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Ok, this one should change a few things and fix a few bugs. Notably, it should make some changes to when girls walk in on you in the shower to better express their reactions, it should clear up a little bug that caused. . . overenthusiastic responses during dates, it overhauls the "caught by Xavier" system a bit to better involve the second girl in the scene and be a bit more streamlined, it adds an option to change Laura's name back and forth to X-23, adds the ability to equip Rogue's garterbelt alone, and should fix some errors when having sex with her wearing the garterbelt and panties. And some other things. We'll see how it works out. 



OK. Cool. Tried dating Emma for a bit - never could. Is that not implemented yet or is it a bug? She kept getting pissed I missed them.

Anthony Michelli

Dating Emma was implemented either last build or the build before. That's not a bug, you're not supposed to miss the dates. They will be angry at you forever and half for missing a date.


Think I found another bug: The leveling system doesnt't work anymore on the main character. If I want to increase the semen points, it says you reached max lvl already, but displayed are only 4 points. It's also not possible to cum for the last time because the same effect as focusing happens, never able to fill the bar.


Ahh, sry, Problem fixed itself after making out with another girl (happend during the sex-scene with rogue) and the morning-skip-bug is not happening anymore, Thank you ^^


Got an exception after getting caught by Xavier. I was in a threesome with Kitty and Laura. It happens in Xavier's office after he tells us to leave. File "game/Laura_Scenes.rpy", line 1034, in <module> NameError: name 'rules' is not defined</module>


Are you planning on creating a discord so that you can more effeciently communicate with patreons? Just a suggestion.


I've considered it. I've never had much trouble communicating with players via Patreon though. The only issue I have is that in long threads if someone responds to an earlier post it can be a bit tricky to track down in the stack, but I get an email anytime someone posts, so nothing falls through the cracks.


You made me like laura/x23 a lot despite her being essentially only half done. Now you got me waiting impatiently. I hate you.


Im having some Oddity, I did spent some time with Rogue in my room, i did send her away. i moved to the Danger room to Laura. first thing i got the message if i want to follow her in her private rooms, it was Rogues message and i landed in Rogues room with Rogue. Happened now the second time, first time to much of it skipped my memory.


u manually send a girl away, MC changes the room, Girl (somewhere else) askes if i wanna follow.


Where does this game save it's crash logs? I think I'm having issues due to my graphics card, but I can't be certain without them.


Oni, i did not mean Rogues garter belt, last time and it seems it just doesnt work, there is no visual change form being without. and when u wanna pull this "invisible" garter belt off it uses "you could lose the hose" i meant Lauras garter belt, u cant let her redress it when u put it off. Except when u choose the complete Outfit and peel her out of it again. a simple use the garter belt with hose, in her options.


I believe there are some log files in the same directory as the executable, but I don't mess with them much so I don't know much about them. Is the game actually causing graphical glitches?


I'm not sure what you mean. If she has the garterbelt and stockings, then you should be able to equip them from her wardrobe. "The thigh-high hose would look good with that" is the hose themselves, "The stockings would look good with that" is both, "Maybe just the garterbelt?" is just the belt? What are you trying to do and can't?


The animation for Lauras vibrator egg is missplaced, same as with the hand earlier. seems it uses the same missplacement regardles if she is closer or further away.


Yeah, it's just an issue that I didn't properly shift the animations for those actions, so they are using poses that line up for Emma or something.


seems the problem of the Girls getting stuck on cleaning the cock while dancing is gone. if she just moves back to the position she was earlier and not in front of the other girl, that would be perfect.


Hey Oni. Doesn't error but bit of an odd one. Have Emma and Rogue university square and Emma isn't down with threesomes. Talk to Rogue and fool around, then ask Emma if she wants to join in and she just disappears, no comment or error shown.


Rogue's garterbelt isn't showing for me when I choose "maybe just the garterbelt", works fine with stockings, but with just the garterbelt , nothing is showing.


Is there a walkthrough for the game maybe?


havent seen one on Patreon yet. If not pinned by Oni you wont even find it. just ask the questions if u have problems with the girls ore a certain action.

Patrick Coleman

So Oni, question. I haven't got the new version yet but say you have a save where all the girls but X-23 are ignored by the "caught by Xavier" by the methods of getting out of it. With the new system what if X-23, another girl and your character get caught? Does he reprimand you all or just you and X-23?


There's supposed to be functionality for one of the girls walking in while you're taking a shower, correct? I can't seem to get it to happen...


I find I often have "invisible girls" that are in a scene and I can see floating numbers, but can't interact with them.


So, is there a reason why if a girl walks into- say, class, or the danger room- she's capable of teleporting into the showers a few seconds later?


Noticed something peculiar about the threesome option from 'other options' during a sex scene. If the primary girl is too embarrassed to do things in public (a second girl is present), such as having their breasts or pussy played with and will not agree to a threesome for any reason, I can just ask the secondary girl through other options to do things to the primary girl while making out or feeling up her thigh. I have been able to tell Kitty, who won't even give me a blowjob in public or let me finger her in private, to eat Rogues ass while in the danger room, even though she refused a threesome originally. She completely ignores the fact its public, that she refused the request a moment ago, that she may not even like the girl she is doing the act on, or that she is still too timid to perform the act on me directly. I have been using this to get more timid girls to orgasm quickly by pulling Rogue or Laura into Kitty's room and having them work her over while I just kiss her or rub her thigh. The primary girl doesn't seem to freak out at the sight of your penis as long as the second girl pulls it out. I know that in the past the it was hard to get the girls to perform threesome actions, but at the current settings, it seems super simple to get to some of the riskier threesome actions when it doesn't make sense.


Also just tried it with Emma who was still in her "I can't be scene screwing you in public" mode. I brought Laura in after class with Emma, locked the door and proceeded to ask Laura to make out with Emma after Emma refused to open the sex options menu. Emma for some reason agreed to make out with her and I proceeded to to test all of the options, including stripping, and Emma agreed to take off all of her clothes except her bra. I then chose to switch to Emma during a blowjob and was able to progress through that action, but when I went back to the sex menu, Emma switched to "I told you I can't be seen doing this stuff in public" to which I answered "I don't care who sees us" and she got pissed and left after just having sex in public.


You were in class, now you're in the showers. She was in class, now she's in the showers. Seems fine. Since you can't be in two places at once, neither can she.


I might add a few small things over the coming weeks, but the bigger stuff will have to wait for the next major version in a few months. Lots of work to do.


See if they show during doggy-style. I think it's an issue that I didn't create the art for the standing pose version of it.


I'm still considering tweaking this a bit, but currently it's set up so that he sort of ignores that the other girl is there if she's "off his radar."


It should work, I think other players have been reporting it happening. If you enter the showers and see little icons in the top right of the screen, that indicates some girls may enter later.


I'm not sure what that is. What evidence is there of them other than floating numbers? Do their names come up or something? The numbers might relate to a girl already visible but if they are at a different location on the screen then the location of the numbers might just be off.


The people in the shower are largely pulled from characters who were in the Danger Room or their own rooms during that block, so they'll often shift from one to the other. And as pink doors noted, travel times can be vague, so they might get there ahead of you or something. ;)


Fair point, I can try to make these a bit more complex. There are behavioral checks, but maybe not harsh enough. Emma's . . . complicated. I have to add in a lot of specific carve outs to scenes to account for her particular hangups. I've just added one that should prevent her going along with make-outs until she's also comfortable with other stuff.


Update: I've been able to get it to happen sporadically, but I often get the floating numbers with invisible girls that I mention in another comment. Other than that, I'll have to check on the icons tonight! I'd never noticed that. It's not the same as the icons you use to select a girl to view their stats is it?


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/Laura_Scenes.rpy", line 1034, in <module> NameError: name 'rules' is not defined


They're the same icons, but smaller and placed under the right-hand bar. They appear whenever a girl is "in the area" but not right next to you, it's meant to represent things like them being in the classroom but not right next to you so they aren't exactly aware of you. I intend to expand this a bit, by having more opportunities for pulling and pushing girls in and out of that space and into the "main stage," and for "nearby" girls to react in "crowd scene" situations. I'm still curious about this "invisible girls" thing though, are you sure that these are actual characters considered to be there by the game, and that it's not just the stats of existing girls that are being displayed off-center?


Is sex not implemented yet for laura?


No, those animations haven't been done yet, but are planned to be part of 0.;983.


Yeah, this is linked to high Inhibition stat and very little else. I might rebuild Rogue's "milestone" elements at some point, they're fairly rudimentary and I feel I've done a better job building them on later characters.


Odd, I'll look into that.


soooo, seems like Laura is is locked.... unless we shouldn't be able to max out anything which i could understand. .... Hold on, i may just be sleepy.... let me double check....


If the issue is that some stat or another isn't raising when you expect it to, keep in mind that every stat-up effect in the game has a "range" to it, and almost all stat-raises slow or stop completely at a given threshold, so different approaches might be needed to continue. There are no hard caps on Laura's progression, but it might be hard to get her past a certain point, especially given that many of her activities aren't in yet, nor are her relationship scenes.


I will see if I can get a Screenshot for you soon, as it happens kind of randomly. I don't know whether the girls are considered to be in the scene or not, but I will be alone in a scene and I will sometimes see these floating numbers. Most of the time it seems to happen in the showers, but that might be because I have been spamming them to try and get a girl to walk in on me.


there is a way to Phone a girl without knowing her number. well in the normal talking menu the switching to a girl without number is blocked. ( you dont know her number ) but its not blocked when you move to the girl-settings and switch to another girl in that menu.


I find this update to be quite stable, though I have noticed that if you scroll back through previous choices a lot, the + and - stats won't pop up until you reload the game, but that's just an extremely minor point, not even a concern. I've also seen some issues with the whole, "Should I change into my gym clothes?" option, because it seems whenever I say no, they do anyway, but maybe I'm misunderstanding the phrasing of it and/or they need to have certain stat level at a certain spot. Lastly, I look forward to Laura's room, whenever it gets in, and I hope it actually has a messy background look, lol. Out of interest, how hard would it be to code an option of, and I'll phrase this as nice as I can, while in a threesome situation, instead of getting a girl to eat it of her own body, but to get the other participant to eat it off theirs instead? It just seemed like it might be an option to look into? Or not, again, I don't know if that'd be difficult or not. I'm loving the characterization of Laura, and am quite happy with how she's come out. I only wish there was some chubbier girl from the X-Men universe that could eventually make their way in XD but that seems unlikely, and certainly it's more important to solodify the base instead of branching out to that mythical hope of mine :P You're really doing an amazing job with this, thank you for your work.


I haven't played the new versions yet as I've been waiting on your ultra stable version, but are Colognes actually enabled now?


They're always in there, but they don't unlock until 50 days into the game. I might change that, but they aren't meant to be casually available.


So you can get the stat-ups to the point that they stop showing up completely? I'm curious to figure out why that's happening, they sort of work on a cycle so maybe hopping back and forth two fast breaks that cycle or something. And yeah, the Gym clothes system is a bit annoying. I'll try to reorganize it a bit. I can get girls to clean each other off, or the second girl to clean off the player, or whatever. I intend to get around to it at some point. It wouldn't be a huge change to much, I just need to add some menu options, and some checks, and whatnot. It's not trivial work, but not crazy stuff. As for other girls, Doreen Greene will be in the running for the 5th girl. . .


I have no clue. I've never been able to use them and I always thought they were just placeholder items.


They are basically cheats, they temporarily effectively boost one stat at a time (there's no change to the UI, it's behind the scenes), making most stat checks easier. Some stat checks ignore this effect though.


Very nice. I never knew they required Day 50. I always thought they weren't added in yet. I will definitely try them out on my next playthrough!

Mraz Pendragon

Is there any way to make a cologne to have an effect that makes the girls really horny, to where they pounce you as soon as they see you, and keep going till the effect where's off?