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Like I explained in the patch notes here, https://www.patreon.com/posts/28007556 this version will likely be pretty buggy. Do you like bugs? Do you like testing for bugs and then reporting them back? If so, have I fit so many bugs into this badboy! But if that's not you, if you just want to have fun with a sexy little game, maybe wait a little bit on this one, I'll be posting new versions as many as multiple per day, probably at least a few over the next week, and adding some new features too, so maybe give it some time for our crack bug-hunting specialists to get their claws into this build first.

Again, if you do enjoy bug hunting, then please report back any you find. If it's a Renpy crash, the log message that pops up should give vital details as to where the error is in the code, so please post the initial portion of the crash screen either in this thread or in a PM to me, but the portion after it says "Full Traceback" is not usually necessary and can take up a lot of space. If it's not a crash but just something you think is behaving weirdly, like a typo, someone speaking when you don't think they should be, clothes behaving badly, etc., then just let me know, hopefully with some details as to what actions led up to that point. In most cases, errors are due to things happening in a very specific order that caused a bad interaction, rather than just the very last thing that happened.

All that said, I hope you enjoy this one, happy hunting!



bugs he says, psshh how bad can they be....*dies of aids


Hey, its my first time doing a bug report. So I just started a new game and was playing normally but suddenly one day after the initial Rogue barging in scene, I got a new scene involving X-23 and Kitty for the welcome back party, both of whom I hadn't actually met yet.


Damn, I'll fix that, but it shouldn't cause any seious problems, other than being a bit weird.


are these new short black screens intended ? while playing with Laura and changing speed, there is always a short black screen.


Yes, I added those in because it was the simplest way to avoid having those weird animation glitches I was getting with her. I might try to shorten those slightly though.

Patrick Thrasher

Lol, getting set to call something version 1.0? Just poking fun, love the work so far.


I really should eventually, huh? But I'd have to skip so many numbers!

Patrick Thrasher

Lol, at 0.98xx running out of numbers. Unless you just want to be sassy and run those numbers out 0.9xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Anyways, loving the Laura writing.


Has Lauras room been added yet? Because if so I just get the message that her room's a mess and we should move to my room.


Hmm, I might have to edit her chat. You should be able to go to her room directly though.


Yeah, I've gone to her room directly just now. It's there. Just need to edit her chat and let me follow into the room.


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Emma_Chat.rpy", line 2538, in ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list


happened after giving her the pantyhose, i could ignore that massage, still had that pantyhouse in my inventory, emma said she already has that pantyhose. and no option about that pantyhose in the wardrobe. edit: missing Lauras lace corset as well, i only see option for the red corset. edit2: never mind her lace corset, something weird, in another earlier progress save it works fine.


plan Chi with Laura, still not in ? removed the garterbelt option for Lauras wardrobe but the nonvisual ones for Rogue are still in.


Plan Chi should be in. you do need fairly high stats for Laura though. I added her garterbelt option in, Rogue's, I still need to get around to. ;)


the fade to black withlaura is dissssstracting ithapens with everythng


Lil bit of weirdness. Had focused exclusively on Laura and gotten her to max stats in all but obedience, and started working on romancing Rogue. I slept over in Rogue's room for the first time, did the "I loved sleeping next to you" dialogue and then asked her to stay with me instead of going to class. Immediately after, Laura burst into the room in the skimpy outfit I had set her to and said "HEY I NOTICED YOU AND ROGUE HAVE BEEN CLOSE LATELY, I DON'T LIKE HER" etc. etc. (though not in caps of course) without making Rogue leave. Arguably makes sense/could be funny if read the right way, but I had a feeling it might be a bit of a bug.


I'll play with it a bit. I might at least remove it from the sex poses, because I don't think those end up too bad.


Lol. Ok, I'll poke around and see what the best course of action is there. I think maybe to make sure the room is cleared out first, at least.


waaaaaait..... can they get tan lines now? That would be cool.


sorry far so good did notice a spelling mistake though. When Rouge pulls you aside she says "kitty and I noticed you getting kind(a) close to Laura. not sure if the spelling errors get put in here.


I've. . . considered it. It's definitely not in yet, and maybe not ever. I have a sort of idea on how to make it work, but it would require redoing at least some of the existing art, and then might put an added load on the game, because it would mean doing some interesting masking effects. I don't know.


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: Exception: String u'You call [Party[0] and [Party[1]] over.' ends with an open format operation. received this when asking Emma in the classroom during the evening about reconsidering my dating, Laura. ok so still in the classroom, but now Emma has vanished only to be replaced by Kitty and Rouge are here asking about my involvement with Laura once again, the game now believes I'm talking to Emma on the phone.


Hmm, well I think I fixed the first bit, I'm not exactly sure what the deal would be with the second, but we'll see if it keeps happening after this fix.

Breon Flowers

got a couple bug 1. the game completely freezes when i go into Kittys room and i guess her and Laura are trying on outfits 2. got an error giving Emma the clothes i bought her


Ok, the Emma's clothes bug I think I've got fixed. I don't know what's causing issues with the scene in Kitty's room. There is a slight lag after the end of that scene when you are returned to the campus map, but it shouldn't freeze or anything. Does this happen repeatedly?

Breon Flowers

i tried it with all options the only one that works is "walk away" and when i come back yea it works but i miss whatever is suppose to happen


Well that's not good. Where exactly does it freeze on you? I just ran through it a couple times and didn't have any issues. Does it at least display the two girls in the room?

Breon Flowers

when i go to the door it does there dialog and when it gives me the 3 options of either "sneak a peak" "knock on the door" and "walk away" when i pick the first 2 options there's a little more dialog but then it switches to kitty asking what outfit i want to see her in naked or normal clothes i pick then it just freezes there


@Oni i don't know if that's been reported yet but since the introduction of the new "cleaning" system there is a bug where when a girl is willing to do anything the option to "eat it off" is the same as "wipping"


Ok, I solved it! It wasn't "freezing" exactly, it was just getting stuck in an infinite loop of showing that same dialog every time you clicked. This was part a poorly called function, but also part that the function itself had something broken in it. The reason I couldn't find it before is that the bug only happens if Kitty is already supposed to be in her room before that scene, whereas in my testing, she had been elsewhere before the scene and only added to the room because the scene occurred. This should be fixed in the next build, as well as fixing other potential cases where this might occur.


I'm not *positive* that is a bug, because sometimes they choose to not eat it, but I can step through it and see what I can find.


not sure if it's a bug but every time i go to laura's room, we end up going to mine like in the last build.


im just gonna say the Laura is a little more fun. mostly because she is more active. she asks for sex sometimes while the others mostly react to to the MC. she is jumps your bone during one of the love events with her backstory. i like it.... could the other girls get the treatment? they kinda do it with the good morning BJ not much else.


Not sure if you saw the post above, but basically in this build, if you use chatting with Laura to go to her room, it doesn't work, but you should still be able to walk there yourself. This will be fixed next build.


I do want to increase their aggressiveness. I will probably be working on that for the next version. There are certain elements in there that make this not that hard to do, I just need to put in the triggers that make it happen. I want to make sure it's balanced so that they aren't just firing sex at you constantly like a bullet-hell shooter and you can't actually accomplish what you intend to accomplish. ;)

Jack Jackson

where send the bugs?


You can post them in this thread, or private message me with them. I saw the graphical issue you posted with Kitty, and think I may have fixed it. I'm going to push out a new version in a minute.


That just reminds me that i have so much left to learn about the making one of these games. I suck at setting up menus, choices, and triggers. makes my brain melt.


Oh yes, the biggest thing I learned since I started making games instead of just playing them, is how little the game knows if someone doesn't specifically tell them. Now, any time an NPC asks a question they should know, or the player character asks a question he should know, or something just doesn't behave like it should in the real world, I just think, "oh, they didn't plan for that to happen, and so it didn't." ;)


Btw, I am planning on doing a little tutorial about how I construct a scene, probably in a week or two once things calm down.


Gotcha..... wait update?......yay! copy paste time. Add this to my large file or tutorials.


@Oni, I got the dialogue with kitty where she asks for you to pitch in on a welcome gift for Laura before I met either of them.