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Ok, this should clean up some of the issues with the last build, primarily the error when trying to take a shower with only one girl at a time, and some issues with the "I love you" option causing odd responses, and also an issue that could happen with lesbian scenes, and a few little teaks that shouldn't cause any major noticeable differences. 



Thanks oni....i felt that something was a bit off but couldn't put my finger on it.


Hey do you think that the other sex options could be a another random event to wake up to? Since we kind of talked about the girls being more aggressive before, i wanted to see how far you ideal scope for the game would be with this. It would pretty awesome to wake to a TF from one of the girls or having Emma bouncing up and down on your junk.


I would like to add some. It can be a little complicated, since that system works outside the rules of the standard sex scenes (like the new shower interactions do), so it's not just like one or two lines of code to throw in there, but it's not a massive problem either, so if I sent like a day or two focused on that one task then I could probably get it working. Maybe for version 0.984. It will help that 0.984 should add some tools for the girls to be more independent and aggressive in general.


oonnnne moooore thing(hehehe)... is Emma's garter and panties supposed to disappear during sex or is there still some stuff to finish for that animation? Side question....Am I the only one that hears Laura's voice as Juri Han from Street Fighter? I mean it fits....


How to install it to my phone? Android system*


Just curious are you for adding a footjob option for Emma at some stage?


Hard to put my finger on it but there seem to be some weird timing/location issues? Tried to ask Kitty on a date, but then got locked into a loop where she took me to danger room, then her room (missing the date), then got mad when I went to Rouge's room, THEN Rouge seemed to think we were outside lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Umm this has happened often with Emma after I said "I love you"... she asks to meet you but never shows up. She does this several time too. Is this the issue you were talking about?

j look

How do u encounter mystique


There's no official Android version, I believe there are ports out there, but the exporter doesn't work on my PC.


Yes. I have art for it, but still need to animate it. That's one of my next immediate goals.


Hmm. I'd like to know how that got started. You shouldn't have to follow a girl anywhere if you don't want to, and it shouldn't skip an entire time block moving from area to area. Also, there should be an element in there where if it's the evening and you have a date scheduled, it should ask you if you want to go there.


Maybe? Does it work in this build? There were several hiccups in the previous one, including Emma's dialog popping up when talking to Laura.


shes in here https://f95zone.to/threads/rogue-like-evolution-expanded-mod.14865/


Another thing I see is the people will randomly change their clothes in the bedroom when you wake up and in the gym when another person speaks that is not on screen.


Yeah, the clothing check system is one I definitely plan to overhaul in 0.984. It's important that it's rigged up in a way that they will change into appropriate clothing when they go someplace, and also change out of it when they leave. Otherwise they just end up taking a shower and then going to class (without changing), or being in the shower and constantly throwing their full outfit back on.

Ya Boi

Hey random question, what are your thoughts on the mod for this game?


I don't really look into it myself, other than what people tell me, because I don't want my version to be influenced by whatever they're doing, but if people enjoy it, if it helps build the profile of this project, then I'm ok with that. I don't charge like $10-15 for people to play my game, my Patreon is more based on "supporting the project" than "buying the product," so I don't have that mindset that "people playing the mod are a lost sale for me!" to worry about. I assume that a lot of the people who do support me also support the mod project, and that's good for both of us, I guess. I do wish that if they're doing quality work over there, that they would just bring it over here and apply it to the core game, but I suppose they have their reasons.


Just me or the game feels kinda slow, the more interactions you do (press buttons) ?


You're saying that the more stuff you click, the slower it gets? Possibly, I mean, it might be storing up more stuff over time, and if anyone else has more data on this, let me know. But I'll just go over a few things that might cause some slowdown and what can be done about it. First, some actions are just slower than others. Some button presses will only cause one or two simple things to happen, and can be processed instantly, others, such as "waiting" can cause dozens of things to happen all at once, which might take a little while. So if only some actions take a while, then that's probably just how those work. Another thing that might happen is that it's possible for the call stack to grow over time. I tried very hard to clear it out when not needed, but it can still happen. I set up a thing so if you return to your room then it should clear out the call stack, so if you're noticing it getting slow, maybe try to return to your room (or leave to a new location and then return if already there) and see if that helps. Another thing that might happen is that records of actions tend to be stored over the course of a time block, and over the course of the day. It's possible that these might slow things down if you pile up a lot of them. Waiting until the next time block will clear all the short term ones, and sleeping will clear the longer term ones, so if it's late in the day and things are slowing down, and then you go to sleep and they improve, then that might be happening. Another factor might be that in this latest build, I upped the "backstep limit," allowing players to move backwards through choices by more steps. I did this because some changes I made added more steps to most choices, which basically made backstepping worthless in a lot of cases. If this becomes a serious issue I could always set it back. The only other thing that I can think of that could cause a building slowdown effect would be animations, that if you cause a bunch of different characters and different animation sequences to activate, they may start working in the background and not go away. I'm not sure how to clear them out without rebooting the game though.


just wanted to say, thanks so much for providing linux builds :)


Could you possibly add a feature to lower the girls obedience/love/inhibition stats. because after a certain point its almost impossible to lower them and you cant "force" them to do things anymore (since they are ok with it by that point)


So I had Kitty in a party when I was approached by Rogue and Emma. That disbanded the party, but without any warning. Is that expected behavior? Also,, Emma continually says she wants to meet me in my room later,but never actually shows up.


Any time a scripted sort of scene shows up, it disbands the current party and gets rid of the girl. I might, at minimum, have them excuse themselves, but it would sometimes be tricky to just roll with them being there, and scenes that already include two girls would be even harder to handle. As for the Emma stuff, it would likely be related to a relationship sequence that is misfiring or something, so it would help to know which you've already cleared. Did you do the boyfriend one? The I love you one? The "sir" one, or the "master" one? I think I might know the cause of this, something to do with the "daddy" option, but it might be something else.


Hi is there anyone that can explain to me or teach me how to port the game to my Android phone, I'm stuck to playing old updates like 982g. I'll be willing to learn. Thnx and have a great day.


This version seems to be a bit laggy when changing location and choosing options. It's not bad, just a few seconds pass after clicking before dialogue/choice moves on but it is noticeable. Didn't have this problem before, so just letting you know.


Hmm, I'll try and see if there's an option I could cut from that. Is it every choice you make, or just ones on the main "you're in [some location]" type menus? I know that Waiting can take a little time.


Dunno of it's the Android port but the shlong is invisible when poking the wolverine...


I've heard that the Android port has some visual issues. I don't put that version out, so I'm not sure how to resolve them.

