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Ok, so this one should clean up a few issues, as well as some general QoL improvements.

-Rogue seems to have been a bit too aggressive, she should be a little less so now, although it would help to get her off a few times to cool her down first.
-I should also have fixed at least a few of the "passline" errors, although report any that continue to happen.
-fixed some issues with Kitty and the "jumped" scenes.
-fixed some cases where you could discuss characters before they had been introduced to the story in chat/romance options
-fixed some cases where the "jumped" scenes would not move you properly from location to location.
-fixed an issue with Rogue's "wet" hairdo not displaying correctly
-changed the "lock door" command to be "permanent" rather than resetting when time advances. It does reset automatically when leaving a room, on the assumption that "bang, you bumped into the locked door" would get annoying.



Did you take a look at why Rogue's wet hair makes her bald or am I the only one to come across it?


Minor error - the mini skirt for Kitty says its $50 in the store menu but it actually costs $60.


Yes, fixed that (at least I think I did), sorry I forgot to add it to the notes.


Wow, you're really on top of all this. Very impressed! Thank you for your hard work!


New releases are all about making a best guess at a stable build, and then iterating on it quickly to make it as best it can be.

Kenta Usui

an aggressive rogue mmmm XD


small text bug maybe I was speaking with Emma, and I went to dirty talk, and selected "Have you considered doing things in public". Went through the whole dialog (chose the first answer if that helps: "Yeah, I suppose") When it put me back into the dirty talk menu again, Emma has a text box that just says "O".


"Rogue seems to have been a bit too aggressive" - That is just your opinion, man :) - Kidding, awesome work as always, thank you


Looking at Rogue's background, I can see how her meeting someone she couldn't hurt with her powers comes off as "aggressive." Many story lines cover this very issue of her not having any physical contact in her life. And because of this, I have never understood how she would safely fool around with other. Maybe a future story line to the game has Rogue coming to you to want to explore with others, but needs you around to keep her powers turned off. (As I understand, this version has the characters hooking up with each other, but I would think, Rogue either wouldn't or others are too scared of her to partner up with her)


Assuming this is an oversight but when making out with Rouge there is no options for Offhand action.


So locked Rouges door, studied with her during the evning, when I clicked sleep got sent to the players room and the door setting said unlock door.


When in the shower "Maybe you could stay and watch?" would assume the player showers with the female not getting involved which isn't the case. Which means you get the same result as "Sure you got every spot?"


Rouge was giving a BJ, given the warning message, select "Warn her", "You let her know that you'r about to come.", "You grab her head and cum in her mouth", game proceeds like selected cum in her mouth.


Weird, different time no problem. should have saved in the middle of the first one I guess.


Love the update! This one is a lot more stable. I have a question. cant you reuse the addiction meter for Rogue as like a D meter for the other girls? that way you can see which one is most likely to jump your bones on sight. Although, that does leave Rogue's meter... hmmm... something to think about since its not in as much use latter game. so can it be retooled to switch later in progress with her? Also, what actually triggers it since I never get Emma showing up for her Hot Meat Injection. Kitty has only did it once while Rogue and Laura has showed up the most out of the four.


Hmm, ok. Yeah, I guess some "sent to a room" situations might do that. I'll see what I can do about it.


It has more impact on which stat checks are made and what dialog results than it does on how the scenes actually play out.


Well, for the most part they behave similarly, the odds of them appearing is based on how much sex you've had with them in the past (characters you haven't done much with are less likely to jump), the only thing specific to Emma is that she's less likely to be involved as a watcher/partner if you haven't cleared the "threesome talk" dialog with her (she doesn't want to seem slutty in front of other students). Beyond that, she should behave like the others. Now Rogue did have a bug in the last build that made her more aggressive than the others, I fixed that, but it might have some lasting impacts. Get her off a few times, which should help balance her humours.


Did you add laura titjob and footjob??


1. clothes magically reappier Flirting with girls, asking for their Panties. they strip out of their panties giving them to MC but then they reappier on the girls. same with Kittys clothing yinx, the clothes just reappier. 2. position reset in lesbian telling 2 girls to make out with another, the base position mostly starts with 2 girls kissing with each other. telling the first girl to change position, like going down on other girl, the positon changes. telling the second girl to go down on the first girl, the position changes as well. BUT, the first girl gets back to kissing, until i tell her again. had it even worse, after they finished i startet the same again, while girl B was still going down on her, girl A was kissing her, and every second action i had to change her position again cause she got back to kissing. if this is intended and not an annoying feature, i would like to get a message the girl does not like it, instead of yeah its worth a try, or seems fine.


1. Hmm. . .I'm not sure what's putting them back on. If they do that sequence, then their panties should not reappear until the next day. The Kitty yoinking thing might come back, I'll play with that. 2. I'll work on these. I'm not sure they coordinate well in both directions. It might be a case of person A doing one thing, and person B not adapting to it.


Laura's scene still has this blackout when someone finish


At least in Emmas case, she asks for sex way too often. Less than 1 day or within 1 day of not talking to her, she pulls you aside. Up the minimum days to like 4 or something.

Anthony Michelli

One issue I have, and I guess it's up for personal taste, is that once Rogue starts her jumping/kidnapping activities, her "I need a fix" event seems to stop triggering.


Hmm, ok, I can add minimums. At least at this point, there are no strict minimums, it's based on raw variables of how much they want it. I would kind of like for that to be plenty here than to have fixed limits, so perhaps I can adjust the values a bit to get them at a more comfortable level, but if we can't make that happen by the end of this dev cycle, I can add hard limits like that.


Hmm, ok. :D Well, you can always refuse when she jumps you, that might keep her interested. I don't think there's anything specific to the jumping event that would stop her wanting a fix, other than that you're providing her a fix.


There is an interesting issue, which to my knowledge, has been in for a few versions now. When you fool around with (currently only tested on Rogue) Rogue, when she pulls up her top, it doesn't count as having her breasts seen and still refuses to take off her tops. Edit: Is there a reason we still can't use the ripped clothing pieces?


Ok, well it *should* count in at least some cases, could you please be more specific as to what the sequence of events are leading to her pulling up her top,and then where you think it isn't counting that it's up? And Rogue's ripped tights should be available in the wardrobe menus.


I think you should probably put a check on the girls so they don't try to chase you down or initiate sex when they're out of sex actions. Last play through, I had Rogue chasing me down for sex only to have her not be able to do anything.


Ever think to do a mobile version? Would be nice :D


I have trouble getting the Android APK to work on my system because Java, but I believe there is a third party port.


Full done Emma have option in dirty talks to talk about threesome that does nothing when clicked


I think I just tweaked something about this. Let me know if it's still there next build. The purpose of it is that she has that unique dialog where you have to convince her to do a threesome, and if you fail on the first attempt, you can use that menu entry to ask her again later. It's meant to vanish once you've already cleared that hurdle, but I don't think I set the condition right on the last build so it was staying there.


Hey oni can Emma riped her pantyhoses like rogue?


Would you add a Hand Holding Option?


Aw. Sure, not sure how long it'd take, maybe pretty quick, but I'll get it in.


That’s probably the most wholesome thing I’ve ever read


You added the option for the MC to lock the door! Kick ass.


Sorry, but I have a problem with Rogue. She is super annoying with her coming to my room in the morning. I tried several options but somehow i can't get rid of her. Even if i start a new game and tell her to "Screw off" and always choosing the option the shows the least interest, she still comes to my place every two or three days. Could someone help me out? And Oni could you add an option to tell, that she should not come anymore?


Yeah, that wouldn't likely make a difference here, I try to make all older saves compatible.


Is it the addiction mechanic? She can get a bit needy until you resolve that portion by giving her at least a little skin contact (it can be fairly casual like just letting her "tag" you). Once you allow that to happen she should be a bit less needy about it, but still might show up from time to time. The less contact you allow her, the less needy she should be about it, and you can also level up the player character to be less addictive to her, or level up Rogue to be less addicted, if you prefer.


Rogue has a misspelling. After asked to eat left overs after sex she says "Delcious"


So, Gwen Pool as easter egg? or she will be dateable in the next build?


Hey I was wondering if there was a walkthrough for this game?


Not that I'm aware of. I'm sure there are efficient paths through the game, but it's not designed to work linearly, so whatever choices make sense to you will probably lead. . . somewhere.


Is there a guide or a "how to" to stop Xiaver from seeing you with the girls, I figured out Kitty and Emma but I have no idea how to do it with Laura


For Laura, she needs high Inhibition stat, and needs to be at least Lvl2, which you raise by her studying, attending class, and danger room. For Kitty, you need blackmail material you can find by snooping in Xavier's office at night.


whoa, thx for the clue


Idk if this is a bug or not, but I have every girl maxed stats, and no matter what when ever i select a clean up option that involves eating it, it says they wipe it away. Pretty sure it used to say they would lick or eat last build.

Anthony Michelli

Mostly the same for myself. The only time I got the lick text was in one instance where Kitty ate cum off of Emma. I /think/ I only got the text because those two characters initially don't like each other even with maxed stats and I had to do an obedience force thing on Kitty. Thus, only getting that lick cum off body text only when you "force" them. If they' won't question it, it's just wipe text.


Ok, I think I may have found a hang-up in there that I think I fixed for next build.

Tony Mack

Every time Rogue performs her "surprise" wake up scene it crashed and I have to rollback then back up to ask her to do something else.


Ok, I can look into this. If there was an error message that pops up when it crashes, it would help to know what that error message says (above the portion that says "full traceback," at least). It would also help to know which option you picked that caused the crash, and which option you could pick to avoid it.

Tony Mack

It evolved into a new problem, if Rogue even asks to stay the night it crashes now. I'll update to .984d and see if the issue persists. [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "renpy/common/00library.rpy", line 136, in extend renpy.exports.say(who, what, interact=interact, *args, **kw) KeyError: u'PassLine'

Tony Mack

.984d seems to have resolved both issues. I no longer crash when using the "did you want to keep going" line during the wake-up scenes, nor when I accept after invited to stay the night.