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Ok, I think I've narrowed down the issue with Laura's intro. 





I didnt have time for the läßt Update to play but, Thanks for the Update xD 😘👍


Checked it out it looks like its working now


No rush but when are we going to vote for the new girl just wondering.

Jordan Burm

When will the game hit android


I'm in the Danger room with Laura. She keeps saying she needs to change clothes, but then she doesn't. Her stats are L=840, O=637, I=786. I did modify her workout clothes to bra and panties.


After plan PSI, when Emma and I return to my room, Xavier is there as well.


Dunno if this has already been reported but for me, Laura's intro keeps repeating every time i go to the training room. I started a new save and its still repeating.


Is the issue that she keeps spamming that message without advancing, or that she does it once per time you enter the room? I may need to tweak a few things, I can see how there may be a gray area in the Danger Room because there is a slightly different standard of acceptability there.


Hmm, odd. I made a change that should make that even less likely, but I'm not sure why it was happening at all, he should have left before the scene change. Emma should have been removed as well.


Wasn't there a plan for a dominate Laura? Or was that scrapped?

Peter Vanusanik

Is it me or is skipping now broken? Like it pauses too much making skipping useless and annoying...


There's nothing specific done to it, but there might be some sort of slowdown caused by one of the systems I changed at some point. I'm looking into it.


In what way? I mean, you can take a fairly commanding angle with her if you want.


Only two things of imput i'd put in are, the events were the girls try and pull you away happen SUPER frequently. Like every hour every room I go into frequently. Also can we get reverse leveling abilitys for the girls? By that I mean like lower their sexual stamina so its actually easier to make them go ahegao a bit? Overall still love the game, cant wait for more.


I'll see what I can do about those situations. I think I have some ideas. I don't want to put in hard limits on how often those events take place, but I do want to try and balance them to a comfortable level.

Hugo Frizon

So, it is good this time ? xD (Yep I stepped out of shadow nice to meet you)


may be a dumb question but how do i get xavier to leave me alone? a hint says to enter his office while he is not there but he is always there or its always closed and i dont know where to find the key.


When you get close to kitty, party up with her, go to his office after dark, she can open it. Think the yellow bar has to be somewhat high up before she says yes though


This one seems to be relatively stable so far. No major bugs reported. Nice to meet you too. ;)


Thanks for fixing the Laura intro issue! However... I'm having problems with Kitty now. Tried going to class, and she pulled me aside for "kitty time". Finished up there, tried going back to class and it happened again. And again. And again. Tried to avert the issue by going to danger room instead, which worked for a while. But after a while, she showed up again and the same thing happened.


You know, I thought of something, so we can text the girls and talk to them and stuff but not flirt via text, I feel like thattd be a cool little thing to have, like maybe not get as many points when you do it like that but still.


I like the new ability to tell girls not to masturbate. I noticed that you can still trigger Emma's classroom masturbation scene even if she's ordered not to. It'd be cool if she acknowledged that she disobeyed.


True. This is mainly because the early flirt actions were mostly physical, but now there are some more dialog-based ones. I could make those available via chat.


I haven't been paying attention to this Laura issue you mentioned, but a related issue might be happening with my game. I started it fresh for 0.984h. I saw Laura that one time in the danger room for her intro, but that feels like it was a long time ago. Since then I've seen her in the showers a few times, but never anywhere else. I haven't been playing long enough to be really sure I'm having an issue, but it feels a bit off. It's Day 28 on my savefile. Another thing I noticed: the menu option to "switch to" Laura is available. When I click it I just get "You send Laura a text", and then "Who?". That's even if she's in the same room I'm in (the shower). **Update** (sort of): before submitting this message I decided to skip through another week of game time just to be sure. During this week I never saw her in the shower again, but I did accidentally trigger the second scene in the campus square where "she's back". I completely forgot this scene existed, so I guess the real bug I have to report is that maybe Laura can appear in the showers before you meet her the second time.


Well, after meeting Laura in the Danger Room, she should show up again after about a week in the Campus. I did notice a slight issue though if you don't go to meet her after she becomes available. I'll try to fix that.


Hello. What do I have to do if I want to download it on android phone?


No bugs for me but if this hasn't been mentioned already, I would like to make a suggestion. Would it be possible to add a dining hall/cafeteria so you can burn bits of income in increasing sets to regain larger amounts of stamina/energy? With as sexually aggressive as the girls are becoming, it's getting tougher to rebound just based off of the "wait" function alone. I'm sure you could also add interactions there as well or even use it as an intro location for other characters. Or even buy consumable portable snacks adding a "use" function to the inventory system. Girls would also be able to invite you to breakfast/lunch/dinner depending on if you woke up with them or after routines like the danger room/class.


Hmm, maybe. People are already able to get up to some power-leveling shenanigans with the existing energy levels, and there's really no race here, but it wouldn't hurt to add some new areas.


Hi Oni, did a small compilation of bugs in this version. If you don't have the time do fix these, please feel free to address them whenever you can. https://imgur.com/a/F2YGza0


Ok, good point about the complications involving partied characters. I disabled the jumping system when you are in a party, unless the girl involved is in your party. The key issue is actually something else entirely, basically that the inventory as written would never display Laura or Emma's keys, among some other things. I changed that, but actually need to overhaul it a bit because ti could be more efficient. The issue with Kitty and Laura in class, do you know how it started? Was Laura always in the room, but Kitty just did her actions without moving in front of Laura? The rest of the things I think I mostly have sorted out.


The issue with Kitty and Laura happened when i was grinding levels for characters. Most likely Kitty "jumped" me when i was partied with Rogue-Laura, causing the bug. Are you adding these bug-fixes to the next release of the game?


That's fair. I hadn't considered the "Power-leveling" aspect to this as I wouldn't generally think people are trying to "speed run" an ero game XD With that being said, you COULD restrict the meal time to certain times on the clock. Once you have enough places and activities that either work off the main character or the girls, you would begin to create more options to choose between, due to different things/places having time constraints and different amounts of money required. Force the player to make what feels like a difficult choice, maybe the store we buy from is only open during certain hours or days instead of amazon.com with like instant delivery. If you are worried about speed runners, I know the store feels like a fast pass to better stats with girls for new players. You could have different types of dates like: concerts with costume updates if you buy people memorabilia, cons for cosplay or holiday events like a Christmas secret Santa with outfits, Halloween. Maybe you could have the girls ask you to get certain things from the store or you surprise them with like flowers or stuff to open up special images they text you with. I only suggest all of this because even when I do start a new character every time a new girl comes out, by the end of it I'm still sitting comfortably on +1k with nothing to really do with it because I've maxed out my stats w/ everyone and the current dating system doesn't provide anything other than a narrative, with no unique visuals or even still images, there's no incentive for people who have already maxed out stats to keep doing it. Additionally, once the outfits are gotten, the store kind of falls by the wayside.


Yeah, that's fair. Ingame economies are difficult to balance under the best of circumstances, and I'm no economist so I wouldn't look for it here. :D I tend to err on the side that money problems might slow down when you can unlock certain functions, but you'll always hit a point of "more money than you can spend" eventually. I can certainly offer more things to spend it on, but I wanted to limit too much pure "spend money to gain stats" systems, the gifts available are limited in scope, more of a bonus than something you could just keep dumping money into to max out a girl instantly.


I just hit the annoying "won't put on panties" issue in a really odd place. Loaded a game started in 984(plain), Day 27. Zero is in the classroom with Kitty. He is Level 6, she is Level 2. Side note: could we please have the girl's level displayed somewhere in the status bar, not just Zero's? Having to run to My Room and navigating thru Special Options->Leveling just to get that little bit of info is annoying. ANYWAY, Kitty's three main stats are all 760-790, and she's currently wearing camisole and blue skirt commando. She is willing to discuss Wardrobe despite the public setting. When instructed to, she will take the skirt and/or cami off, then and there. IN CLASS! ("Behind screen" is greyed out); she *refuses*, however, to put on panties without you going "I insist". Remember this Outfit? Sure, not problem. Will she wear (transparent!) cami+panties outside? "I can't believe it, but yeah". I facepalm.


Yep. Still debating whether I should do another build of 0.984 at this point, or just let them stand until 0.985. I guess it couldn't hurt, but I might give it a week or so to see if any other issues pop up.


Semi-related glitch: there may be a weird interaction between the "Give Me Your Panties" flirtation and Wardrobe management while she is in that pantiless state. Her panties are off, because you have them, but it seems like she thinks she's still wearing them, even when she is displayed as not wearing them?


Leaving Wardrobe Management with her in anything she won't wear outside results in quick-change to Wearing What She Wants.


I completely get that. You have certain dialogues that trigger with progression in the relationship as it advances. In relation to those dialogues, could you stop all progression at different points and create events that unlock further progression? That way you end up pacing the advancement of the relationship in relation to how the player treats the girls and if they've met the literal "relationship goals" you have set in place. Sure you can get them horny fast but if their love and obedience isn't high enough because of a roadblock "relationship goal" you haven't met yet, then you only get so far, even when their inhibitions are higher. As it stands right now, I believe it's just a quantifiable numbers game where it's strictly dependent on stats alone. Forcing the player to go the extra mile to do other things or buy things the girls need, could further feed into the economy in addition to slowing down some of the "speed running" so people don't get so easily maxed out.


About girls "hookingup", it's just when they ambush Zero together or is there more to that (if so, how to trigger that scene). Other two things - when we'll have scene with Emma wearing stocking/pantyhose and any chance for adding one of those two (best both :)) for Kitty? Anyway thanks for your hard work!


Girls will hook up with each other, entirely without you, under certain conditions. They can be found in one of their rooms if this is going on, although it's pretty easy to miss. I might make these situations easier to track at some point. I'll see about adding more stockings to the game. Probably wouldn't be a problem. The main reason Kitty didn't have one before was just that she didn't have a skirt to show them off with. ;)


Don't worry too much about level. It affects almost nothing directly, just when they are able to unlock level-up perks, and Laura's plays into her Xavier thing, but it's not a stat that is directly checked in most basic interactions or anything. If you can't do something, it probably isn't because her level's too low (or Zero's for that matter). If Kitty's inhibitions are above 750 then there's a pretty good chance she'll wear most things in public. As I explained, the panties issue is less that she doesn't like you enough to listen, and more that she's shameless enough that she prefers not having panties on.


I'll look into it. It shouldn't think she is wearing them if you can't see them. The "give me your panties" thing mainly interacts with the "when she gets dressed" portion of the game, basically not counting her panties as part of that process. She should behave as though her panties are off in the wardrobe, although if you take, say, her lace panties and then ask her to put lace panties on, that will likely still be an option, but then when you leave the wardrobe or at some other point, they might vanish again if it's still the same day you took them. It's a sort of complicated mechanic.


Well, the "relationship goals" are each tied to specific stats. Like you'll never hit the "love" style relationship goals if you fail to raise that stat and only max out the others. I don't think I want to hardcore in too many "paths" though where you have to do certain things to advance, that seems a bit too linear and "gamey" to me. I prefer to provide *opportunities* to advance more quickly, but that any path you take to get there is valid.


So then without providing mechanics such as those, would the solution simply lie in how large the cast will eventually be? By overwhelming them in sheer numbers and doing enough dates/threesomes between different combination of women to slow their pacing? Because I imagine even if people know how quickly they can max out the stats if they follow a particular pattern, having: Rogue, Kitty, Emma, Laura, Storm, Jean, Wanda, Bang-Bang, Dazzler, Jubilee, etc. , will still take an extended period of time because there is so many of them. Will the opportunities be unique to the girl or will they play out similarly for each person like with threesomes, showering, pool, quizzes?


That has always been a consideration in the back of my mind, that since the plan was to keep adding girls, I didn't want to make each one too needy or anything because then they would just constantly be messing up the player's goals. I try to make relationship sequences at least somewhat unique and in character to them, while the triggers are the same, the path to those triggers are likely to vary, and then the results for each would be a bit different.


Whenever I try to initiate plan kappa with Kitty it say she can't pull that off at the moment. Is this Intended and if so what do I have to do to enable public sex with kitty?


It's intended, Kitty's just one of the more complicated characters to do this with. You'll need to sneak into Xavier's office at night and find some dirt on him.

Ya Boi

Hello! Love the game. Do you know what conditions are needed generally for them to hook up? i've been trying to make it happen but it seems to just be a pain in the butt to find


It's a little involved at the moment. Essentially, first, they need to be horny, so you'd need to have enough sex with them to get them going, and then leave them alone for a while, rejecting their advances. The more you do this, the more likely they are to look elsewhere (but you do have to start them up first). Then, it helps the more that they like the other girl, so having done a lot of activities with both of them in the past, or having both of them in your harem is a good idea. The more of these factors line up, the more likely it is that something will happen. When it does, if you go to the room where it's happening, you can interrupt them. At the moment, there's no simple way to know in advance that this is happening, but if you call one of them, there might be clues. I plan in future to make it a bit easier for girls to build affection for each other without you needing to be involved. ;) Oh, and with Rogue., you need to level her up to the point you can unlock her "touch others" ability, or she won't even try it.


Kitty is the complicated one? Oo i thought she is the easy one... i still don't know how to enable the others to the public like laura :[

Ya Boi

Thank you! That's good to know, i've been trying to set them up for ages, it's good to know the steps now, i appreciate it


So, spoilers for getting exactly what you want. This is pretty much exactly my fetish (having a girlfriend who I constantly catch riding face), so I really dedicated myself to figuring it out tonight. Two of the factors I think Oni is alluding to is that you have to tell them not to masturbate, and you have to date them two at a time or involve them in a lot of threesome action. When they call to ask if they can masturbate, tell them no. That's sometimes an indication that they are going to hook up with another girl.


I've been having sort of the opposite problem, generally having very little folding money available, not enough to buy all the outfits by the time the girls are ready for them. And using books to kickstart Kitty's progress if no one else's. Snagging Chuck's petty cash was timely and helpful. Another game I've recently started playing, "Harem Hotel" by Runey, currently has a harem of eight (plus another five secondary characters with minimal interactions), and that seems to be plenty. The game pace is different than Rogue-like though, I reached the end of the current build in about 150 game days. The girls are basically added four at a time, which helps make it workable, you decide when you're ready to expand by adding a second floor to the hotel. Don't know if an equivalent situation could be devised for this game.


The way to set the glitch up: when you first meet her, she is in an outfit with panties (saved as a Custom). This is most obvious if the outfit is top + panties only, no legwear. Have her give them to you, flirting. In wardrobe management, specifically put on that same number Custom outfit, don't change her panties (change something else if you feel like it) then re-save it. Even if she isn't exhibitionistic enough otherwise to go bottomless in public, with that Custom saved, she will. Because the quantum panties are there, while simultaneously not being there, not being displayed.


hey could you tell me what is the last level with rogue? I think I reached the maximum


Like her character level? 10. All character levels cap out at 10. All core stats, like Love or Obedience, cap out at 1000.

Zachary Whittall (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2021-07-14 09:34:27 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni
2020-01-19 11:26:26 dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni

dude the laura scenes are really good, thanks Oni


FWIW I've uncovered some strange graphics glitches in the Linux version, running under LinuxMint 19 (XFCE), which seem to particularly occur when Rogue's giving a bj or Emma's taking the MC into either of her lower holes. The graphics just spaz out, elements flipping upside down and back every couple of seconds, background changes to black or a generic forest scene. If you line up your mouse cursor while the picture is correct, the "button" is still in the right place, and can be clicked, even when the display is whacked out.


That is interesting. I'm aware of some potential glitches, but nothing that extreme. I can't even imagine what would cause the backgrounds to change, I can only think it might be a memory issue or something. Next time it happens, roll back to before it starts and get a close look at the girls, see if maybe they are flipper left to right from their standard position. I think I've prevented that happening, but maybe not, and if they were flipped, and expected not to be, that might result in some oddities, but other than that, I'm not really sure what would be causing it.