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Ok, I'd consider this one to be a somewhat risky build, I believe that I fixed a few things, but I also added some new features which might cause their own issues.

New Features:
-You can now have two girls dancing at a time. There are a few things I might add or tweak about this, but as it stands, when you start the activity, they just dance, no stripping. You can allow this to continue for some minor relationship gains, or get them to start stripping. You can tell them to stop stripping and just dance at any time as well. If you push a girl into stripping past where she is comfortable, she might leave, or if one girl strips past where the other girl is comfortable that might cause her to take off. If both girls stop dancing or you hit "stop" then it ends.

-I added an option where the second girl in a scene will now have a portion of her status bar displaying below the primary one, allowing you to more easily track her progress. This is also something I plan to tweak a bit, but it should be fun to play with. If you ever see both bars the same color, let me know the steps leading to that, because that might indicate something going wrong that was previously a bit difficult to track (it would lead to issues like the wrong girl talking during a scene or other weirdness).

-Rogue's stockings should finally work during sex scenes. Hopefully.

-Some of the characters saying "0" or "1" during menu dialogs should be fixed, if you ever see this happening, please let me know what the activity was, and what the line of dialog before that was, as well as a menu item that is in the list. I know what causes this one, but might have missed one.

-Some other stuff.



is Emma not entering a relationship with you fixed yet?


lets have a taste of it =)


Are you aware that there's some bug that causes the game to tell you that a girl is putting her clothes on as you enter a room? At least in the last version there was. I haven't tested on this one yet. I think it happens if the last time you saw her she wasn't clothed. It's been around for ages. I've never bothered to bring it up before because I was lazy. It's also nowhere near game breaking and I figured you probably already knew. But I guess I finally decided to report it now :).


This version I changed some stuff, might be different. The intention with that mechanic was that it was only meant to play when you had a girl in the room, got some of her clothes off, and then whatever circumstances would make her want to throw that same outfit back on, it would play that message. Unfortunately, various other combinations of events would cause the message to trigger as well. This build I changed it from being a default thing, to something that should only trigger when I deliberately told it to, so let me know if it still happens in a specific situation you think it shouldn't. Details matter in narrowing it down.


Just thought I would mention, the issue with the females staying with just a towel in their room after showering is fixed.


The textline "ain´ t none a this right, sugar." i have not the slightest idea what it should mean. just bevore Rogue rushes out of her room while stripping.


How are the tights and stockings supposed to work during sex? They just tend to disappear for me.


Got the message "After Dinner you head back to the dorms." It was a double date with Rouge and Kitty but only went to the Movie Theater.


During study time with Rogue in her room, Rogue leans close to you, and leans in for a kiss. till now i thought it should move you directly into the kissing menu with a girl. but here it just endet the study time, with the usual text about time well spend. had a little go with Rogue bevore study time, time was half spent.


first try with the new dancing, i like the new options and the removed timeskip. lets you have a better control of it, have yet to see what it looks liek with 2 girls. In the showers with Rogue and Kitty, asked Rogue to dance, Rogue was into it, Kitty was not. Rogue startet to dance while Kitty seems frozen not interested in Rogues undressing or Zero jerking off.with no menu action for Kitty.


Ok, that might have gotten left behind in the changeover to the new system, I'll get it back in for version d.


Hmm. Ok, I see how that could happen. I'll add in some checks. Basically, if they don't start dancing at all, they sort of get ignored until the end of the scene, due to the way I originally had it.

Harry Jamerson

Will there be a dirty talk feature for Kitty and Emma, like Rogue has?


A weird bug for Emma still happens where she won't keep wearing whatever outfit she has on in class and switches to the default with the jacket. This'll happen irregardless if it's an outfit she's actually comfortable wearing in public.


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3268, in <module> IndexError: list index out of range -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 1039, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 2151, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 85, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 146, in script call File "script Scenes.rpyc", line 3268, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 980, in script File "D:\Games\Rogue Like\renpy\ast.py", line 1341, in execute args, kwargs = self.arguments.evaluate() File "D:\Games\Rogue Like\renpy\ast.py", line 184, in evaluate args.append(renpy.python.py_eval(v, locals=scope)) File "D:\Games\Rogue Like\renpy\python.py", line 1794, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "D:\Games\Rogue Like\renpy\python.py", line 1788, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3268, in <module> IndexError: list index out of range Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.981c [/code] </module></module>


Rogue dancing in danger room asking her to strip (before she is ready to strip there)


Great work, Oni! Thanks! Of course, some moments require a further work, but overall, it's all cool!


They have it, although I don't know that I have the controls to turn it on and off yet. Should default to on. I do need to flesh out that system for all the girls though, it's a bit rudimentary at the moment.


She has a specific "teaching" outfit that you can set in her wardrobe menu. It's stricter than what she will just casually wear around. If you have set this and it's not sticking, then that's a bug, let me know, but if it's just a matter of her not wearing an outfit she normally wears around, then that's working as intended.


Found an error with Rogue if you get her to start stripping and then start masturbating on day 5 event, even if you've seen each other naked in the shower previously. She says the "ain't none a this right, sugar" line and leaves the room, but the "Okay, that was enough, you can touch me now." post bargaining menu still pops up.


Hmm. Ok, so the leaving bit was probably ok I think, it might be pushing things a bit too far for so early, but yeah, it doesn't really interact well with the addiction scene, so I should probably tweak that a bit. I'll try to figure out the most reasonable solution there.


Its a normal part of the menu. If a Girl does dance u can ask her to strip. Its the new feature of this version 0.981C


I am setting dressings for Emma, and saving to specific slots. the girls are saying stuff if they would go out like this or not. Here I am, giving Emma her gloves and her jacket for op, boots and sport pants for bottom and she does say: "Im unsure about wearing a towel out, mr. zero" <a href="https://imgur.com/a/YsTHvYR" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/YsTHvYR</a>


Lol, that's odd. It's just a display issue, no mechanical difference, but I will fix it for next build.


I don't know if anyone has reported this bug, but whenever I tell Emma to clean up, after I tell her "you got a little something", or clean up Emma during other options. She just ignores with "huh" or continuing whatever action she was currently doing at the moment. Also, is it possible for the outfit we assign Emma to stick permanently throughout the whole day if it's a weekday? Most of the time whenever I see Emma at class and after, she is in her default outfit even though I already assigned her an outfit for that day. My best bet to see the assigned outfit I give Emma is on the weekend when there's no class.


Ok, I made a tweak with Emma that should make the clean-up thing work more efficiently, although there are still cases where she will lean toward doing nothing, she can be a bit spirited. Emma has a "teaching" outfit that is separate from casualwear. You can set it under scheduling and "other," but you need fairly high stats with her to agree to that, since she takes her job seriously.


Is there a reason I don't hear any audio?

Peter Vanusanik

I haven't tried c version but in b version you can't change female pet names at all. They will always return to root menu of "Polite/Risky/Nevermind".


I just never really applied any audio to the game. I've considered it, but always ended up prioritizing some other aspect.


Hmm. It should always change those names, although I should note that I don't actually *use* those names very often in the game. It does not change their display name or anything like that. At the moment only Emma and Laura have display names that change, and that's only based on general plot circumstances. That wouldn't be a good place for petnames anyway, since it would be confusing if you used the same name on multiple characters.


In C the Girls will call you with the changed Petnames. for example, when joining class u will only see names like Kitty and Rogue, thats normal. I do not care much about these Petnames, so i dont even know where the Girls should be called by her PEtnames


At the moment only a few scenes use it, mostly romance conversations and that sort of thing. I might expand this a bit in some cases, but basically the player doesn't address characters directly by name often yet.


then i guess C is working as intended. couse after setting the name, the Girls say their opinion about it and u get back to the "rootmenu"

Peter Vanusanik

In this version, I can't start new game (maybe when game exist?): ScriptError: could not find label 'Rogue_Room_Test'.

Peter Vanusanik

ok after testing it, it is unrelated to new game or not. It simply does not work :) Even with clean install and also it doesn't work in b version either?

Peter Vanusanik

ok NVM, apparently setting to developer is what causes it. So now I have to remove developer, start the game, enable developer :P kinda annoying

Peter Vanusanik

also if you take any ideas, what would be cool is if during showers girls could also come in the room, not only you coming on girls :)

Peter Vanusanik

Btw do you have some bug report website? Another strange bug is when you ask for date but instead spend time with the same girl (Emma in my case), next day she will be pissed that you stood her (even though you were with her all the time and even spent the night).


When u ask a Girl for a Date, you have to meet with them at University Square during the Evening. No matter if the Girls themself ask if u wanna spend time with them, they wont initiate the date Event if time and place is wrong. For Bugs this here is the right place, or PrivateMessage to Oni.


Yup, like Dendo said, my preferred place for bug reports is either the latest release thread (this one, for now), or PM me if you prefer. Fair point on the dating thing though, I can maybe try to add some more options there, like if you happen to be in the same room with them then they'll prompt you to start the date, or if you're nowhere and it's evening with a date scheduled it will remind you of the date just in case.


is there only one scene of x23


Yes, in this version. When version 0.982 comes out in a couple months, expect to see a few more interactions with her, and then some more in version 0.983, and so on until she is as feature complete as the other girls. But for now, it's just a cameo to get some impressions of the design.

Handsome Idiot

How long til stable version comes


Well, the last few have been reasonably stable. I had a complaint about version d that Emma sometimes doesn't clean herself off when she should, so I made a few tweaks, but I'm not sure if that's worth an entirely new build over yet.

Miguel Solorio

Apparently if i level up myself i get an exception has occured for a good minute


Ouch, what does the error message say? That will help me track down the problem. I typically don't need anything after "full traceback," but the part before that should have some line numbers or something.

Miguel Solorio

It's multiple exception i close one and another opens

OniArtist (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 09:42:59 Right, but what does it say? Like here's one Randy posted above: While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3268, in &lt;module&gt; IndexError: list index out of range It should give the file and line name that threw the error, and some sort of explanation that can help me narrow it down. Like the one above, that means it's a problem with a list asking for a location that doesn't exist. You don't need to list every one if a bunch of pages pop up, but even one or two would be good, especially the first one that pops up. &lt;/module&gt;
2018-12-20 11:54:43 Right, but what does it say? Like here's one Randy posted above: While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3268, in <module> IndexError: list index out of range It should give the file and line name that threw the error, and some sort of explanation that can help me narrow it down. Like the one above, that means it's a problem with a list asking for a location that doesn't exist. You don't need to list every one if a bunch of pages pop up, but even one or two would be good, especially the first one that pops up. </module>

Right, but what does it say? Like here's one Randy posted above: While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 3268, in <module> IndexError: list index out of range It should give the file and line name that threw the error, and some sort of explanation that can help me narrow it down. Like the one above, that means it's a problem with a list asking for a location that doesn't exist. You don't need to list every one if a bunch of pages pop up, but even one or two would be good, especially the first one that pops up. </module>

Miguel Solorio

It doeant seem to happen anymore i started new game and did the same rhing that made it happen the first time but it didn't