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Ok, it's been a while since we've had a status update and people are getting antsy, let me fill you in on where I'm at at the moment.

I have Laura's sex pose animations done, I still need to apply some of the clothing art, but the hard part is passed, at least. I have her love scenes finished, and her obedience ones, and her inhibition ones shouldn't take too much time to wrap up. I have a few surprise story encounters that are mostly wrapped up, so that shouldn't take too long to finish, and most of the new clothing items are in for most of the girls, although I might wait until after the first patch release to finish how some of those aspects are used in the game.

Long story short, most of the content for this version is finished, the stuff that still needs doing is mostly finishing bits and pieces of a bunch of different parts, and then doing final testing to make sure nothing explodes out of the gate. I should be able to get an initial build of it out within the month, although as with previous versions, expect the first build to have some bugs, and there are a lot of smaller details that I'd like to keep adding over the following weeks before capping off that version and moving full force into the next.  

I also plan to get some more Girl 5 candidates out, but have been focused on wrapping this one up first.



Can’t wait for it


Thats some awesome news Oni! Cant wait to see that next build, and what have been added for Laura :3 Good luck and have fun with the project, have a neat June!


good to hear from you.... keep up the good work.... cant wait to play the new version

Zakey Ori

Just played it after a long time and lemme just say Laura is pretty darn cute. I still can't but colognes and Rogue still keeps asking to meet her in private but this time she shows up unlike last time... I think. Let's just hope this next patch has less bugs and more successes. Fight on!


The colognes are time-gated based on the days spent in game, so they might not be available on low-day playthroughs. I might tweak that in some way. I'm also considering ways to improve the "meet in my room" type stuff, it's a system that worked well enough with one girl, but the more girls I add the more it stretches and I think I need a better path.

Anthony Michelli

Here's hoping that after the Laura content is done the other characters will get some Addiction gameplay. Feels weird that Rogue has a monopoly on my addiction actions haha

Breon Flowers

is rouge the only one that take the initiative like in the classroom when she slides you the note if not how do i get the other girls to do so?


I think Rogue is the only one with a scene like that in class. I want to make versions for the other girls. They can take initiative in some other situations, like during studying or dates, but I do want to expand that to have them take more actions in general situations.


You make a great work, and i wish you best for next Updates 👍 And im hope in some Update there is an chance im See some pics nice things if im have an date With 1 or 2 girls while eating or the cinema ;-)

Michael H

Will you be adding the girls calendar for when you become there master you can set up stuff in advance.


just hoping you also add Lauras shower cycle, and dont forget her her plan Chi again ;) also dont forget about Rogues Garterbelt, the version without stockings. its available in her Wardrobe menu, but has no visual part to it.


I think plan Chi is in there at the moment. I'll try to get Rogue's garterbelt in there, but keep reminding me if I forget. :D


i believe the option to Rogues garterbelt it is just there because a misunderstanding, in the begining for Laura the Art was there but not the option, after mentioning it .... well thats how Rogue has the option, just got mixed up. in all the time im looking for, i could not find a game with so much customisation for the girls, while letting them do all their other actions. keep up your good work, i need it =)


I think the issue was, I had the art for Rogue's garterbelt in the doggy-style pose, so then I included the option to reach that state during sex, but I never actually added the art for that for her standing sprite, so it's not in there. It's not a difficult fix, I just need to get in there and export it, I just forget to get around to it. :D I think Laura's version covers all the angles at the moment, although come to think of it, I need to double check that she can properly undress to that state in the code. And wait till you see the new option the next version has.

Zakey Ori

Oni that reminds me. That thing about addiction thing I have an idea about it but I'm not sure how it'll work. Player's addiction powers will work differently for different types of mutants. Like how Kitty will get stuck to the ground randomly(the higher the addiction the higher chances for this to happen) and her body parts that are stuck will start to feel "weird". Emma however, her powers involves with her head. Her mind will be filled lewd thoughts or her powers is working againts her. This kind of makes the player's mutant powers like some kind of virus. Like he can seduce their mutant genes to work for him haha. Well anyways, this is just my idea for our player's unused addiction bit

Zakey Ori

Also, Kitty will also feel weird everytime she phases through a wall


This sounds like a fun way to play it. I have some ideas on how to implement it, maybe for the next version.


My only suggestion would be as a level up perk for at least the women, is to decrease their stamina for those who what to get the ahegao type thing before going through the whole 'hour'.


...What's the ahegao thing? I thought they just stopped doing anything when they ran out of stamina and you tried to switch.

Anthony Michelli

When you make a girl orgasm multiple times in a row she will eventually ask to take a break. Say "No, I'm not finished yet" and pop goes the ahegao face. However, the more stamina a girl has, the more orgasms she needs to reach that point.

Jack Jackson

Not this month update?

Iru - 7 full days left


Ouch, way to lay the pressure on. :) I'm still waiting for some art that I'd like to make it in, but I may just leave that stuff out of the first first build of the new version and just let people start working on bug testing the actual content, and then get some of the details in by the end of the version cycle.


Well, the thought of getting a new version this month makes me happy at least :)


how do i get the download?


Do you planning adding game in steam later? I see a big wave of NSFW games with this new steam politics.


scroll down to first of april its version 0.982g or wait a bit more for the newer version


I kind of doubt that it would last on Steam. Better to just keep it here and let people find it. I'm also not sure what I could reasonably charge on there.


You could always set up a demo version to garner attention and ultimately have a redirection set up to go towards your patreon. Plenty of non-H games that look sexual have URL's for an H-version either in the game description or people will post it in the comment section. Plenty of f2p games on steam already so it seems doable. The only problem that comes to mind without any actual knowledge on the matter is that you are playing around with Marvel/FOX IP and I don't know if that would be an issue.


I believe it's more about profiting off of the characters and imagery of the X-Men franchise y'know? Could put the whole game in danger.


Selling the game directly on Steam vs supporting Oni developing adult games while he works on one that happens to feature X-Men imagery are two legally different beasts

Michael H

any rough estimate on the new release


Testing, testing. I just got done doing the basic testing through a few of the story paths, and also got some more art for Emma in. I'm in serious crunch here, hopefully just a few more days before I can get something out.


no need to hurry, this month still has 2 days left :D


tfw even indie devs gotta do Crunch Time as their patrons crack the whip


Hey Oni, what art was added for Emma, if you can say? Just curious, I wasn't sure what was coming in besides Laura's stuff. I'm so hyped for her to finally have all her actions in and be in a relationship.


Any update?


Some things I want to keep as a surprise, and some I'll put in a patch notes style post, but right now she has one full outfit, and if I can find the time to export them, some stockings too. I'll at least get those in by the end of this dev cycle, but might not get to it for the first build.


Sooooooon. I just finished testing the new rooms and new story content, I need to add a few more items, double check a few things, maybe update some art that still looks a little janky, and then we should be good to go.


in this case only next month, sorry for the previous joke


Unrelated to current release stuff, have you thought about hiring or commissioning content writers for smaller events? It seems like you quite enjoy doing a lot of the writing, but something I keep seeing requested is more random events to break up the flow of the gameplay, hiring writers (ideally familiar with renpy) to write 4 or 5 versions of a single event for different inhibition/love/obedience combinations within a template that mimicks at least part of necessary coding (which might work okay since renpy is fairly conducive to that plug and play sort of writing) could be a good way to get some additional content that changes as players advance out there. That said I obviously don't know your workflow, and I get the feeling the system in place to move girls and their clothes and expressions around is probably fairly complex and doing that part of the work could very well be more work than the actual writing. Either way, love the game!

Oni's Fan

Oni there is https://www.patreon.com/Dinaki guys who speak well of you and your game. They are sometimes advertise your project to their patrons as game they must play on their discord server. They are like your stuff


Actually, community member Ai Muhao has been doing up some small dialog and story snippets that will be a part of this build, and other writers have come along through the process that have contributed this or that. It can be tricky to find people that are consistent and stick around for the long term, several people who have contacted me have sort of wandered off, or they had very specific ideas for the type of content they wanted to add that didn't necessarily fit with the tone of the project. As for actual content production, once I'm settled in on this latest build I might do a blog post about how to build scenes in the game, to maybe inspire people to contribute. It's really not *all* that hard, and while some of the scenes I build have some complexity to them, most of the general stuff like expressions and clothing can be fairly simple to pick up. Some writers I've worked with just start with a simple "script," just writing the story out linearly, with various options, and then flagging out things like expressions and choices for me to turn into code. Then I can walk them through how I *would* turn that into code, so that they'd have a better idea how to do it on the next time around. Renpy is a very simple programming language to pick up for even "non-programmer" types. If I do have to turn the dialog into code myself, that can sometimes be a somewhat time consuming process, but it's still faster than doing the entire thing from scratch.


Ah very cool! I'm looking forward to reading the new content. And ya I guess that's the unfortunate truth of trying to collab on the internet. Fair does though. When you feel up to it I bet a blog post like that would generate some interest for writers, Ren'Py really is super intuitive to learn I found, definitely something "non-programmer" folks are able to pick up with relative ease. Main roadblock is just knowing how you personally format the sprites and their filenames and what have you I think. Cool though! Take it easy Oni.

Ya Boi

Hey! Love the game! Any idea when the update will drop?


Soooon! I REALLY want to get something out Sunday, but I can't be positive it'll all be up and running by then. Last night I got Emma's new clothes ingame and working, and added everyone's new outfits to the shops.


I've been trying to make my systems as simple as possible. I made a big change to them a few versions back so that I could more easily get a single line of code to apply to any girl being active, rather than having specific code for each. To change expressions, you can just copy-paste a line of code and they change the expressions in it to "smile" or "surprised" or whatever, and to change outfits is the same. There are also more fine controls you can optionally use for more detail, but the basics are covered simply. Anyone who wants to contribute, just shoot me a message with some details as to what you'd like to do. It's easiest to start with just a pitch of a scene concept.

Ya Boi

Amazing! Can't wait! Keep it up, good moves, proud of you!


Absolutely love this game! Great job!!! If you are taking suggestions I would love to see Nocturne make an appearance.