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Ok, so currently in the game, all the text is displayed in the text box along the bottom of the screen. Since X-Men is a comic property though, I was thinking maybe word balloons would be a more appropriate UI method. The screenshot above is obviously a very basic version of this, I haven't bothered to do the new graphics or coding necessary to fully implement it yet because I'm still not sure that's the way I want to go with it.

The idea would be that character text would appear in white word balloons, like in a comic, at roughly that position on the screen, with a little tail pointed at the character talking (instead of a name tag). Narration text might appear in a solid caption box or something. Is this a feature that would make the game better for you? Worse? Don't care? Let's see:


Feel free to express "other" opinions in the comments below.




Well like the idea of comic style balloons, but what might also be a good addition towards the balloons is either give the balloons are the colour or the text in the colour which associate with the character.


I might be able to tint them a little, white balloons with say dark green lettering for Rogue. I'm trying to figure out how to add the little tails on the balloons in such a way that they point to the character speaking.

Elliot Johnson

I would love if near the end this becomes a full fashioned X-men Evo Dating sim or something staring Rogue. I would pay 60 bucks for that alone


Well, like what elements would you want that aren't in the current build? This is good stuff to know. Would you want more of a linear story to it, with more specific events? I'm aware it's very sandboxy at the moment and sparse on dialog sequences. I could certainly try to develop more of a "plot" to it.

Elliot Johnson

A linear story with Events and some basic plot would be good. Dialog options and the like. Stuff that a usual dating game consists of would be cool. Like how you hook them up or something. Not really a fan of the sandboxyness of it at the moment. Everything else i think is fantastic.


Ok, I'll see what I can add for that. Maybe take on a writer. I do want to maintain it as somewhat non-linear, let you write your own story, but I could perhaps add some more concrete "scenes" to it that provide more opportunities for character development.

Elliot Johnson

Hey, that would be great. you don't have to if it is to much trouble. Just more of a suggestion.


Sure, it's worth considering though, it would make it more developed as a story. I have some scenes in there that can happen at random, but they are a bit few and far between at the moment.