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Ok, just letting you guys know where I am on this one. I'm not putting out a fresh pic this week because I spent to time trying to nail down some elements of the game, and it's really coming together (expect a new pic next week though). My plan is that in the very near future I'll be releasing the final beta build, and then roughly a month or so after that I'll have the final Rogue build finished.

This beta build will be a TRUE beta, as in, it won't work. Expect it to crash occasionally, expect some of the graphics to be unpolished, expect it to be unbalanced, the testing on it will be fairly minimal, but it will include every feature I currently have in there, minus some of the testing/debug tools I use. If all you want to do is play it and expect it to work, chill out, wait a month or so, and the "launch" version will be as bug free as I can manage, but I would really appreciate getting some testing feedback.

When the game crashes, it will generate an error report. Please post/email/private message me as much of this report as you can, at least the part where it lists the name of the file involved, and the line number. This can make it very easy for me to track down how that error occurred. I also want feedback from you guys about what elements you enjoyed, which were lame, and on the overall balance. Is it too easy or too hard to max a certain stat out? Did you get stuck on raising a certain stat and couldn't get it higher? Was something too grindy? How many times did I misspell something? I need to know these things.

While you guys are toying around with the beta build, breaking it, and helping me find solutions, I'll be at work putting the final polish in, updating some of the UI elements, adding some graphical options, and fixing what needs fixing for the final build.

As for the screenshot above, this is showing off two of the things I got working, the Danger Room background (although there's not a ton to do in there at the moment), and the titjob animation cycle. It currently only works when she's topless, and doesn't currently reflect the new piercing options I added, but it does at least animate. I wish there were a simple way to export gifs of the animation cycles done in Renpy. Forgive the dialog, btw, that's an example of an "early" titjob sequence, she does get a bit more creative as she learns. 

Another feature I added but haven't gotten around to mentioning is "date night," where you can take her out for dinner and/or a movie, and have the potential to tweak your odds a bit. Let's just say that it's much easier to get the ball rolling after a very successful date than if you just walk up to her room. Remember though that you don't always have to go the "paragon" route, there are at least some benefits to going "renegade." 




If anyone's tried to post and it hasn't worked, PM me, something might be screwy here.


I glad to see that everything is progressing smoothly. Can't wait for the release.

Zera (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2021-07-14 10:06:41 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.
2015-06-10 07:38:18 Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.

Sorry, I've been missing a lot of posts. One of the other artists I'm supporting for some reason gets the art work of a ton of other artists posted to her page as well, so I mostly see the artwork of a crap ton of people I don't know or follow. I have no idea how to disable it. I only want to see the specific artist's work, not the work of artists that somehow tag the artist I'm following. Anyway, I'm glad to hear the beta is coming along. When you release it I'll be sure to give it a go and let you know if anything is wrong.

riki dalton

Hey Oni, any updates? CANNOT WAIT TO PLAY :)


Right now I'm polishing up a few things, finishing off the basics to get everything in a working condition. I've finished the shower scenes, a study session sequence, and a few other tweaks. Hopefully I'll get it into the closed beta mode soonish.