgasms at the same time she came right after the player if that makes sense? Now the dialog of her reaching orgasm is at the very end AFTER where she asks / you tell her what to do with your cum wiping ect. Of course even better would be a new prompt *Come Together* when both lust meters are on max (with slightly different dialog?) I hope you can understand what iam trying to say.


So, yeah, to echo everyone else: the game is going *great*. There's an exciting amount of content, and a thrilling mix of personalities to play around with. It's amazing to see this game get as good as it could possibly get, then somehow surpass it on the next build. Whatever we're paying you, it's not enough. I guess, if I'm making requests, I'd like to stump for more story content, more character scenes. I'm assuming (looking at the other comments) that the main requests are going to always be More Ways To Fuck, and I get that that's the main draw for a lot of folks, but I've gotta say, that's not necessarily what keeps me coming back. (No, uh, pun intended.) I think my favorite stuff is the relationship levelling, the ways personalities evolve over gameplay, the slow harem-ing (probably not a word!) of the girls. That shit, it's the core of the game for me. Anytime more of that gets added, whether through a new girl or an expansion of current storytelling, that's when I'm most happy as a fan. Along those lines, I'd love to see more content added for Rogue. I feel like, as newer girls get added, Rogue gets a kinda Starter Pokemon aura to her, something you start off with to learn the game, but not interesting enough long-term compared to the higher difficulty characters. (I've never played Pokemon, but I'm certain I've *nailed* that analogy.) More content for Rogue would be like those World of Warcraft updates that spruce up the starting zones, reminding you with a few new bells and whistles why you started playing to begin with. (Never played WoW, either. I'm definitely sticking my neck out on these comparisons!) I just don't want people to overlook Rogue, you know? Without her, there'd be no game. Anyway, that's my two cents. The game is fantastic, you're doing a great job, I'm psyched to see where you go with it next. Thanks!


They never *change* anything, but they spit out data that I can use to have a better idea what's going on. If I suspect that something might be causing variables to go way outside their expected range, hitting the buttons and telling me what they say can let me know if that's what's happening on your end, and then I can do a better job of figuring out why. All it does it tell you stuff so you can tell me.


You mean when two girls are alone together, they give you a call? Yeah, I could work something like that together. I've been slowly incorporating more ways for the girls to ask for your attention.


Heh, maybe. I started it off subtle, and then we can work in some more obvious queues. I wanted to leave in a *bit* of effort to it. :D


Rogue's is in her "love" type dialog. You raise a good point though because I went through and added "back-up" checks to the other girl's chitchat menus if you maybe missed their initial versions, and didn't for Rogue. I can fix that.


Ok, well my design philosophy was that I wanted to avoid having arbitrary roadblocks as best I could. Like I didn't want to have some serious story and she wouldn't fuck you until you completed some portion of the story because story, if you can get her to like her enough that she wants to do stuff, she does stuff, right? So if I do have gates, I want them to be reasonable gates, like for example if Rogue can't touch other girls alone until she gets more control over her powers, or something like that. If I added some minigames or puzzles or whatever, I wouldn't want them to be gates that you *must* pass, but they could perhaps be more optional areas that you *could* play to raise stats and make passing content easier elsewhere. If you're a big danger room jock then maybe girls would like you more. :D I'll see about that. Mainly my philosophy on active combat is that this game only shows one side of what's happening at the school, the personal drama side, and that there are fights and active training going on too, but the player doesn't really engage in that directly.


Potentially. I don't want to have a linear plotline, I am going for a more dynamic, sandboxy approach to the game where you choose your own paths, but I can certainly add more drama. Really Jean is a great opportunity to mix things up, because she will definitely be a villain right out the gate. I expect her to bring some conflict, but the degree to which you allow her into the game and adapt to her conflict is up to the player. If you want to exile her immediately, you can. If you want to tackle her head on and "tame" her, you can. If you let her run wild, she might cause you some issues.


Well, like rating tend to start relatively high anyway, similar to love, 500 is the midpoint, below that they actively dislike the other girl, so 650 is they are relatively good friends, but 800-ish is where they are like "hey girrrrrl. . ." and 900+ is pretty much serious. The Threesome checks are mostly just checks of the partner girl's stats relative to you, The basic check is, do they like you enough (in various ways) to have a threesome. How much they like the other girl is more of a bonus factor, if they like the girl, they are more likely to do it. If they dislike the girl, they are less likely to do it. More to follow. . .


As for the swapping thing, I'll look into my options there as well. One thing I want to make sure to avoid is say that you are fucking Rogue, but with Kitty you've only done really low-tier stuff, and she's only here because she likes Rogue, or something, and she wouldn't agree to have sex with you, or would at least argue it a bit. I don't want you to then be able to smoothly flip from one to the other in that case. So I have to design the checks in to work right, with the right timing. I think it's doable though. And yeah, I'll see what more fluidity I can add to the action-switching options. One thing I need to try and avoid is having too many menu choices at once, since those can run off the screen if I'm not careful. ;)


Yeah, the version in the currently available version isn't fully set up yet, wait until the next one.


I get what you're saying and it makes total sense. I don't think it would be too hard to change that and will give it a look.


I get you. A lot of the content I made for Rogue at the start hasn't aged well as I've evolved as a coder and writer, and I am trying to update it a bit along the way, like improving the dialog and flow of her basic relationship talks. I'll also try to add in some additional "character specific" scenes as best I can, Rogue doesn't have a lot of unique interactions with the other girls at the moment.


Yeah I can see the sandboxy nature of the game and is one of the reasons I love it. I really like the idea of Jean bringing out conflicts to the player because it makes me think about options outside of winning over the other girls individually and that seems nice. I know whatever direction you take you are doing a great job, looking foward to more content!


It’s great game so far can’t wait till it’s finished I don’t know if you like some suggestions but what if when you study with any of the girls for some time thay can accidentally drop their pencils/pens and have to go under you and the zip down your pants and if not that just my two cents.


The only thing I would ask is for some sort of basic guide for the different routes that you can take with the girls.


And I am only JUST NOW getting my hands on this update (~h) so stand by for more bug discovery ;)


Well, my general advice is just that there are no hard-coded "routes," like doing one thing doesn't typically lock off something else elsewhere, but at any given time there will be dialog that only plays under certain conditions, like having love or obedience or Inhibition higher than the others, or having previously met certain relationship goals. So the basic advice would be to focus on raising a stat that appeals to you, and then maybe try it again with a different combination. I hope soon to have the Danger Room simulator back up and better than ever, allowing you to more easily adjust your experience.

The coochie bandit

Hey oni I don’t know if you mentioned this already but do you have a general idea of when jean will be added in? Love the game btw.

Timothy Morley

I'm sure there's a few people asking about this already, but did you add Jean to this version? If not then that's cool, but if you did her introduction isn't starting at all.


I'm aiming for late spring, early summer. The next version, basically, which is planned to include some basic Jean implementation, and some new artwork adds for the other girls.


No, Jean won't be in until the next version in a few months. I haven't even started on the character sprite beyond the sketch, since this was a mode code-focused release and I was trying to get it finished ASAP.

Timothy Morley

I gotcha. I hope you dont run into any issues and release the next version early haha.